Monday, March 25, 2013

Brownsville Teachers Endorse Letty Perez-Garzoria for City Commissioner District 4

Fresh on the heels of endorsements by the Brownsville Firefighters Union and the Brownsville Paramedics Union, Letty Perez-Garzoria has now been endorsed by Brownsville teachers, more specifically the Texas Valley Educators Association or TVEA.

Ms. Perez Garzoria's opponent is incumbent John Villarreal, a polite young man who works with his father at La Milpa Tortilleria in Brownsville.  During his tenure as city commissioner, Villarreal seldom spoke at commission meetings, allowed District 4 to lose appointments to critical city boards and like the rest of the commission, allowed Mayor Tony Martinez to have his way in making highly speculative real estate purchases with taxpayer money while many city services suffer.

Perez-Garzoria, a retired nurse and political activist has frequently spoke out at city commission meetings on a variety of issues and respectfully disagrees with Martinez one-man rule of the city.

John Villarreal is closely associated with Ernie Hernandez.  His sister Joanna is engaged to Ernie's son.  Brownsville Cheezmeh has endorsed Villarreal. 


  1. This campaign is SNOWBALLING !!!! Great Choice considering the incumbant is Mayor "King" Tonys' personal servant boy. Time for District 4 to have some real leadership. This District should never settle for being the stepchild in Brownsville Politics !!! The Hernandez Vote Harvesting SCAM has to end ...RIGHT NOW !!!!

  2. I don't know Mrs. Garzoria but I've watched the commission meetings. Tony runs the whole show. We need a counterpoint.

  3. Texas Valley Educators Association or TVEA? Is that a real organization? Really?

    1. TVEA is something made up by the new president of the association?

    2. Why is this Alegria man trying so hard to start a new teacher's association? Can he be trusted? Any info on him?

    3. Albert is not to be trusted at all. This association has no state or national backing. It is most likely in name only. He resigned from the previous organization since he was about to be censored. Do not trust him. The gentleman on the right is also an educator his major area is technology and I believe he works out of the main office.

  4. what i dont understand jim is that you were once friends or at least supported villareal did you not? and you once took all the dragustinovis ladies into your home and you and nena fancied themselves in teaching them how to swim, taking provocative pictures of them and posting them in to your facebook?? okay we get it! erasmo used you, treated you and nena like crap, you guys were shunned from all the events and free gifts and spirits you could drink then you moved on, or so it seemed, but now you are attacking the same people you once called "friends" that for me is fickle.. that to me shows that you and your wife dont have enough character to stand up for what is right and wrong.. you are just pissed off and you really dont have morals.. i dare you to post this, and approve this, cos you know i am right.

    1. That's a pretty lame comment, mostly inaccurate. We did support and work for John Villarreal last time, but he disappointed all of us. Nena taught Sarah Dragustonovis, Linda's aunt to swim. . . . that's correct. Your morality concerns are misdirected and juvenile.


    2. Man, how I hate this, "i dare you to post this, and approve this, cos you know i am right" type of comments. They act so holier than thou, and they do not even have the "cojones" to even post under their real name and have to resort to throwing stones from behind their computer and hide as anonymous.

      I dare you to post your real name, anonymous douche. At least Jim posts his name and takes ownership of his comments. How about that?

      PS: Bet your keep lurking and don't post your real name. And I mean your real name, not the disposable name Joe Hernandez or Joe Garcia.

    3. haha barton again hey barton learn spanish maybe your ugly angry wife can teach you that way you can post comments in espanol lol

  5. Political endorsements are not much different than what "politiqueras" do; they both tell voters who to vote for.

  6. That Garzoria woman is quite gorgeous! You have my vote, Letty.

  7. erasmo is nothing anymore, he had his time. Someday soon he will be arrested...

  8. Well let's see if they deliver because the majority of teachers are too busy to get involved with politics.
    I had never heard of this

    Also many times the people endorsing are not liked so some will vote against their candidate.....some of these endorsement can be the kiss of death.

    Blessings to all who read my humble comment.

  9. "Political endorsements are not much different than what "politiqueras" do; they both tell voters who to vote for."
    The difference is vast. Part of the problem may be that perhaps you are in the majority in your thinking.

  10. Politiqueras are paid to steal votes from vulnerable people. Political endorsements are telling the public how a particular group would like for its members to vote. There is a huge difference between the two.

  11. Political endorsements mean that the teachers association and the firemen think that Garzoria will work for support their labor union issues. The teachers can't even get their union to support them in what is the city commissioner election going to do to serve them. As far as I am concerned, the unions in the city...firemen and police...have too much power and need to be controlled....not served. The tax payer needs to be protected from those who will sell the farm (their tax dollars) to unions who often use intimidation to get their way in the community.

    1. Well said! A political endorsement is basically help in getting someone elected in return for endless favors at the expense of the taxpayers. Lets put it into perspective, for every teacher at BISD there are between 20-30 students. Are you going to vote for the candidate that will only look after the interests of that 1 teacher or be more rational and look after the interests of the 20-30 students and their families? Nothing against teachers, just the greedy ones like that Alegria guy. If corruption is a qualification to run for office, that guy would be over qualified.

  12. To answer 6:18 PM,John Villarreal serves under the pleasure of The corrupt Hernandez and Tony Martinez. Spending millions of your tax dollars on their personal agendas and dealings that don't benefit brownsville. The firefighters and teachers at least they provide a service that you can actually see and benefit from.



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