Thursday, September 12, 2024


photo submitted by Jerry Danache

left to right; Eddie Garcia, Luis Saenz, Mario Saenz


Trump in media spin room after debate

Putting on a brave face after his disastrous, laughable debate performance in Philadelphia, PA, Donald Trump ventured into the designated "spin room" to proclaim victory while throwing out some obviously phony "poll" numbers.

"It was the best debate, personally, that I have ever had. . . . . polls are indicating the we got 90%, 60%, 72%, 71% and 89%."

Trump pre-debate coaching by Rep. Matt Gaetz and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard proved ineffective as Trump made the absurd, racist claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were stealing and eating the pet dogs and cats of local residents.

"In Springfield, they are eating the dogs. The people that came in, they are eating the cats.  They're eating--they are eating the pets of the people that live there."

Minutes after the debate, the Trump campaign took another large hit with Taylor Swift, an entertainer with a following of 280,000,000, endorsed the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz tandem.

Trump had craved the Swift endorsement, even posting a false AI-generated statement on Truth Social claiming the celebrity had endorsed him.

Conservative commentator Christopher Rufo has stepped up with a monetary offer to any providing evidence of immigrants eating pets:

"Alright, let's settle it. I will provide a $5,000 bounty to anyone who can provide my team with hard, verifiable evidence that Haitian migrants are eating cats in Springfield, Ohio. Deadline is Sunday. Go."

Monday, September 9, 2024


submitted by Mary Helen Flores
Urgent update: SpaceX applied for a permit to dump polluted water into Boca Boca Chica Beach and community with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). There will be a public hearing about this in Brownsville on October 17. The public can submit comments opposing the permit for SpaceX online and in person at the public hearing. .





Well, Brownsville Dallas Cowboy fans, whaddya think? Did Dak Prescott earn the $272,727,273 he'll make each game for the next four years before taxes, including 17 regular season, 4 playoff games and the Super Bowl?

Dak was somewhat efficient, completing 19 of 32 passes in the Cowboys' 33-17 victory, $14,354,067 per completion.

There's no need to feel sorry for oil and gas billionaire and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, shelling out $240,000,000 to his quarterback for four years play, as he made the bulk of his fortune in one sweetheart deal involving the leasing of thousands of acres of gas/oil rights in Arkansas, then discovering natural gas and selling off his interest to the Arkansas/Louisiana Gas Company.

Someone in the MAGA movement needs to fashion a meme comparing Joe Namath's 1965 salary of $25,000 to Dak Prescott's $60,000,000 and blame the "Harris" administration for the horrendous inflation. (Yes, I know Namath got a $400,000 signing bonus, the largest up to that point, but that was stretched out over 3 years.) 

Speaking of memes, have you noticed those posted on Facebook by Brownsville residents comparing $6.50 gas under Biden-Harris to Trump's $1.79?  Maybe, they're getting their gas at the wrong station as I filled up my Ford Explorer yesterday for $2.81 per gallon.

We were so much better under Lyndon Baynes Johnson, though, as gas was just 25 cents per gallon at every Jiffy Mart in Brownsville in 1969 and the cigarettes I don't smoke were 35 cents per pack.  What a Democrat, that LBJ!

But, back to Dak Prescott, the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop in Sunrise Mall has a supply of Dak Prescott #4 jerseys in stock for $130 each.

"How 'bout dem Cowboys?"



Saturday, September 7, 2024



From the editor:  This is not a comprehensive list, just a few reasons rolling around in my brain as to why Donald Trump or someone like him should never be President:

1. Trump is a fraudster, someone who uses criminal deception to take other people's money.

Trump is a convicted felon, found guilty of 34 counts of fraud, not by some "radical, liberal judge," but by a jury of 12 of his peers.

Trump University was shut down as a fraud.

The Trump Organization was also shut down as a fraud and the same for Trump Charities.

Based on his long record of fraudulent activity, Trump is currently prohibited from doing business in New York.

2. Trump has no respect for our military.

As reported by Chief of Staff John Kelly in 2017, Trump views U.S. soldiers who lost their lives during war as "suckers" and "losers" as he has no understanding of sacrifice or service.

Also, Trump greatly disrespected the late John McCain, a prisoner of war for 5-1/2 years, saying "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

After seeing a military parade on Bastille Day in Paris, Trump decided he wanted such a parade featuring himself with one notable change.

While the French parade had several formations of injured veterans including some in wheelchairs who'd lost limbs in battle, Trump wanted his parade to not include injured war vets.

"Look, I don't want any wounded guys in the parade," Trump stated.  

"That doesn't look good for me."

Trump wanted to throw a military parade that would exclude any disabled soldiers.

There's also the more recent incident of Trump mocking Nikki Haley's husband, a combat veteran.

Haley found Trump's comments "disgusting," "awful" and "unhinged."

"If you don't respect our military, how should we think you're going to respect them when it comes to time of war, and prevent war and keep them from going? If you don't respect our military and our veterans, God help us all if that's the case," Haley stated.

Then, there was Trump's 1998 appearance on the Howard Stern Show where Trump, who avoided military service during the Vietnam War with five deferments from alleged bone spurs,  described his efforts during that period to "screw as many women as possible without getting an STD" as his own "personal Vietnam."

3. Trump's overt and obvious racism

In 2015, as Trump rode down the escalator at Trump Towers to declare his candidacy, he used racial epithets to describe Mexican Nationals, saying they were "rapists," possibly even murderers, but that some might be "good people."

Trump was sending a clear message to his so-called base, legitimizing their own fears and prejudices, sowing racial divisions in our country.

On January 28, 2017 Trump instituted his so-called Muslim ban, blocking immigration from six Muslim-majority countries to the U.S.

In short order, on February 3, 2017, a Federal Judge blocked Trump's order as unconstitutional, a ruling that was upheld in a U.S. Appeals Court.

Then, after the death of a young woman protesting a white supremacy rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump made this statement in the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan:  "I think there is blame on both sides."  

"You had some very bad people in that group," Trump said about the white nationalists, but "you also had people that were very fine people on both sides."

4. As President, Trump had very little understanding of the his actual duties or the Constitutional limitations of the office.

There are so many examples of Trump's failure to grasp the his actual role as President and reports that his cabinet and administrators around him had to block his efforts to do unlawful, foolish things, such as his proposal to exchange Puerto Rico for Greenland, etc.

About two dozen who served in his administration have commented on Trump's lack of a grasp of his duties in the oval office and we'll quote a few here.

Mike Pence:   “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”

Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.”

James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us.”

Mark Esper: “I think he’s unfit for office. … He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well.”

General Mark Milley: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”

Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.”

John Bolton: “I believe (foreign leaders) think he is a laughing fool.”

John Kelly: “A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.”

Mick Mulvaney, who resigned as US special envoy to Ireland after January 6, 2021: “I quit because I think he failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.”

Anthony Scaramucci: “He is the domestic terrorist of the 21st century.”

Richard Spencer: “…the president has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices.”

Tom Bossert: “The President undermined American democracy baselessly for months. As a result, he’s culpable for this siege, and an utter disgrace.”

Cassidy Hutchinson: “I think that Donald Trump is the most grave threat we will face to our democracy in our lifetime, and potentially in American history.”

5. Trump's unabashed admiration for dictators, tyrants, frequently cozying up to them while admiring their methods, particularly Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Viktor Orban and Xi Jingping.

Trump quotes on dictators:

"Xi is a brilliant man," "top of the line," with "the look, the brain, the whole thing" and Putin is "very smart." "There's nobody in the world that could play the role of President Xi--the look, the strength, the voice."

"The press doesn't like it when I say good things about {Xi}. What can I say? He runs 1.4 billion people with an iron hand."

Of Viktor Orban: "is one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world."

"It's good to have a good relationship with Putin and Xi and all these people who have lots of nuclear weapons."  "And Jong Un I have a good relationship with.  He's a tough, smart guy."

Friday, September 6, 2024



KRGV UPDATE: The search for the tiger was called off Thursday at 7:30 p.m., and is expected to resume on Friday morning. 

Reynosa officials are still searching for a tiger that escaped from the Quinta La Fauna zoo, which is located on the edge of the Rio Grande.

According to a Reynosa official, the tiger is capable of crossing the Rio Grande.

Reynosa Emergency Management Coordinator Ernesto Gómez told Channel 5 News his department has not received any photos or videos of the tiger. Gomez said he reached out to officials with the McAllen Fire Department and U.S. Customs and Border Protection to alert them of the tiger, adding that he believes the tiger is capable of crossing the Rio Grande. 

Reynosa Animal Control Director Rubén Rea says he has been working alongside Tamaulipas State Police, Reynosa Transit Police and Reynosa Emergency Management to find the escaped tiger since 11 p.m. Wednesday.

Search efforts restarted Thursday morning in several areas, including west of downtown Reynosa, just north of the Aquiles Serdán neighborhood in the Ejido Los Longoria area. It's a rural area in a river bend of the Rio Grande located south of Granjeno, and the wildlife refuge area and west of the city of Hidalgo.

The Aquiles Serdán neighborhood is home to three major migrant shelters, Senda de Vida, Senda de Vida 2, near the baseball fields, and the Kaleo shelter, which belongs to a U.S. church group.

Most migrants at these shelters are awaiting their appointment to cross into the U.S. through the CBP One app.

Channel 5 News reached out to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department for comment, but a spokesperson said they were unaware of the loose tiger. 


AR-15, weapon similar to the one used in shooting


14 year old Colt Gray, charged with 4 counts of felony murder

Father, Colin Gray, also charged for providing his 14 year old son the automatic weapon


Just like in 2016, Russia is deeply committed to getting Donald Trump elected in 2024.

According to USA Today, Russia is being joined by Iran in meddling in U.S. elections, although the two countries seem to have differing goals:

“Russia wants TrumpIran doesn’t. Those are clear,” security analyst and former government cyber-security official Mike Hamilton told USA TODAY.

The contours of those efforts are still unfolding as U.S. intelligence works to uncover and disrupt the myriad ways in which Moscow and Tehran are targeting the U.S. electorate.

Most of that covert effort involves swaying potential voters through deep fakes, bogus influencers and other propaganda on social media as they have in past election cycles."   

CBS News also reports:

"An indictment unsealed in the Southern District of New York charged Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, both based in Moscow, with conspiracy to launder money and conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The indictment came as the Justice Department unveiled sprawling allegations accusing the Russian government of meddling in the 2024 U.S. elections.

The two defendants worked for RT, a media outlet formerly known as Russia Today that is funded and controlled by the Russian government, the indictment said.

Federal prosecutors said RT oversaw a series of "covert projects" that included funneling $10 million through a series of shell entities to a Tennessee-based company launched in 2023 that publishes videos on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and X, formerly known as Twitter."

According to Forbes, the U.S. has already slapped Russia with sanctions for the meddling:

"The Biden administration accused Russia on Wednesday of attempting to influence the upcoming presidential election, including through an alleged disinformation campaign involving state-run media outlets, years after American officials concluded Russia tried to sway the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Key Facts

The Justice Department announced Wednesday it seized 32 internet domains allegedly backed by the Russian government and Russian state-run media used in a disinformation campaign named “Doppelganger,” which worked to influence voters in the U.S. and other nations.

The domains were controlled by Russian firms Social Design Agency, Structura National Technology and ANO Dialog to spread Kremlin propaganda, among other things, the DOJ alleges.

ANO Dialog and RT, formerly known as Russia Today, were sanctioned by the Treasury Department for an alleged disinformation campaign for the Kremlin intended to influence an American audience.

Treasury Department officials claim RT started recruiting American influencers earlier this year to support its disinformation campaign, and used a fake company to disguise any ties or involvement with the Russian government.

All U.S.-based properties owned by ANO Dialog or RT will be seized and any transaction involving either company and American citizens will be blocked as part of the sanctions, the Treasury Department said."

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin
has responded by joking that Russia actually prefers Kamala Harris:  
"She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her."

Certainly, that's a bit of sarcastic disinformation, but we'd expect no less from Vlad.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 From the editor: We have two more photos shared with us by Rene Torres of 1922 beauty queen winner, Brownsville's Lillian Merkling.  

The top photo is Lillian as an adult who lived to the age of 89, the bottom photo is of Lillian as a teenager with her mom.