Wednesday, August 30, 2017

KGRV News Creates Gasoline Panic in RGV with Inaccurate Report

1 comment:

  1. This situation is totally disgusting. I am of course referring to all the Trump-loving rugged individualists who are accepting and - even worse- in some cases *demanding* social*st government relief! WTF. What a bunch of sold-out cucks! I mean Texans are as red state as you get, amiright? They started a secession movement long before it became fashionable on the left.

    Real conservatives don't accept socialist government aid or government handouts. They proudly declare "Get your government hands off my self rescue!". Real conservatives man up and handle their OWN problems like the manly self-sufficient rugged white men they are! When those (black?) helicopters show up to take them to FEMA camps (the real thing!), any self respecting REAL conservative will show those globalist the finger and stay put - in their underwater cars and houses. After all, Republican Jesus determines who lives and dies, not some secular government bureaucrat! If you die in the flood, it was because you didn't pray hard enough or stop gay marriage and abortion like you should have!

    Pathetic. What cucks.



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