Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Duardo Paz-Martinez Continues to Strive for Relevance in Local Blogosphere

Duardo Paz-Martinez
Tossing stones from his glass-walled blogging bedroom in McAllen about the deficiencies of Brownsville and lack of journalistic integrity of its bloggers is none other than blogger wannabe, Duardo Paz-Martinez, yes, the poster boy, indeed, for fake stories.

Martinez' methodology has remained constant, but unsuccessful, for at least a decade.  Proverbially sniping from the book depository, the predator tries to "take out" his opposition, thus creating a niche for himself.  

Tony Chapa
Nearly a decade ago now, Duardo Paz-Martinez, tried his darndest to find acceptance in the Harlingen blogosphere with his daily column, The Paz Files.  In an effort to gain traction, his articles spewed withering criticism of Harlingen bloggers, Tony Chapa, editor of My Harlingen News, referring to him as Tony "The Turd" Chapa and Jerry Deal of My Leader News, whom he characterized as "excitable."

Jerry Deal
After the closing The Paz Files, a new blog, allegedly written by "UT-PA college student, Sam Losoya, from Harlingen," mysteriously surfaced, with similar attacks on the two Harlingen bloggers, an identical style and graphics. Duardo denies any connection with the seemingly fake blog, which has also closed.

Almost immediately, Martinez was back online with yet another blog, attacking two Brownsville blogs, Mean Mister Brownsville(this blog's former name) and the Brownsville Voice by Bobby Wightman-Cervantes.   His attacks reached a crescendo in April 2015 with six or seven straight articles attacking me, my wife, Nena, and son, Diego.  When I shared this information with Google, his blog was removed within the hour. The very next day, my blogger comment box was filled with three dozen obscene comments, primarily directed at my wife Nena.  This continued for one year.

The two other Brownsville bloggers, Jerry McHale and Juan Montoya, were typically spared the attacks, as Duardo had worked with both in his single year with the Brownsville Herald, 1981, considering them cronies.

When Duardo and Jerry eventually did tussle, Jerry, to illustrate the character of his blogging adversary, shared details of a lunch with Duardo at a Mexican restaurant.  Jerry claimed he paid the bill, then left a tip, which he watched Duardo pocket, thus cheating the Hispanic wait staff. McHale also described Duardo as a drifter, who mooched off first, one set of relatives, then, as they tired of him, moved on to another set.

Jerry McHale
When Duardo threatened to reveal intimate details of Jerry's life, the blogger backed off and the two formed an uneasy truce with Duardo now piggybacking on Jerry's blog to gain some sort of foothold among local readers.

Duardo's latest blogging effort has sandwiched critiques of Wightman and myself between other less-than-original compositions.  In recent days, he's reached out to OP 10.33's Mike Hernandez III, the Dallas car dealer who promises to lift Brownsville "out of poverty" by 2033. 

The unevenness of the car dealer's attempt to interject himself into local politics were not well received in town, first criticized in this blog, but subsequently in Bobby's, Juan's and Jerry's.   (The car dealer threw money behind candidates in 6 races for TSC and Port of Brownsville trustee races, losing 5.  His lone "victory: came from hastily sent monies to prohibitive favorite Trey Mendez.)

The thin-skinned Hernandez was unhappy with the blogger's unanimous criticism and allegedly has sued Jerry McHale for $1,000,000 for defamation.

Duardo Paz-Martinez, who admits he came to the OP 10.33 saga "late," now claims to have caught up with and surpassed the local bloggers in covering the story.  He posted comments on his new blog, allegedly from Mike Hernandez III, complimenting him on his journalistic skills.

His recent OP 10.33 story claims that Mike Hernandez III is now subsidizing blogger Juan Montoya with a $400 "monthly stipend."  Duardo alleges that Juan's articles have turned from negative to positive in the last "month or two," since the onset of payments from Hernandez.

It is well known locally that both Jerry McHale and Juan Montoya accept advertising money from local candidates and present their stories accordingly.  

"Let the reader use discernment."
St. Matthew, Chapter 24, Verse 15


  1. Mike Hernandez seems to always pick the wrong people. First Carlos Marin now this Duardo guy.

    1. Hernandez picked Juan Montoya. paying him $400.

  2. Duardo is a born loser. Obviously jealous of all bloggers.

  3. Jim, Duardo didn't "claim" Mike hernandez is paying Juna Montoya, Hernandez is "quoted" as saying he pays Montoya. Blogging here sucks. that's what he is saying and it's true

    1. Clean up the blogs and then clean up Browntown. Blogs getting worse than Herald!

  4. Hernandez has the blogers fighting. You fell for it. He wins again

  5. McHale and Montoya are losers. Anyone who believes their crap is just as bad as they are. Both sell themselves to the highest bidder.

  6. Duardo...is a joke 😂😂 he is irrelevant as a blogger

  7. But, Jim, he explains himself well on his blog and the guy is a veteran! Are you? (and I am not Duardo!)

  8. The guy is a veteran, Jim. read his blog today, bro.

  9. Well, I've never minded criticism of any sort, whether about my writing, my car or my hair. Of course, I do not live with relatives, but it's a handy dig for you, I'm sure. Just ask yourself: How could I entertain my McAllen women at a relative's house? In any case, as I told our friend Jerry McHale the other day, I do wish this would end. It does nothing, other than help us write-up insults. At least now you publish comments somewhat on the fair side of your attacks. You and I know I've extended an olive branch and you've ignored it. It's not that I need your applause or approval on anything I do, but it does make me feel awful to hurt your lovely wife in the course of this stupid feud. Blog away, my friend. There, I feel better already.



    1. That's an easy riddle! You don't have a "McAllen woman" and sleep on a realtive's couch. A combination of long history and Occam's Razor made short work of that one.

  10. Does being a veteran make him less of a dick? No pass on this for being a vet (and he must be because I read it on the internet)

  11. /DP-M and I had an epic blog war. I learned that those kinds of showdowns aren't worth the trouble. Much like you criticized me for editing one of your pieces, that's fair, but there's nothing gained in lobbing bombs back and forth. You can use me to criticize /DP-M, but I feel that is rather desperate on your part. I respect all the bloggers' work. /DP-M and I go back almost 40 years, so there's bound to be ups and downs, but we have made our peace. The W-C/Montoya feud serves no purpose in my opinion. I don't bother reading the exchanges. They're boring, but perhaps they fill space on a slow news day. We should direct our ire against the real culprits rather than tearing each other down. Nothing is accomplished except we lose credibility as a blogging community. Why waste our energies when the real villains require all our energies? I don't know if I'm the first, but let me be one of the first in wishing you and Nena a Merry Christmas. I've always enjoyed your articles and her art.

    1. I appreciate your sentiment, Jerry, but I'm not desperate. I was just defending my wife, whose innocent in all of this and yet had hundreds of obscene comments directed at her for a year, precisely from Day 1 of the removal of Duardo's last blog effort. I've never initiated any skirmishes, but I do respond.

      Just a slight correction: It wasn't your editing per se that I found objectionable, although the changing of a word here and there can distort the intended meaning, but selective editing of references to your advertisers/friends Rene Oliveira and Lucio III was concerning. It would be like removing any reference to Ernie Hernandez in your articles of a few years back.

      I was going to wish you "Happy Holidays," but Trump now allows us to practice our alleged faith, so "Merry Christmas!" to you and your boys.

    2. DP-M responded after you posted this attack first, Jim. Be truthful.

    3. "DP-M responded after you posted this attack first, Jim. Be truthful."

      Total bullshit! Duardo has ALWAYS attacked first. His last blog contained primarily stories written against me, my wife and son. That is precisely why Google shut it down.

      With his latest blogging effort, The Brownsville Avenger, he came out opening day, September 24, with an anti-Barton story, "Return to Fat City." Several more followed before I responded.

      This is simply Duardo's modus operandi: try to destroy other blogs to create a niche for himself. He's operated this way for at least a decade. Who knows why he can't allow his work to stand on its own merit? Insecurity? Jealousy? Most likely!

      I certainly have no reason to attack someone off the radar unless they are attacking me which Duardo has a long history of doing.

      Please do some fact checking before posting.

  12. How pathetic because he is a veteran he thinks he has the right to trash and defame people and a city. Well here is a civics lesson for you Paz, that right belongs to everyone and not just veterans. And as a Vietnam veteran the way I remember it, those who wanted to avoid combat immediately signed up for the Navy before being drafted. They did 4 years because they signed up. But very few saw combat duty. But many did die from snipers as they patrolled the rivers. Those who did not sign up and took a number only did two years, but were the real heroes because whether Air Force, Marines, or Army they are the ones who died in large numbers fighting in Vietnam. So the fact you did more then two years only means you opted for the Navy instead of draft which only required two years. We had no respect for you guys because you only joined to reduce your chances at being sent to fight. But to be respectful many Navy personnel died patrolling the rivers, but not on ships or submarines. You shame all veterans.

    1. You are the pitiful one here, dude. He served longer than you did. As you may not know, the military sends you where THEY want to send you. His story said he trained with the Marines at Camp Pendleton. That was so that they could send him to Nam, where I was. You know well that he had no input as to where he was assigned. I hate a vet trashing a vet as much as you, but he was singling out whining vets. Those very much like you, who need to put the Navy down as if that makes you "heroes." Hey, buddy, Mr. Big Shit, put your name on the comment like he did on his story. Let's see how tough of a veteran you are, pendejo

    2. Oh poor Paz he cannot read so he has to post nonsense. I was clear many Navy personnel died on river patrol. You did not address the issue that those who did not want to wait for a number joined the Navy because other than those doing river patrol the chances of being in danger in Nam was pretty zero. They stayed on their ships doing important support work, but never went in country other than those who did river patrol and died at the hands of snipers.

      As to being assigned, typical Paz. Cooks do not get assigned to river patrol. Unless he was trained for river patrol there was zero chance he would be assigned river patrol. That is a fact. Also those who volunteered took a test to see where they could best serve the Navy. I hardly think Paz's results showed he was best suited for river patrol. He knew what he was doing. I held and got my number and went and served in country. Yes, I only did two years, but that was the reward for those willing to chance going to Nam. As to whiny veterans there is hardly a week which goes by where doctors and staff are fired for substandard care. Just this week medical staff were put on paid leave for using dental equipment which may have exposed veterans to HIV and HepC. A team of PA's and nurses in another VA resigned rather than be fired for neglecting a veteran. Twice the VA has been cited for their doctors using used scopes for colonoscopies without properly cleaning them first, thereby exposing their patients to HIV and HepC. But I guess veterans demanding competent care are just whiners. The only person always attacking veterans is Paz, and now apparently you.

      As to the Navy the comment was limited to how it worked in Nam. Our Navy Seals serve this country very well every day and die without headlines because not even their families know where they have been deployed. Our Navy Seals are fighting all over the world to protect us, and the staff on the ships are providing them important back up support. With the exception of maybe three examples since Korea our ships have not been in danger. It is a safe place to serve. They provide important back up support for our other military personnel.

      All I was saying was, during Nam to reduce your chances of being sent to Nam you joined the Navy and tried to get training which avoided river patrol. Many did it, and in fact did provide important back up service, but many joined the Navy not because they cared to serve, but to reduce their chances of being sent to Nam. And yes, we did lose many Navy pilots also in Nam, but I doubt Paz was qualified for flight service.

    3. Disparaging anyone, including Duardo, for joining the Navy is ludicrous.

    4. Jim, I thought you wanted us to pummel him! ???

    5. No one was disparaging anyone for joining the Navy. A historical fact was simply state that some people who wanted to avoid combat duty joined the Navy. This is a fact. To say joining the Navy to avoid combat duty when there is a draft on, is the same as joining the Navy as a civic duty is ludicrous. They are not remotely the same. Also the author of the post never said Duardo joined to avoid combat duty. All he did was point out a historical fact which many Vietnam Veterans denounced. The people who joined the Navy to avoid combat duty were not heroes. The only person implying Duardo did this is you Jim.

      Of course there was nothing wrong with joining the Navy. They provided essential support during the war. But the historical fact remains kids intentionally ran to join the Navy right out of high school to minimize their chances of being sent to Nam. Those who waited for their draft notice had no choice which service they went into, and far too many died in Nam.

  13. Rene Oliveira - Fish eyes is a drunk and drinks nonstop out at the bar at the mall. Soon he will get the DWI. Just a matter of time before DPS is close to catch him after a phone call, they can not stand too...

  14. I always appreciate your perspective, Jim, but I do have a complaint. Why has Nena always insisted on dissing me? Where is my painting? I would love to frame her work of me. And /DP-M? And Bobby W-C? God bless free speech. Except it ain't free!!!

    1. Nena has lost vision during four stroke episodes since October 2014. She's tried a couple caricatures since with uneven results. She talks about drawing again someday. I will pass on your recommendations.

  15. I think Paz just confessed that you hold sway over him. You are apparently able to control his behavior and force him to do things he doesn't seem to want to do "it does make me feel awful to hurt your lovely wife". Use your power judiciously. He sure seems to be a person of little integrity.

  16. TURDo Paz Martinez is nothing more than an internet troll.

    TURDo enjoys making comments to various web sites plugging his current blog trying to garner some readers. However, TURDo won't open his latest blog (of many started and abandoned) to public comments to his posts.

    Maybe instead of comments TURDo would appreciate comments via email to pazmar @ rocketmail dot com? TURDo has also resorted to posting on his new blog articles he wrote 19 years ago.

    TURDO's vile and disgusting comments toward Mr. Barton's wife are not comments that can be forgotten or forgiven just because it makes TURDo feel awful making them.

    Remember THIS TURDo and THIS

  17. How can anyone like the tip-sealing, fake news writing (he got fired for that one) miserable piece of shit actually exist? Such an absolute worthless nobody! If he ever engaged in self reflection he would have to throw up and probably choke on his own vomit. He has not a friend one because of what he is: a crap spewing wanna be with delusions that he has some relevancy.
