Thursday, April 6, 2017

Prepare to Be Shocked: Nena and I Voted for Erasmo Castro for City Commissioner At-Large, Place B

Picture Courtesy of Anisa & Rogelio Gonzalez
Erasmo has lost some girth since the photo at the left lifted from Rogelio Gonzalez' Facebook page.  He's not quite a "lean, mean, fighting machine," but getting there.

Many would be surprised to know that Nena and I voted for Erasmo in his City Commissioner At-Large B race against incumbent Rose Gowen. (Nena and I use the mail-in ballot since Nena's three strokes.  Remi Garza's staff has been incredible in sending these ballots out.)

Melissa Zamora
After all, there was that acrimonious split from the advocacy group Brownsville Cheezmeh in 2011, when Erasmo showed us the door for not agreeing to work for the recall of then City Commissioner Melissa Zamora.  

Nena and I stayed up all night agonizing about our participation.  We decided not to work in soiling a young woman's career, especially when voters in her district were not supportive.  The primary issue involving Melissa was a communication tower built in her district in a residential area. Those living adjacent to the tower were not willing to sign a petition to recall Zamora, so why should we pursue it?

Fast forward to 2017:  Erasmo is running against one of the most anti-constituent commissioners in the history of Brownsville.  Hyperbole?  No. Gowen has shown consistent arrogance in dealing with voters, even signing emails from those questioning her projects with "Ugh, Dr. Rose Gowen."

Yes, "Ugh, Rose."  Your arrogance stinks to high heaven and we're tired of it.

At least Erasmo will listen.

There is, of course the matter or residency. Erasmo doesn't really live in Brownsville, just as Jessica Tetreau didn't really live in District 2 in 2011 or Ed Rivera live in Brownsville in the recent Port of Brownsville election.  

I suspect Tony and Rose will bring out this residency issue if Erasmo gets more votes in May, but we just couldn't vote for Rose.


  1. Big mistake Jim, you should had sent a blank ballot, a vote for that pig is a vote for his economic future, he would sell his mother for a little power and a big big hamburger.

  2. Who is Castro??? I'd rather vote for Gowen, than someone I know nothing about? This guy never comes clean about what he does, where he lives, his education, and what he brings to the table. I don't know Gowen personally, but at least I know more about her, than this mystery guy.

  3. Castro criminal background, drug use and affiliation with Luis Saenz is enough to make me question voting for him. I am surprised you and Nena voted for him. You are very smart and I usually agree with the majority of your post, however; this one is not agreeable

  4. You and Nena for Castro? Why, Jim? He's not clean.

  5. Thank you Jim and Nena...


  6. Wow. You've shown true colors by making a disgusting choice.

  7. Give the guy a break its time for new blood

  8. Rasimo said he would not run again for elected office if he looses the commissioner race. This is the best news that has come out of his mouth. I see him as nothing more than a needy, internet troll. Besides his criminal record,refusal to say what job he has or where he resides, there is something suspicious about him. Yes we need change but something is stinky about this cheese. I will take my chances with Gowen. With that said, I think Ben will balance out the commission. I don't give 2 fucks either way because I make my money in McAllen.

  9. Rasimo said he would not run again for elected office if he looses the commissioner race. This is the best news that has come out of his mouth. I see him as nothing more than a needy, internet troll. Besides his criminal record,refusal to say what job he has or where he resides, there is something suspicious about him. Yes we need change but something is stinky about this cheese. I will take my chances with Gowen. With that said, I think Ben will balance out the commission. I don't give 2 fucks either way because I make my money in McAllen.
