Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Police Leave Brownsville Library Campaigners A Calling Card


  1. Match the handwriting on this form against the police officers who showed up to deliver this message, one officer in particular who was out of her assigned route and who has publicly stated that the police officers' union guarantee John Villarreal's candidacy, and you will find the culprit.

    Some serious charges are due here!

    Do not turn a blind eye on this Chief Rodriguez, City manager Cabler, Brownsville citizens!!

  2. Please explain......

  3. So this means what?

  4. The Mark Sossi handwriting looks sloppier than the other writing. It looks to me like someone wrote it in after the fact. Second, the Police are required to put their badge number on their calling cards. Where is the officer's badge number? Nice way to fabricate evidence, Jim. No cigar. I think you did a better job for Begum. Is Sarkis not paying as much as she did?

  5. Idiot, the officer info is on the back of the incident card. You should know better, John.

  6. Angie DICKenson stop harassing the candidates. You can not intimidate them like you do with Jessica Tetas. Jessica told more than one person that you pressured her to recognize you as a hero. DICKenson stop being such a control freak that is why all your boyfriends left your punk ass.



At the Roy De los Santos event last evening, blogger Jerry McHale told me once again that my writing had improved.  That's so funny! I...