Thursday, September 21, 2023



From the editor: We've received some comments about TSC's vocational program and the now defunct OP~1033 training program.

We will repost meaningful comments here.




Spoke to my plumber yesterday about some of the articles on the blog about TSC. 

He mentioned he was enrolled in the diesel mechanic program this year and that the admin didn’t have the proper tools to teach the class. He said he would run to his truck for tools to be able to perform the duties of the class. He added that he was warned not to bring tools because he would make the school look bad. 

Later he mentioned the college overpaid for the diesel engines about five times what they are worth for the course. 

He said he had offered his diesel trucks free of charge and liability to the school but they rejected his offer. 

It’s said that a student had to purchase tools to bring to class and share with other students to complete the course.

Hopefully it shines some light on the level of incompetence at the school. Also had two family members join the school this year for the programs in debate and administration was really sketchy about returning calls or emails. They dodged them like if they where bullets. 

I had to personally go and talk to admin about OSHA cards that were never delivered to students. I believe over 20 students took the training but didn’t receive those cards. How sad. 

After going to reach out to the administration I was sent back and forth from building to building and campus to campus to try to find an answer. 

The person responsible wasn’t available and his name tomas Tynan. I was sent away with the response that I would receive a call from him. He never called instead a dr flishman called saying they were going to have those cards by the end of the week. That dr flishman guy doesn’t even work there anymore. 

What a joke of a school. Hope this helps. 

Here's a comment a comment about Mike Hernandez III OP~1033 training center:

You are wrong on one account for sure, and missing the rest of the story which is key. 

Mike Hernandez paid for the story. If you remember he closed his training facility after he could not get any certifications, leaving the students for the most part without jobs. 

What happened to that old fire works building the Port bought for job training? Another Mike fiasco. 

I know for a fact of two graduates who were denied good underwater jobs in Corpus because the certificate of completion is not a certification. They both started at BISD and were told if they finish at TSC they would get hired in Corpus. Neither works in welding. 

The training was worthless. The story is finding graduates telling their story about finding work. Then we know the truth. 

You are wrong about when Juan publishes. By 6:30 a.m. he has most of his stories published. He will publish a few comments and then disappear for hours. I do not the truth. 

But I know about TSC as a paid tutor. They are not teaching anything. They may lose their certification because they have too many adjuncts who sit there as babysitters while students self learn on computers which are replete with mistakes. 

Several universities in Texas have already received their warning letters of decertification over this issue. Associate Professors refuse to teach Freshman courses so they hire adjuncts to work as babysitters. They pay so little no qualified candidate will agree to work for them. They do not teach. 

Everything is done on a computer while the adjunct sits their and baby sits them. Community colleges are important, but TSC is well past its time and should close.

More comments:

  1. TSC needs to fire people that don’t put the students first.. It’s unfortunate they let go of the talent that stands out amongst the rest. I wonder who’s making the calls at TSC. Who’s the master of puppets. What’s the agenda of the institution since it is clear that the priority is not in the development of education.

  2. I have no clue about mike Hernandez character but if you want the real story all you need to do is talk to the students. They don’t have a reason to lie. They don’t benefit from anyone getting fired or hired.

  3. Brownsville Observer, is it true that a welder to get his/her license has to be accompanied by a Certified welder ? The Certified welder talks to the future welder about the task to be done and when the welder completes the task the Certified welder gives the OK and then they turn in their work to be inspected. I really do not know if this is true or if this is just another way to get your License as a welder.

  1. One reason is the lack of good instructors. Instructors that know the job; the speak the language of the students "cuidado, asi mero, echale ganas papa" etc plus the tricks of the trade. I learned this from a plumber that was teaching a young man to be a plumber. "Water is a liar, the source of the water takes time to figure out." The whole street and property were flooded but the plumber was right: the water source was not inside the house !!!

  2. The students here in our city are hardworking but you have to train them well and explain to them how difficult it is to work as a welder, roofer, etc. A & M established a program to train students with no cost to them and in both English and Spanish. Students are learning from the experts and on site. TSC should have done this, but A & M brought their TRAIN program. I think it is just the courses you need to get a job and get your permit to work. TSC needs to be better than this TRAIN program.

  3. If the TSC program is imitating the Houston program, than it has to be good. Houston works day and night with men from the Valley. Houston: is construction, a port, .....just like Brownsville. Also, if the leaders of TSC have worked in Houston, they should have more ideas and energy to make the programs work. They are coming from a big city to a small town.


Jim you and Jerry are a pair of liars and dumb asses. Worthy of wearing pampers and nothing else. I personally verified the false accusations from both of you wannabe bloggers. Both of you have pee brains who verify anonymous posts as truth. The TSC instructor Matt Richards is a certified AWS instructor who can take the coupons and test them. If the student passes he/she will be certified as a AWS welder. It doesn't mean much in terms of an expert welder, it just means they passed the school and now have to actually get a job and keep it. Welding requires being out in the sun, rain, surrounded by noise and smoke, heavy equipment and not so nice enviroment. Not everyone out of school will be able to handle the pressure of actually being a welder. Both you and Jerry as young men only jacked off to girly cosmopolitan magazines. Neither one of you have any man experience, only because you were born a man, doesn't make you a real man. Both of you have softer hands than JJ. Still doesn't excuse the fact that both of you are liars and do not do the research before posting your nonsense. Trust me, Adela Garza is a theif and Dr. Jesus Rodriguez and his staff are a bunch of puppets who take credit for everything they have nothing to do with. They are over paid worthless people. But, the school does have a REAL AWS INSTRUCTOR. Sorry Jimmy, you and Jerry sucked to many balls your brain doesn't function correctly anymore without the help of bottle long tube enima.


  1. Jim you and Jerry are a pair of liars and dumb asses. Worthy of wearing pampers and nothing else. I personally verified the false accusations from both of you wannabe bloggers. Both of you have pee brains who verify anonymous posts as truth. The TSC instructor Matt Richards is a certified AWS instructor who can take the coupons and test them. If the student passes he/she will be certified as a AWS welder. It doesn't mean much in terms of an expert welder, it just means they passed the school and now have to actually get a job and keep it. Welding requires being out in the sun, rain, surrounded by noise and smoke, heavy equipment and not so nice enviroment. Not everyone out of school will be able to handle the pressure of actually being a welder. Both you and Jerry as young men only jacked off to girly cosmopolitan magazines. Neither one of you have any man experience, only because you were born a man, doesn't make you a real man. Both of you have softer hands than JJ. Still doesn't excuse the fact that both of you are liars and do not do the research before posting your nonsense. Trust me, Adela Garza is a theif and Dr. Jesus Rodriguez and his staff are a bunch of puppets who take credit for everything they have nothing to do with. They are over paid worthless people. But, the school does have a REAL AWS INSTRUCTOR. Sorry Jimmy, you and Jerry sucked to many balls your brain doesn't function correctly anymore without the help of bottle long tube enima.

  2. If this person knew anything about Matt Richard he would know that he is not a CERTIFIED AWS WELDING INSTRUCTOR. But in fact a CERTIFIED Welding INSPECTOR (CWI). He has not INSTRUCTED a single class or student at TSC. Matt Richard was responsible for certifying each instructor as AWS Welders and failed to do that as well. Even the instructors received JUST a Weld Procedure Qualification sheet. Matt only comes around when it’s “test” time and pockets the money and screws students out of their real certifications. Please feel free to post the AWS card number for any one of TSC’s instructors for verification purposes.



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