Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lehmann Sells Himself As Trash Consultant to BISD~Part I


  1. They have two more meeting before the elections(where their majority block is at stake) to try and ram this farce through. Watch this closely Voters !!!
    As a previous poster expressed. This is something that could be done in house without the need for a crooked 'consultant'

  2. He knows basura... He stares at it every morning in the mirror...

    Oscar Cantu III

  3. Do not allow this mierda to slurp any more of tour tax dollars, but in the event he gets in, WE, the people will get him out!! SIMPLE!!

  4. I can't believe this board would even consider such a retarded proposal. This guy Lehmann was voted out by a 10,000 vote landslide. TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE VOTED AGAINST HIM. WTF does a guy who sells scooters know about large scale corporate waste management??!!

  5. This guy is a piece of mierda, he's worse than the than the scumbag from dallas, or the caty woman

  6. Voting for Clupper. A real hard ass math teacher who would laugh at this Lehman BULLSHIT MIERDA, not try to cut a deal with Lehman the way a shady Barbosa (Hernandez tool) or Cata would.

  7. no mas no mas!!! no more no more!!! putting his hand in the cookie jar. wasn't he on the bisd school board too!!! think he was micromanging the school board too!!

  8. Surely this corruption is seen for what it is.
    BISD Board: If you do this, you brand yourself forever in this town. People are paying attention...and they remember. If you have a shred of honor, vote no on this scam.
