Monday, October 9, 2017

Cesar de Leon, Not a Man of His Word, Rescinds Resignation!

Cesar de Leon
If Cesar de Leon tells you he's all about service, don't believe it!

If Cesar feigns an apology over racist remarks, don't believe it!

If Cesar pretends to fight corruption, don't believe it!

"How can you be so certain, Barton?  Are you clairvoyant?" someone might ask.

"No, like the King of the Blues, B.B. King, I don't like to be fooled twice.  I believed Cesar when he said he was resigning to concentrate on his law practice.  That was a lie.  He's not resigning.  I no longer believe the words coming out of his mouth."

When Cesar returns to his seat at the City Commission, he should be fitted with protective mittens, not for self-protection, but to keep his hands off any loose change on the commissioner's table.  

We have a 4-1/2 hour tape where Cesar shows he wants public officials to "send him cases," wants to be a player at BISD, is tired of working for chump change.  

Gilberto Hinojosa
"Jim, your worries are unfounded.  Gilberto Hinojosa has taken Cesar under his wing!" a bystander reminds me.

"That's exactly what worries me!" I respond.


  1. Has this been verified? Nothing in The Herald.

  2. At least he saved us from Erasmo Castro, by not resigning, and that's a lot!!!

  3. Fuck the Herald. What does Emma say?
