Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Video: Commissioners Tetreau, De Leon Try To Stem the Tide of Logogate


  1. I wish the rest of the commissioners had the balls to go against that old man with glasses that sits in the middle. He's not worthy of being called Mayor.

  2. He is a tired old man who should have never run if he couldn't deliver on that stupid campaign promise. De Leon's vote is a good sign if only Villarreal stopped thinking like a small time tortilla salesman sucking up to the big coconuts in Austin for some business crumbs.

  3. Poor Jessica Jimbo, she rides that wind like the many palm trees that infest brownsville. Where was she when this was going on? She is always late and a dollar short on issues....Lincoln Park another example...when the people voice their displeasure, she sides with them. How about saying something before for once?! And she said she is OK with all Oliveira did, she is OK paying the guy, but wants public participation for the logo.....should have come up with that idea before bids went out Rick Flair.

    1. So what you want is another commissioner who doesn't give a damn about what the electorate wants and is out of touch? Somebody with no finger on the pulse of the community? You sound impossible to please.

    2. your argument becomes invalid as soon as you have to start calling Jessica names. Out of all of the assholes up there, Jessica and de Leon are the only ones up there that care what the people say.

    3. I applaud Tetreau for realizing the mistake the city made, however I wish she would just stop being so intimidated by the mayor and Oliveira. you can tell she doesn't want the logo but doesn't know how to be assertive, almost as though she's asking if it's ok for her to find a way to maybe do both? Maybe have a contest and called it "honorary"? what kind of crap is that? Everyone is so passive aggressive, except for doofuz Villarreal who's got his nose stuck so far up Oliveira's crack and he also has an MBA from Tamale Tech and we're supposed to be impressed with that. Gowen, like a true Zavaleta, is too busy genuflecting before an Oliveira that anything he wants is honky dory. De Leon should stop being cute and coy and get to the fucking point. Lets put money on fixing Brownsville first. Thanks for the video, learned a lot.

  4. Having seen Tetreau grow a pair during key moments in the past, I have to say that that when she seems too pacific she's saving the zinger for the right moment that resonates the most.

    Sometimes it isn't about being assertive all the time. It's about hammering the point at the right time and for the right cause. And she has hit it a number of times regarding this and other matters. She listens and is accessible, and if the worst thing anybody can say is that she isn't channeling her inner bitch often enough, look at Gowen and see what happens when a woman adopts BIATCH as a way of living.



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