Tuesday, December 26, 2023

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President AndrΓ©s Manuel LΓ³pez Obrador said this past Friday that his country would actually like to help the United States with the "border problem," if the U.S. will commit to more development in countries migrants are coming from, open talks with Cuba and consider removing sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela.

Obrador also said that the U.S. wants Mexico to block migrants at their southern border with Guatamala, stopping buses and trains from south of Mexico crossing the country with migrants from the south.

This is an interesting "common sense" type proposal from the Mexican President, one that hints at the U.S. re-examining policies toward Cuba in place since the late 50's and the Fidel Castro regime.

The big question, a disheartening one at that, is if Republicans and Democrats would actually work together to reduce the incentive for uncontrolled immigration into the U.S. or if one party may actually prefer to maintain the "border crisis" as a political talking point.


  1. He might want read the paper. You cannot solve a problem unless you know the facts" From Reuters in October. ''WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) - The Biden administration on Wednesday broadly eased sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector in response to a deal reached between the government and opposition parties for the 2024 election - the most extensive rollback of Trump-era restrictions on Caracas."

    In fact because the infrastructure is in such bad shape for oil, Biden is working with US and foreighn companies who do maintenance to help Venezuela. Venezula promised to pump massive oil which would bring the price of gas under $2.00 a gallon. If this works Venzulans will return on their own.

    Biden does get an F on Cuban. He is starving the Cuban people by keep Trumps sanctions in place.

    As to the other issues Obredor is a coward. No amount of investment in Central America will change a thing so long as wealthy Anglos in the US keep the billion dollar trade going. This topic is taboo. Jobs in many countries is not the problem. In Hounduras thousand with nice homes, cars, kids in private schools because their children were being taken by the cartel ha no choice but to flee. They access to travel visa's and just over stayed their visa. In fact 60% of undocumented immigrants have over stayed their visas. To get a visa you have to have money.

    Biden gets abd

  2. Do you do any research at all? Obredor called on lifting sanctions in September. Whatever he said the other day was just a repeat of what he said in September.

  3. Obrador needs to stop the people from crossing into Mexico from Guatemala. Every country in Central America should do their part and stop the people from trying to cross to the USA. Obrador needs to put the National Guard on top of the train the Beast. That will help the USA a lot. The USA needs to stop accepting refuges and stop giving out visas.
