Friday, October 19, 2012

Lucy Longoria, Current Board Member, Speaks About the State of BISD


  1. Let it go Lucy. Stop blaming everything on the past board, you know what the four of you are doing... listening to the Dallas guys to dismiss 14.3 million dollars. Money that could be spent on students and teachers. Why did you do it?? M O N E Y!!!!

  2. Oh Lucy, please listen to yourself speak, you've had 2 years to fix things, YOU made it worse. Get ready, you're the next one to be removed.

  3. Go take some PR classes, and stop acting as if you were a young woman, you are not. I guess being on the Board has its ups($$$), and downs(you look old!...Yikes!!

  4. You all sounded pathetic!!

  5. I am surprised you didn't blame George Bush! Distance yourself from these snakes and do the right thing! You still have time to make things better and please, tell Cata to stop going to Republican events and telling a different story than what you put out on the blogs!

    1. Sad but true the former Majority had an Attorney who was guiding the other three fools to get the district into a mess!!! Zayas, Cortez, Aguilar and Colunga have yet to be REAL MEN!!! No leadership and bunch of jerks... Rick Rees un muerto de hambre y cobarde Es tiempo que te hagas hombre!!! Porque te faltan

  6. Luci, do you know Caty was telling a few things about you, at a Republican event?? Ask her...Ask her, and you would know how she lies to you the moment she's discovered.
    Luci you were a good person before you got involved with this group. Think about your son!!

  7. luci you are a good person . you are one on the school board. Stand up to yourself and be you!!! good luck w/being on the schoolboard.

  8. Better yet, stand up to Cata and Enrique, you can do it!



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