Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bobby Was Correct! Wayland Baptist University Did Not Send Him A Reply Email About Roman Perez

I have just learned that the document I included in my story about the status of Roman Perez with Wayland Baptist University was never sent.  I apologize to Bobby Wightman-Cervantes for this error.


  1. Now how about retracting the story and include a real apology that when I say I am document driven I am document driven - further I clearly stated to in my post if Roman had any such document I would post it as a free standing post. That mean's document driven. Further if you go to University Center Harlingen which lists Wayland as a partner the 10th rate BS university is not even smart enough to list their courses. This was there decision not mine - if they want to hide their schedules on endless web pages they can - it speaks to their incompetence

    Bobby WC

  2. Eat a turd. Nobody owes you shit!

  3. Buzz off Bobby (The Sky Is Falling) W-C!

  4. Yeah, but Bobby was right this time and Barton was Roman's tool yet again.
