Sunday, September 6, 2015

Serve & Protect~"The Reyna Brothers Serve Me and I Protect the Reyna Brothers" Sheriff Omar Lucio

84 Year Old Sheriff Omar Lucio


  1. Omar Lucio is a pawn of the Reyna brothers and is therefore a poor candidate for Sheriff....because that keeps the Reyna brothers in the money. The Reyna brothers are slugs and should be removed from their positions.....but they are the hands inside the Omar Lucio puppet. Whenever his mouth moves, the Reyna brothers are speaking. And, when Gus Reyna wrecks a public vehicle while out socializing...they aren't punished because "Papa Omar" takes care of them. Another corruption of the system in Cameron County.

    1. Nice try Mellissa Zamora it was your boss Luis Saez that chose not to indict Guz Reyana just like he chose not to indict your friend Erin Hernandez.

  2. (84 Year Old Sheriff Omar Lucio)

    I didn't think Mexicans could even live that long.

  3. A vote for Lucio is a vote for the Reynas.
    Why is Lucio family NOT protecting him from these Reyna guys???? Some one should call the Dept. Of abuse on the elderly!!!!!

  4. They don't do their job. People should know that warrants are NOT being served nor entered into the system. Criminals are running like if they own this county. Yes, high risk criminals too. He does not care about your safety people. Do not vote for him.
