Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brownsville Cheezmeh's Possible Plan for BISD Board Candidates

      The statement under the picture below appeared on the"Brownsville Cheezmeh" page Thursday, 2/23/12 @ 6:48 pm by "cheezmeh".   There is a disclaimer above the remarks indicating they were "submitted by a friend," but anyone who knows Erasmo understands his iron-fisted control of what is posted on his site.  At least this gives us an idea of what the head Cheeze imay be thinking as he guides his group in supporting a slate of candidates for the BISD board.  The BBC referred to is their political action committee or PAC known as Bringing Brownsville Change.  The idea seems to be that a prospective candidate must agree to have all their campaign contributions funnelled into Brownsville Cheezmeh's PAC in exchange for support, block walking, poll sitting and sage political advice.  Of course, Erasmo may remove this statement from his site after this exposure, but please note that it has been up for several days and he even commented on it, thus is fully aware of it.

Here are the two comments that follow the statement: 

  1. An says:
    24 February 2012 at 7:02 am
    i so dislike publicly announcing my ignorance..having said that here goes…what is BBC PAC? I have very little experience or knowledge of political action committees I have only recently encountered one personally… I was not swayed in that instance to allow a PAC to exercise my right to vote for the best candidate … I saw the head of the organization solely benefitting self not the in fact best candidate…I personally have not followed the BISD and have only recently taken an interest in these issues..I do disagree that potential candidates should have a background in business or education… diversity is always a good thing…savy horse sense can make up for alot of book learnin!
    • cheezmeh says:
      24 February 2012 at 9:04 am
      Our PAC came to be more of necessity when we were fighting Fly Frontera… We visited the Texas Ethics Commission because we wanted to put out an ad in the Herald asking our community to contact elected officials to vote NO… We had a choice, either file as a specific or general purpose PAC… We opted with the general purpose … With that said… We’ve only asked for donations when there is actually a pending cause or purpose… the article was submitted by a friend, so the opinions expressed in it are his… all monies we raise or obtain are for the continuation of what we do…

Erasmo Castro

The Brownsville Cheezmeh Statement:

"I’ve been following BISD trustees for the last 20 years. Not all of them have been bad, and certainly not all of them have been good. However, I have also observed good people get elected only to turn bad once they get a taste of the position.
Because the position has the potential for so much gain, many good people seem to forget what ideals got them elected. They see money shoved in their face from so many angles, that it becomes irresistible.

In order to avoid this from happening to our candidates, the ideal candidates need to be found. In my opinion, those candidates should be willing to sign a personal acknowledgement whereby they pledge not to accept any donations from anyone except from the BBC PAC. Anyone who cares to make a donation to a candidate must make it to the PAC instead. Any candidates who are willing to accept those terms, get financial backing, notoriety, block walking, poll sitting, and advice from BBC and BC. This way, you weed out all of the other potential influences, and believe me, there are plenty.

Additionally, the ideal candidate needs to be able to make the time commitment that is required to be able to study and analyze every budget item, every expenditure, every line item on every agenda. People who live paycheck to paycheck and are under the thumb of a can’t-lose job are not good candidates. They will not be able to dedicate the necessary time.
Moreover, the ideal candidate needs to have some semblance of intelligence, with experience and/or education in business or education because it is too easy to pull the wool over their eyes if they don’t."


  1. No one with a brain would submit to the Brownsville Cheezmeh's request. What a Hitler approach..............

  2. Holy shit, the dumbasses that decide to follow that flawed plan are fucked right out of the gate!

  3. He is a convicted felon and still acts like one. People with an IQ above 60 see right through his BS. This person lives in Austin and thinks he control Brownsville, oh OK

  4. Brownsville Cheezmeh: From appearances, a collection of border vermin led by one of the ugliest men in the Valley. Surely, Brownsville can find one semi-intelligent clown to set agendas. Cheezmeh appears to be a gathering of crazy ejaculators.

  5. Jim, your personal hard-on for Cheezmeh is getting old!

    Cheezmeh has done nothing but try to look after the public's interest. So, why are you so damned critical of everything they do, or attempt to do? Is it genuine concern, or is it a personal vendetta you have against its founder because he banned you from their Facebook site?

    The BISD elections have always been manipulated by those with a need for personal gain. It's about time someone like Cheezmeh take control to attempt to stop all of corruption.

    1. This anony is begining to sound like flim flam!!!

  6. Cheezmeh is a cabal of sheep led by a geek hell bent on imposing his egomania on something, anything. Made drunk by the early success of his Facebook page and clamoring din of the ignorant, inarticulate, mindless and unquestioning morons who continue to offer blind support,Castro finds himself swollen with hubris. Barton here may be a strange sort of beat era anomaly, also full of parading egoism and a bizarre sense of community, but one gets the sense that unlike with Castro, Barton has an integrity core in there somewhere. I used to be part of Cheezmeh, until the day I began to see ideas deleted and disagreements erased with the click of a button, as Cheezmeh was thoroughly unable to intelligently dictate consensus building, and instead censored dialogue contrary to his own. How is that different from the compadrismo mentality we originally railed against? It isn't.

    "Cheezmeh has done nothing but look after the public's interest" ... as defined by Castro's world-view. When you are imposing your own notion of the 'public's interest' on your constituency, guess what? You're no longer a PAC, you're a cult of misguided personality and abject egoism.


    The BBC PAC (Bringing Brownsville Change)

    If you notice Erasmo pays himself $375.00 out of the 450.00 collected and he does not even know how to subtract the balance should 75.00. Yes, a complain to Texas Ethics commission has been done for his erroneous Financial report.

  8. Jim,
    Again you misrepresent my name and your information is incorrect. The statement you posted was not mine, it was a suggestion by a friend of the Brownsville Cheezmeh page. Mr. Zavaleta, thank you for pointing out the supposed error on the financial report. I will personally go to the TEC office this week and correct.
    Jim, there is so much work to be done in Brownsville... I feel that it is great that you have ventured away from the group and are providing a service to the community. I know that deep in your heart you know that we are not enemies my friend. Peace...

    1. Erasmo,

      You were not misrepresented, simply quoted. Anything that effects the community, negative or positive is fair game for reporting.


    2. Jim, the truth is that the "statement" was not written by me my friend. Therefore attributing the bolded quote to me is misrepresentation. Thank you for letting me answer Jim... Peace my friend...


    3. I won't go back and forth on this but the comment from your "friend" was posted on BC and allowed to remain. You have described in the past the great pride you take in controlling the content on your page as an administrator.

      Perhaps, you were just throwing out a trial balloon to see what would be permitted, but in any event, you have ownership of comments posted by "cheezmeh" on Brownsville Cheezmeh.


    4. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer. Peace my friend...

  9. Erasmo, why don't you start a cheezme in Austin?, stay there and try to "get" some money from the Austin people, not everybody in Browntown is stupid, there are a lot of people who knows what you are and what you want, your blog is boring, but is good if we want to know where a good bakery is or if we want to advertise something, there will come the day when you will ask for a "contribution" for posting a service, that day will come.

  10. WOW!! I did not know all of this was happening!!!! wow!! wow!!
    Why do people from others cities want to come here and......prey on us??? WHY????

  11. This guy needs to go back to Austin, or whatever the hell he came from!!!

  12. Erasmo want to collect money and he keeps most of it himself, just check the financial reports:

    Eramso claims to have collected $450. minus HIS BOGUS expenditures of $375. and leaving a balance of 25. INSTEAD OF 75.00. SO THE TEC now need a corrected report done.

  13. Good people don't want to run for political office in Brownsville.... Trying to make a real change at BISD is like trying to get immigrants to speak ain't going to happen. Remember what local anthropologist and apologist Tony Zavaleta (Ph.D) said...."Corruption is a part of the Mexican culture and we should accept it."

  14. B.S. Corruption is not part of the Mexican Culture, it is part of the Human Culture. Get it right you dummies!

  15. Erasmo can't start a Cheezmeh in Austin beacuase the Anglo establishment will not be cheerleaders to his ego. The intellectual level in Austin is above a third grade level so he will not have a following there.
    Just go to their site and you will read nothing but hate and abuse for others as if they are so perfect.There is lots of anger and filled with hate mongers who can't debate on an intellectual level. They are there to pick fights and let off steam from their miserable existence.

  16. I've been watching these black shirt, Cheezmites for about a year and I can't honestly understand why there is so much complaining about them. They have championed several noble causes, and have had success bringing attention to numerous attempts at corruption by politicians and others in power.

    If I'm not correct, can anyone point out what things they have done to earn so many negative comments?

    Or, can you just admit that these comments are a result of being removed from their page or some other type or jealousy?

  17. Brownsville would be a better place had Erasmo, Linda, and Melissa Castro would all move to Austin.


    "AnonymousFeb 27, 2012 04:31 PM
    Brownsville would be a better place had Erasmo, and Linda Castro would all move to Austin."

    "AnonymousFeb 27, 2012 02:34 PM
    Erasmo can't start a Cheezmeh in Austin beacuase the Anglo establishment will not be cheerleaders to his ego. The intellectual level in Austin is above a third grade level so he will not have a following there.
    Just go to their site and you will read nothing but hate and abuse for others as if they are so perfect.There is lots of anger and filled with hate mongers who can't debate on an intellectual level. They are there to pick fights and let off steam from their miserable existence."



  21. AnonymousFeb 26, 2012 08:50 PM
    Erasmo want to collect money and he keeps most of it himself, just check the financial reports:

    Eramso claims to have collected $450. minus HIS BOGUS expenditures of $375. and leaving a balance of 25. INSTEAD OF 75.00. SO THE TEC now need a corrected report done.

  22. AnonymousFeb 26, 2012 08:50 PM
    Erasmo want to collect money and he keeps most of it himself, just check the financial reports:

    Eramso claims to have collected $450. minus HIS BOGUS expenditures of $375. and leaving a balance of 25. INSTEAD OF 75.00. SO THE TEC now need a corrected report done.

  23. Erasmo and Linda, why don't you start a cheezme in Austin?, stay there and try to "get" some money from the Austin people, not everybody in Browntown is stupid, there are a lot of people who knows what you are and what you want,

    "Anyone who cares to make a donation to a candidate must make it to the PAC instead. Any candidates who are willing to accept those terms, get financial backing, notoriety, block walking, poll sitting, and advice from BBC and BC.

  25. Someone please tell the Castros that their 15 minutes are over and no one gives a rat's ass about their miserable lives.
    Please don't use cancer victims and other unfortunate people for your propaganda and family drama.
    Please don't intimidate our elected officials and those running for office with your veiled threats. You do not have the following to deliver anything.
    Do good things for people in private without publicity and in God's way and you will be rewarded many times over.
    Stop making fun of the people that are trying to make this town a better place.
    Please allow for negative comments about you since you believe in freedom of speech. You have put yourselves in the public so you must know that people WILL and CAN disagree with you.

    1. theyre 15 minutes was over last year, why are we still talking about them? they are nothing

  26. And he actually says he does not collect any money!!!! Pinche bola de mierda RATAS!!

    1. Cheezzmeh did collect money from some of the candidates.

  27. Please explain what Brownsville Cheezmeh has have done this year? (found a lost dog, asked the poeple running for office for money) They lost all of there brians of the group a year ago. When John V. was running for City Commissioner they made it a big deal his connetion with the Hernandez clan and made him tell everyone that he would not be a Hernandez puppet. Now look at who the Castro club is suck off now.

    1. hey Brainiac, it's THEIR, not THERE (also a quickie sentence structure course wouldn't hurt)

    2. Erasmo is awesome!

    3. Yes he is so smart. Thats why all the haters are so jealous

  28. Do good things for people in private without publicity and in God's way and you will be rewarded many times over


  29. This guy is an IDIOT. He is so power hungry it is not even funny. Furthermore, he or she who accept these conditions, will be a bigger IDIOT than the head Cheeze

  30. Cheezme wanted to be power brokers but candidates realized they have no influence. Their numbers are way down. They used to show up with 50 or 60 in black t-shirts. Now its like maybe 2 or 3. Pathetic! Muy triste! Que lastima!

    1. if you only knew how wrong you were.
