Wednesday, September 27, 2023


If two grownup TSC Trustees, Adela Garza and Tony Zavaleta, wanted some "alone time," uninterrupted by local blogger Jerry McHale, that's not our concern.

Even if their venue of choice, is Jerry's home-away-from-home, Cobbleheads, who the Hell cares?

Bloggers and trustees eat and drink and if Adela and Tony chose to "shun" McHale at Cobbleheads as reported today in Juan Montoya's El Rrun Rrun, that's none of my business. 

Actually, "shunning" or excommunication is a longheld religious practice designed to shame an apostate or heretic back into the fold.

Shunning by a couple junior college trustees shouldn't ruin a bloggers day, even if one, Dr. Zavaleta, has made curandrismo his field of study.  Now, a hex or curse from a dreaded curandera, that would be something else again, but Brownsvillians usually know enough to stear clear of brujos y brujas.

All of the above is just a distraction from the real story; TSC's vocational arm, ITEC, has been an underperformer.

SpaceX, for example, has no interest in hiring welders from TSC.

Graduates from TSC's welding program are not receiving the American Welding Society certificates they were promised and need for gainful employment.

Those are incontrovertible facts.

If you have evidence this blog is disseminating misinformation, we're not hard to find:

Paying Brownsville's leading blogger to write a countering article is purely PR.  

Let's deal in facts.

1 comment:

  1. I've been around Adela Garza and don't find her a particularly smart woman, although probably a decent mother.
