Saturday, September 28, 2024


Three of Planet Earth's most despicable people, genocidist and dictator Vladimir Putin, right-wing propagandist Elon Musk and Rupert Murdock, the owner of Fox News, who's already paid out a settlement of $487.5M for pro-Trump lies, are working frenetically to give their criminal boy toy, Donald Trump, one last term as U.S. President.

Trump has made it clear that should that happen, U.S. citizens will "never have to vote again."

Unfortunately, many Americans have been duped into seeing all this as simply another "witch hunt" or "Russian hoax," especially since former Attorney General Bill Barr misrepresented the Mueller Report without reading it, further misleading the citizenry. (Now, Barr contends Trump is/was not fit to be President, but that's simply "too little, too late."

The Department of Justice has charged two Russian operatives for Russia Today, a state-controlled international news agency, for violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, for dispensing propaganda to six conservative influencers including Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson, while paying the American influencers to produce English-language videos "consistent" with the Kremlin's "interest in amplifying U.S. divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition" to Russian interests, such as its war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk, who's already contributed upwards of $45M to the Trump campaign, has been busy the last three days churning out 171 "deep fakes, falsehoods and memes" on X according to the New York Times, 1/3 of which are clearly falsehoods dealing with illegal immigration, conspiracy theories and attacks on Democratic candidates.

Musk has committed to "door-knockers, digital advertising and mailers to voters" in seven key U.S. battleground states.

This will mark the third straight presidential election U.S. government authorities have uncovered attempts by Russia to influence the election.  Add that to Rupert Murdoch's unrelenting propaganda machine, Fox News, and now billionaire Elon Musk's attempt to tip the scales and democracy preservationists have their work cut out for them.

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