Sunday, September 7, 2014

Brownsville"s Second Class Citizens at a Bus Stop In the Rain


  1. While Rose Gowen gives away bicycles and spends on bike trails......she ignores the poor who have to wait for city buses without cover and in many places without even a sidewalk at the bus stop. Rose Gowen sees bicycles as promoting health......well perhaps bus stops to get people out of the weather would keep them healthy. Rose Gowen doesn't ride the bus.....she probably has never been on a city bus when it's on a route. She probably has never seen the unsafe places that buses stop....most not even ADA compliant for those with disabilities. Rose doesn't long as she can periodically block city streets for her bike promotions.....even though there are miles and miles of bike trails. Rose Gowen is surely looking through "rose colored glasses".......she is out of touch with what the city needs....she's only interested in her costly pet projects and she obviously has better sight that I if she sees hundreds of bikers every week.

  2. Around town I see hundreds of people waiting for public buses...daily. Far more people than I see riding bicycles. Rose Gowen could save us a lot of money if she bought the bicycles we see in front of most pawn shops around town.....probably many of those pawn shop bikes were given away by Rose Gowen only to be pawned. Now that won't stop obesity. Rose Gowen regularly proves that she knows little about this town. But, as a Zavaletta/Zavaleta, she believes she is smarter than all of the rest of us.....

  3. Can you IMAGINE how many nice, covered bus stops could be built with the money this commission has spent on useless real estate and other foolish expenditures?

  4. Rise Gowen is a freaking asshole. She and the commissioner should put more bus benches and have them covered in case it rains. Stop spending our brownsville money on shit we don't need lady.



From the editor: We wrote recently our objection to candidates using an elderly or even challenged person as a stand-in to hold up campaign ...