Sunday, May 26, 2019


From the editor:  Jerry McHale's blogging niche is well known; reposting the offerings of other bloggers and creating make-believe stories about a non-existent journalist's association and other fictitious characters.

On today's "Whine with Cheez" podcast, guest Robert "Captain Bob" Sanchez claimed he reads Jerry "for a laugh."

Following the podcast, McHale's blogging stepchild in McAllen weighed in with an inaccurate portrayal of things.  What else is new? The guy is totally irrelevant, factually challenged and apparently has no transportation to actually cover Brownsville.  He's merely a reckless typer with zero substance.

In the story posted below, Jerry's protΓ©gΓ© claims Captain Bob "tore them apart," referencing Erasmo and me. . . . LOL!

Actually, Bob was the essence of Linder Milquetoast, mostly meek, although a bit defensive when I asked him about his $600 or $1000 contribution in "one dollar bills" from Tad Hasse that he failed to report on his Campaign Finance Report in his 2018 run for County Judge.

Of course, Bob is welcome to return to the podcast, although Charlie Atkinson and Melissa Zamora are tentatively scheduled for next week's show.  

McHale has also appeared at least twice and is a welcome addition to the podcast.

"Captain" Bob Sanchez appeared on Erasmo Castro and Jim Barton's Whine & Cheez show and apparently he didn't disappoint /DP-M, the publisher of The Brownsville Republic. At The McHale Report we searched both Castro and Barton's sites for the video, but there was no transmission. 
If /DP-M's version of the event is accurate, should anybody be surprised when the Captain spots a microphone in front of him, his ecstasy immediately ejaculating in an oratorical orgy? Writes /DP-M from his manor in McAllen: 
His appearance on the Sunday afternoon Internet podcast “Whine & Cheez” was supposed to be a ploy by hosts Erasmo Castro and Jim Barton to boost its ratings, but invited guest Capt. Bob Sanchez surprised them by tearing into the two for contributing to Brownsville’s horrible image.

I tore them apart,” Sanchez told The Republic after the show. “The guy (Castro) is a piece of shit, and so is Jim Barton. He’s just a wicked guy.

Sanchez, a former candidate for mayor and for Cameron County Judge, has been itching for a forum that will allow him a shot at laying waste to the city’s bad public servants, lawyers and local bloggers.

I told those guys our bloggers are trashing Brownsville, all of them except for the gentleman from McAllen, Duardo Paz-Martinez,” El Capitan went on. “They didn’t like that, especially Barton who said Duardo shames his family and ex-wife, Nena.

Sanchez said he took shots from both hosts, but left the podcast with this, “They said I was bullying them, those fucking assholes.

The Republic has written extensively about Nena Barton’s passing, always in an informative manner about how Jim Barton passed on a traditional funeral and instead handed her over to science, donating the body days after her death on April 9, 2018.

Since then, Barton has posted a string of unprovoked attacks on The Republic, the latest coming this past week when he published an insulting photoshopped graphic of The Republic’s editor drawn-up by his son, James Barton, Jr., AKA Diego Lee Rot.

As we have written over and over and over – and told Bartonwe do not say a goddamned thing about him or about his late wife unless he throws garbage at us first – which he does without apology. The Republic strikes back with vigor, yes, but the former motel clerk, shrimp boat unloader, grocery store bagger still persists.

Sanchez, meanwhile, said he’d like another shot at appearing on Whine & Cheez, although he said he doubted Erasmo Castro, the straight man in the show, would approve such a move. Barton, the humorless second-banana on the podcast broadcast from a  downtown cafe, would likely not appear were El Capitan to be booked one more time. In the past, he also has cowardly attacked Sanchez on his comatose Blog, never confronting the Bigger Man in person.

We are awaiting posting of the Podcast on any of the city’s Blogs for further review and news coverage, including whatever comments Castro and Barton offer.

When we asked Castro via Facebook late Sunday afternoon about it, he said he’d forward a link so that we could hear the entire show for ourselves. We’ll see if he does…


  1. Where's the podcast?

  2. Mr, Barton ,
    Thank you for always.being a gentleman in regards to respect for the ladies.
    You never attack our beautiful Brownsville ladies.
    I still ask myself how can female candidates advertise in a blog that trashes
    and demeans women. That really says a lot about them.
    Please continue doing what you do and ignore those two heathen bloggers.
    No one takes them seriously. You and Juanito Montoya are tops.
    Many blessings to you and your beloved bride to be.

  3. Speaking of the "fictitious," didn't you announce the hiring of a Laura Miniel to your "staff" a few weeks ago. You have no staff. You lie just like McHale lies. Own it.

    1. You misinformed. Laura wrote a great article for the blog about vegetarian cuisine and, when she finishes sound heavy duty legal work will write again.
