Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cameron County Republican Party Purges Election Staff of Undesirables

Elizabeth Dierlam, Stripped
of Election Duties
The seemingly self-destructive Cameron County Republican Party recently kicked to the curb three longtime election workers;  Elizabeth Dierlam, Tad Hasse and Terry Frady.

Ms. Dierlam, who told me in a phone conversation that she had worked local elections as a election clerk or alternate judge since 1996, was particularly hurt when told by Republican Area Coordinator Winnifred Marshall that she needed to "clean up her image."  

When asked if she'd been smuggling cocaine, running a brothel or robbing banks, Ms. Dierlam said:  "I don't know what they think I've done."  

Frank Morris
Dierlam emailed de facto  Republican Chairman Frank Morris and was told:  "I hope you and Terry can clean up your negative history and serve in the next election."  

Since at least two of three of the purged election workers were given the impression that Election Administrator Chris Davis was behind the terminations, I left a voicemail with Davis.  Once he responds, I will share that on the blog. 

Minerva Pena
Ms. Dierlam shared another odd interchange she says took place at a birthday party at Cobbleheads. Dierlam states that she was approached by BISD Trustee Minverva Pena and told to "stay out of BISD elections or she would risk losing her job."  Deirlam found the threat especially weird since she is not supporting any current candidates for BISD Trustee.  

"I have no idea what she was talking about," said Dierlam.  Ms. Dierlam works at the BISD Transportation Department under Transportation Director Art Rendon.

Is someone in town spreading malicious rumors about senior citizen Dierlam?  


  1. Why do you insist on calling Mr. Morris the "de facto" chairman. He was duly elected chairman and is recognized by the executive committee of the local party as chairman. What is your problem?

    1. ....Oh, sock, sock everywhere a sock.
      Blocking up the washer, bleaching it white.
      Do this, don't do that, you can't stop the sock....

    2. Go and fuck yourself!

    3. With a splintery pole

  2. Elizabeth is a wonderful person. Everyone has the right to vote for who ever they want. And yes Pena did say that to Elizabeth, because I heard her tell her that. Pena your a bitter person...

    1. i need you to contact me either call me or inbox me. thank you.

  3. The fact that Minerva Peña is backing Cesar Lopez, Coach Joe Rodriguez and Robert Rodriguez in the vite for BISD board places. She leaves Mary Rey to break the women vote and left out of the bus carrying only men. Minerva Pea should be ashamed for using Mary Rey to help her candidates and in return vote her as.the next President of the BISD board, be careful Otis Powers she is coming after you next......

  4. Minerva Pena is a mean, evil wicked witch. Her day is coming up really soon. Also, a bully, a big fat liar, and an ugly tub of lard.

    Liz don't let her get away with this.

  5. That Minerva should be the one to stay out of the BISD elections, where are her ethics.

    She's a sorry as pathetic idiot.

  6. The local party has to be united, not listening to a few malcontents. I applaud the steps taken by Chris Davis to clean house.

    1. Sorry, but this comment looks like a "set up" comment. Nowhere in the article did it say Chris Davis was "cleaning house." 8:02, where are you?

    2. 9:01, how clairvoyant of you.

  7. Elizabeth is a harmless little tea party follower. Minerva doesn't have "the fastest boat in the lake" if you know what I mean which makes her just as harmless and meaningless.

  8. The first step to clean house in the Republican Party is to get rid of Frank Morris. As long as he is around, the Party has an albatross around the neck. There are a lot of people who will vote Repubican....but its not because of Frank Morris. More would vote for the Republican Party candidates if Frank was out and new blood....particularly Hispanic Republican blood....was in. Frank represents all that is wrong with the party....
    arrogant, Anglo and rigidly conservative.

  9. Has everyone failed to notice that these purge notices come from a single source? Winefred. Only one real question is at hand. Was this her own idea, or was ahe only following orders, and who's orders were they?

  10. Did Davis reapond yet? Is he too busy until after the elextion?

  11. yes davis is busy with the election. he got removed from central count because of his father in law being a candidate in the bisd race. they put somebody else in charge from his staff in charge of central count .
