Friday, December 13, 2024



Yes, my fellow American who tends to vote Republican, you witnessed it, knew about it and, as I learned more than sixty years ago, knowledge brings responsibility.  You saw Trump double down, triple down and quadruple down on the lie that Haitian immigrants were eating the cats and dogs of Springfield, Ohio.

But, you're a smart person and you checked Wikipedia, learning that those immigrants had helped a dying town, losing population, unable to sustain local industry, literally begging for folks to move in and hold jobs in produce-packaging, machine shops and other enterprises in that town.  

Haitian immigrants saved that city and you know it.

But, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance fostered the blatant lie about those same immigrants eating the city's pets and Trump ran with that obviously false narrative as justification for his racist, anti-immigrant stance.

As Vance explained:  "If I have to create stories so the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, that's what I'm going to do."  (Obviously, the 25th Amendment that might be used to eventually replace Trump with Vance will just be exchanging one racist liar for another.)

Donald Trump, whose father had KKK membership, has a long history of racism, including his settlement with the Department of Justice in 1973 for racial discrimination against prospective Black apartment renters.

Then, there was Trump's relentless racist promotion of a lie, the debunked birther conspiracy, falsely claiming Barack Obama was not born in the United States, continued from 2011-2016.  

Trump, as late as 2024, openly called for the execution of five Black teenagers falsely accused of the 1989 rape of a white woman in Central Park despite their total exoneration in 2002.

Trump, in walking down the Trump Tower escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy for President, spewed racial epithets at Mexican Nationals, claiming "They're using drugs.  They're bringing crime.  They're rapists.  And some, I assume, are good people."

Then, Charlottesville, 2018, with Trump claiming White Supremacists were "good people," and, in that same year, referring to El Salvador, Haiti and "African countries" as "shitholes."

racism was again on full display in his careless description of Kamala Harris as "lazy as Hell," a phrase used to denigrate Blacks in the old South.

Later, he called her a "stupid person," asking "Does she drink? Is she on drugs?"

Even Trump's intentional mispronunciation of her name was a racist attempt to denigrate, belittle and diminish, the very thing John McCain refused to do to Barack Obama in 2008.

Anyway, my Republican neighbor, you knew all of this and yet you voted for such an obvious racist.

What does that make you?

In the 2024 elections, it was obvious that many Hispanic males voted for Trump, enough to make a difference in the election.  Numerous studies indicate Hispanic racism toward Blacks.

Just a few short years ago, a young Hispanic man, serving as a Brownsville City Commissioner, was recorded using the "N" word to describe a couple Black women working in our community.  That young attorney learned his lesson and is basically a good young man, but that just illustrates the fact that anti-Black racism does exist in the Hispanic community in this country and in our town.

fed on just enough of that racism in the Anglo and Hispanic communities to get elected and our country is paying a steep price in having an incompetent, overt racist as President. 


  1. write about brownsville stuff barton. we dont give a shit about your observations on national politics. every fucking day you go on and on and on and on and on about trump. we can get that boring shit in Duardo's blog. be better barton.

    1. Thanks. Obviously, I simply write what's on my mind at any point and time. The outcome of the presidential election has set the tone for the next four years and beyond and Cameron is now a red county with 52.5% supporting Trump.

  2. You just do not get it Barton. Very few people voted for the rhetoric. The cost of managing their household became unmanageable. The Democrats had no economic policy. You say the country is having to pay a price for President Trump. He is not the president, and what price are we paying? He has now admitted the price of groceries are not coming down. He knew he had no control over groceries. Why did the Democrats not do a better job explaining his lie. Senator McConnell, a victim of Polia, has made clear RFKJ will fail at eliminating the Polio Vaccine.

    1. Thanks. The "price" will be the loss of international respect as well as an undermining of democratic principles. But, you're absolutely right in that the Democrats did not clearly make their case. Harris/Walz ran a good traditional campaign, but Trump has lowered that bar considerably. Now, to win, you have to insult, name call and even lie like he constantly does. Our country has been totally dumbed down and voters respond to the baser, dirtier modus operandi.
