Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Rene Oliveira, An Absolute Dud Representing District 37


  1. These smear campaigns cannot hide he fact that Alex Dominguez voted to give LNG MILLIONS OF OUR DOLLARS!!!! Tell that to the longshoremen and every resident that eats fish and shrimp out of our area. I don’t like Renรฉ Olivera at all, but I know you cannot send a boy to do a mans job. Real leaders do not sell you out for campaign contributions, Alex Dominguez. Bullying your way into the capitol will not work for you. You need to be someone of substance who can stand up to the companies who promise politicians planka. Let’s not forget you also voted to place Pete Sepulveda as county judge, even though another candidate had been chosen by us the people.

    1. UMMM who do you think brought LNG to the Valley? It was Rene Oliveria. It is he who was wined and dined by LNG years before. Once it was at the county it had been at the state. Please get your fact straight.

  2. That is exactly right!!!! Not only RENE but also the Sucio (Lucios) were in on it too!!!! They had the deal done even before the local pendejos got hold of it. Remember all the protest and meetings being held to stop LNG? It is all smoke and mirrors people. The state politicians struck a deal and we get the bad end of it. LNG gets billions in tax breaks and we get to live with more pollution. Ah, yes good old Democrats at work in the Rio Grande Valley(the poorest area in the U.S.)

  3. Well if Rene Oliveira's opponent were better than Rene he wouldn't have lined up to approve millions in tax breaks for LNG. This could have been an easy decision, an easy step up for a new, bright guy to launch a vision of a new valley that doesn't sell itself out like Corpus. Instead we got a brain fart. The only one who did NOT vote for tax breaks for LNG was Oliveira. So The only one NOT throwing our gulf fisherman, tourism, birding, wildlife, spring break crowd under the petroleum pollution bus is Oliveira. His opponent can join the Sucios in trying to explain that, along with that lost, forgotten cause OP 1022 or whatever it was.

  4. The only reason Oliveira did not vote for tax breaks was because he doesn't belong to a taxing entity, in other words, HE COULDN'T. But Oliveira's ass is so wide open to the wining and dining from LNG that all they had to do was say "sign here Rene" and his tail be wagging because the fatfuck legislator takes tens of thousands from the gas industry. Wait up, as a matter of fact he, like the Sucios and Velamelapela, did roll over and put his signature on a Memorandum of Support approving LNGs rape and pillage of our beautiful landscape, beaches and fishing waters, essentially choking off and signing the death warrant of a vital tourist industry. Go to saveRGVfromLNG.com and Oliveira's proLNG record.

  5. Just make it simple for me, Ok?

    Did Alex Dominguez vote for LNG or not?
    Did Rene Oliveira vote for LNG or not?

    Are you killing and destroying this area like Corpus, which is a disgusting petroleum wasteland of tar and soot, or are you protecting this area from that kind of devastation? That's all I want to know. I will vote accordingly.
