Monday, June 9, 2014

Stairways to Hell in Downtown Brownsville


  1. Where and what is this about, please?

  2. Nice iron work, I guess this is Bourbon Street, no? They do use rebar there as a delicate touch. I like the finish on the fax-marble tile faรงade. All in all, this tells you all you need to know about the downtown hysterical district.

  3. Is this the stairway on Levey or Adams?

  4. These stairwells are protected by the Brownsville Historical Association and must remain as they are unless repairs meet the Peter Goodman, Calvin Walker, Joe Gavito standards for renovation. The city should use these pictures in its application for "All American City".

  5. Another reason we don't go downtown!

  6. These stairs represent the anus of the state of Texas.....and we are it. These stairs also represent the administration of Mayor Tony Martinez......another anus.

    1. so true lmao lmao

    2. Haaaaa this is what the nacos democRATAS call progress.

  7. I might be wrong, but these stairs look like down on Washington street close to where the historical hamburger place is. Back in the late 70's there were notary public offices, attorneys, and some old timers in the medical profession that have long left Brownsville. I agree with some of the comments here, these pictures should be sent to the All American City committee, together with pictures of some of our streets and sidewalks. The sidewalk that comes to mind is the one from the corner of OPI road and Price Road going towards Hanna HS. You can hardly walk down the sidewalk because grass chunks are so overgrown deep into the sidewalk and public works probably has no money to buy weed killer that they dont do anything (being sarcastic here.) but the city finds money to send people to promote our not so clean, not so beutified town.
