Monday, September 30, 2024


From the editor: The formerly red-headed stranger endorsed the Harris-Walz ticket recently.  As noted by the comments below, many in MAGA world are not happy!

"I love Willie but his politics are insane and so is Commula and that other soy boy Beta Orourke.”

“Willie I’m disappointed man.”

“No Willie! Terrible choice. They will ruin our country.”

“Damn, Willie sold out. Sad day for America. I really hope the chaos, heartache, and poverty doesn’t continue with the current administration in November. C’mon Willie you can do better than that, shame on you. This says a lot about your loyalty to the Farmers, Truckers and legal American Taxpayers of America. It ain’t all about filling your coffers….”

“I like Willie but he’s obviously out of touch with reality.”

“Out of all people WILLIE WANTS HARRIS WTF.”



“I just died a little inside …whatever he’s smoking is altering something in his brain to be a part of the destruction of America. Or…he’s selling out and getting paid hugely for this and just doesn’t give a sh*t.”

“Bought and paid for. By the CABAL.”

“Love you Willie but you lost me here.”


“Great musician and person. Terrible political stance.”

“Love Willie, hate this endorsement.”

“C’mon Willie. So disappointed…”

“How…. Non-outlaw of you….”

“Long term use of mind altering substances….”

“Too bad you have taken this side, but I guess you won’t have to be around to suffer under their rule.”

“That sucks.”

“Say it ain’t so..”


“Always loved your music Willie but have to MAGA and the person you’re supporting has done zero to strengthen America in 3 1/2 years. It’s time for the boss to take the reins.”

“Damn, they got to Willie too….”

“No Willie. No, no, no!!!”

“I realize you are a Democrat, but REALLY? She is not too bright, Willie. So sorry you can’t see it.”

“The Democrats are the bad guys Willie. The party has changed.”

“Damn, I thought Willie had some common sense. I guess that’s why they call it DOPE!!!”

“It was so nice when celebrities just kept their political affiliation private instead of spouting it to the world. Would never have expected to see this man endorse a party that condones pedophilia. What a day.”

“My all time favorite country music singer selling us out. I never thought I’d see they day. You just turned your back on farmer, ranchers, coal miners, truckers, all the backbone of this country. Will you promise to leave the US if Trump is elected. I’m on the balls of my ass but will find a way to pay for your one way ticket.”

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From the editor: The formerly red-headed stranger endorsed the Harris-Walz ticket recently.  As noted by the comments below, many in MAGA wo...