Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Illogical Sliding Scale of Crime & Punishment~Ernie, Juliet and the Beer Runner

Slipping out the door of a Circle K, without stopping at the checkout counter to pay for your 12-pack, can get you some serious jail time, especially if you're carrying a toy gun in your pocket.  

In contrast, the recently resigned County Commissioner, Ernie Hernandez, Jr., got a mere wrist slap, despite 25 years of using the City of Brownsville and/or Cameron County as his personal ATM machine with a variety of money-making enterprises prohibited for elected officials.  Dispatchers still recall the good old days, when just missing the calls during the rotational agreement with three wrecker services, and then using Ernie's company was worth a $25 steering fee.  

Juliet Garcia, Still
Public Enemy #1
In terms of leeching on the backs of our region's hardworking taxpayers, diverting their monies, assets and mortgaging their future, Ernie Hernandez, Jr. is a small-time bottom-feeder compared to outgoing UTB President Juliet Garcia.

In an egregious attempt to cede $250,000,000 worth of taxpayer assets to the ultra-rich University of Texas system, Garcia cleverly used the word "unification" to disguise her evil plot to give away Brownsville and Cameron County assets the country's "poorest community" will be paying for over the next 25 years.  

Mayor Tony Martinez, "Footloose and Fancy
Free" with Taxpayer Assets
Recently, a TSC trustee candidate suggested "we all just get over it" with respect to friction between UTB and TSC, "move on" and "work together." Those are nice words, but dangerous ones, especially when Garcia is still around, as are her flunkies like Mayor Tony Martinez. No Brownsville taxpayer asset, be it a park, a building, a plot of land or monies can be considered safe while these villainous characters roam local airspace.  

We can't forget that Julia Garcia, rejected by the voters on her request for a $100,000,000 bond issue for UTB, was given $62,000,000, but still arrogantly spent over $100,000,000.  We can't forget Juliet diverting $40,000 from UTB's history department to supplement her $400,000 annual salary.

Representative Rene Oliveira,
Riding on the Backs of Taxpayers
for 30 Years
Oh, and while we're refreshing our recollections, let's not forget how the traitorous Representative Rene Oliveira, after the courageous four TSC Trustees Francisco Rendon, Adela Garza, Trey Mendez and Rene Torres protected our assets by voting to remain separate from UTB, went to Austin, attempting to undermine the vote with a house bill overturning it. Only the intervention of Adela Garza, visiting with committee members, prevented that bill from going to the floor. 

We can play nice all right, but we're not forgetting.

In the immortal words of B.B. King:  "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."


  1. Thanks for reminding us. Tercero is turning into a little dictator herself.

  2. She dangles a trip and a free meal before Kiko and she plays him like a fiddle.

  3. Leave Tercero alone, you are just badmouthing her because you want to hire Silvia A?

  4. Lily Tercero is like a sheep, compared to Julieta.....the wolf. There are benevolent dictators (Tercero) and flaming dictators (Julieta). Julieta, using the management style of the Kardenas Klan stole more money from the public than any group of corruptors in our history. Thus, as the new UT-RGV is evolving, Brownsville is likely to be left out of the planning.....thanks to Julieta.

  5. Tercero lost me when she refused to give competent and qualified local Professors fired by Juliet an interview for openings at TSC. This demonstrated Tercero was out for herself. In the process of buidling her power base, which the Board will regret later, just as Atkinson and Longoria have regretted giving life to Imagine Brownsville who later ate them up. Tercero will devour the Board, because the TSC Board lacks the will to make her adhere to what is best for TSC, our community, and not herself. All the Board had to do was pass a policy that first forced her to give interviews to all local applicants for opened positions at TSC and if none qualified, then she could go outside the area to hire. Instead, the TSC Board allowed her to put up a smoke screen that all can see through it as a dog and pony show to fool those who want to be fooled. It is called willful ignorance. Tercero is not for our community, but for herself. Wait and see!

  6. The reason why these crooks get away with stealing, they have a "D" ( dumbokRATS) after their name.

  7. I don't see why you underestimate the damge Ernie has done to this community. It is at least equal to that done by Juliet and Armando Villalobos. Intimidation of those who fought for honest government, outright stealing of elections from the few who dared stand up to corruption, massive fraud, favors, under the table dealing, illegal 8 liners and hiring relatives, stealing elections to get him self and his daughter a taxpayer paid position, taxpayer paid health insurance and free taxpayer dollars to use in his own legal defense, people who make a buisiness out of breaking the law and selling votes and elections, when you ask 'why are voters apathetic' the Hernandez family alone is a reason. While Julieta may have stolen from Brownsville pocketbooks, and Villalobos stole the sanctity of justice, the Hernandez stole the heart of this community. What so many Brownsville military families thought their sons had died for. They stole, and sold our democracy to the highest bidder.



Paid-for-political writer Juan Montoya of El Rrun, Rrun , starts his umpteenth article promoting Adela Garza puppets Edward Camarillo and ...