Saturday, September 5, 2015

Taxpayers Upset About New City Logo~"Make Brownsville Go Boom!"

When I mentioned to a Brownsville caricaturist that the City of Brownsville had paid $90,000(actually $139,800 according to Juan Montoya) to Rene Oliveira's cousin for the new logo above, she said:  "They paid a lot of money for that piece of shit!"

Another resident said he felt ill after seeing the new design:  "I immediately began to wheeze, thinking of liquefied natural gas plants, breathing hydrocarbons, mercury and hydrogen sulfide.  I had visions of looking in the mirror, seeing a ring of black soot around each nostril. Heaven help us!"

A kid walking home from Skinner Elementary, when shown the new logo, asked:  "When was the contest?  I could have done better than that with my box of Crayolas."

Several mentioned the obvious connotations; the 800 mega-watt Tenaska Power Plant, to be financed by ratepayers after secret backdoor negotiations and the dumb idea of lining Highway 48 with liquefied natural gas plants from the Port of Brownsville to the city limits of Port Isabel.

"I can only imagine the wallet stuffing our crooked politicos are getting from these LNG companies!" yelled a 75 year old West Brownsville resident, who cycles his way all over town.

"I already miss 'On the Border, by the Sea' stated a first grade teacher to a BISD security guard. 

"Yeah, like we're going to ignite Texas with our wet fuse!" the security guard shouted back. 


  1. Sure, lets continue voting in these pieces of lard like Tony Martinez. The future of Texas? Omg! We have more problems to correct than rectifying a logo that there is nothing wrong with.


  3. Crock of shit. The Rich always stealing from the poor.

  4. Igniting what future!?! We are behind in everything, compared to all large and mid-size cities in Texas! Brownsville missed the ignition a long time ago! We've been in the dark, and will continue to be in the dark, as long as we have the kind of leaders we have.
    Oh, and I prefer On The Border, By the Sea. It's more factual of Brownsville, than that Always A Fiesta or Igniting crap.

  5. "Igniting the future of Texas" is the dumbest slogan imaginable. It does reveal the obvious, that Rene Oliveira and his corrupt cohorts are pushing for the LNG plants.

  6. If you know what is better, why don't you run for office and quit your complaining.


    spoof on the new logo by Babs Boudreaux

  8. Why is it that Tony Martinez and the City Commission are so willing to "employ" their friends (Rene Oliviera's cousin and sleezebag on this logo; or Baby Oscar Garcia for his "planning") or buy bad real estate...and not willing to listen to the public. Many of us would probably suggest better logos for the city...for free. Tony and his "budz" are surely taking care of themselves and their elitist "associates".

  9. Portillo's family must be so proud of her.. ..a bimbo dumb-ass and ethically challenged , they don't come any lower.Ugh !

  10. "Ethnically challenged".......are you calling her a "coconut". Anonymous seems to be the one who is "challenged here. Brownsville is full of people who, like Al Sharpton, continue to whine and keep prejudice alive with their vague references and innuendo.

  11. It clearly says "ethically challenged ".....not ,"ethnically challenged " much?

  12. Bet while everyone is distracted by this Oscar the Nothing will be schmoozing his way into more tax money.



              Where the work is done A group of us met and followed Tax Assessor/Collector Eddie Garcia and his wife single file, forming a ...