Thursday, April 30, 2020


The ugly local tradition of compadrismo, that is when government or corporate entities unlevel the playing field by ignoring those applicants for a position who have stood in line, filled out the forms, furnished the resume's and met the criteria in favor of cronies, friends or contributors.

The end product of compradrismo is typically mediocrity in job performance and disillusionment for those who played by the rules.

Alderman David Tumlinson IV
A report indicates that Rancho Viejo, the affluent little town between Brownsville and Harlingen, may be going down this road in its search for a new police chief.

We've been told that an original field of 33 applicants has been pared down to 10 finalists for interview after being vetted by local police chiefs, only to have that process circumvented by Alderman David Tumlinson IV, who has introduced an 11th candidate, former Brownsville Police Department employee Robert Tyler.

Former BPD Officer Robert Tyler
Tyler, said to have zero investigative or administrative experience, is now said to be the heir apparent, reportedly even offering positions in what will become his department.

Say it isn't so, Rancho Viejo!

Thursday, April 9, 2020


In search of a dozen eggs, Laura Miniel, Ana and I chose to test the grocery waters of the El Globo Supermarket located at Price Road and the Frontage Road of I-69.

The stench of El Globo, from lack of sanitation, hit us at the opening of the automatic door.  It was reminiscent of the odor of Lopez Supermarkets, a proliferation of smelly, unclean stores "serving" Brownsville from the 70's.(We must differentiate the A&V Lopez outfit that smells and looks clean to this day.)

We found El Globo's egg section with all sizes conveniently and greedily priced at $3.99 per dozen.  

We passed on El Globo's eggs, obviously pricegouged and their smelly, unprofessional "store."

The next day Ana purchased two packs of 18 count extra large eggs at H.E.B. for $2.30 each.

H.E.B. may be raking in the millions, but, at least, they're not pricegouging  and keeping unsanitary stores like El Globo.