Thursday, November 1, 2012

14,000,000 Reasons NOT to Vote for Presas-Garcia

New, Improved "Caty" Presas-Garcia
Are you buying Cata Presas-Garcia's carefully presented makeover?  Does Caty sound softer, more feminine, less bullying than the old Cata?  In a speech before a tiny group at a campaign event on Central Avenue that we videotaped, she spoke of "working together," being a "team of eight," concepts administrators she castrated, displaced or fired or teachers she frustrated and intimidated might not recognize as the old Cata they despise.  Even her old mentor, benefactor and guru, convicted RICO felon Carlos Quintanilla, is nowhere to be seen with respect to the new "Caty" campaign.  It may have taken a few years, but perhaps, Quintanilla has finally learned that the good con artists are those you never see or read about and is now laying low out of the limelight he always craved.

But, before we soften too much out of Christian charity or the benevolence of "second chances" and find the rehabilitation of Presas-Garcia somehow believable, think of the children of BISD, the shortage of art supplies, hand sanitizer, the swelling classrooms, the mess at Veterans, the vindictive musical chairing of administrators into unfamiliar positions, enormous payouts to administrators for NOT administrating.  The old Cata had a hand in all of this even though her primary mission as an elected BISD trustee was even more sinister.

When a P.A.C. or political action committee was formed in the showroom of VSOP, Pat Lehmann's Chinese motor scooter enterprise on Central Blvd.(his trash consulting business, up for BISD approval, shares the same address), it had a twofold mission.  The P.A.C.'s name, DefeatZayasCortezPowers reveals the obvious function, ridding BISD of three evidently self-serving trustees, but that was simply step one, a necessary pre-requisite to the committee's more important focus, financially supporting, electing trustees who, once elected, would drop the district's $14,300,000 lawsuit against Healthsmart for overcharges.  

The pattern or model for executing this plan was already working at the City of Lubbock, where Ted Parker had sent his heyboy, Carlos Quintanilla to spend money in the city to elect new city commissioners who would see their way clear to drop a similar lawsuit against Healthsmart filed by that city.  Quintanilla was so successful in Lubbock, that before the new commissioners were installed, the old city commission voted to settle the lawsuit for $4,000,000 after seeing the proverbial handwriting on the wall.  Mr. Q's work with BISD would be even more lucrative for benefactor Ted Parker.  

Consistent with the PAC's purpose, it's primary financial support came in increments of $1000 contributed by Carlos Quintanilla, who doesn't even have the money personally to make his house payment.  Ted Parker, however, the former majority owner of Healthsmart, does have money, putting it to strategic use, first in Lubbock and then in Brownsville through his intermediary Quintanilla.

While you may read the spin of Presas-Garcia, mealy-mouthed BISD lawyers and others that pursuing the lawsuit would have been counterproductive, even costly.  But that is a blatant lie, especially since able local attorneys were willing to take the case on a contingency basis to recover the monies for the kids.  Even if the full 14.3 million dollar recovery was never realized, what if 12, 10 or even 8 millions of dollars could have been recovered by the district.  Why would any honest trustee who claims to be "for the kids" turn their back on such funds, especially when deserved, owed the district?  Just as no trustee with a genuine interest in BISD would have done this, no voter concerned about educational needs would re-elect such a trustee.  Yes, there are 14 million reasons to NOT vote for Presas-Garcia.

Butch and Ernie
If you are Butch Barbosa or a Barbosa supporter reading the above, it is not a Barbosa endorsement.  As detailed in MMB, Barbosa clearly has a history of self-service while holding public office:  

"Butch Barbosa gets instant disqualification for being an Ernie Hernandez lackey while serving on the City Commission. Barbosa facilitated Ernie getting city wrecker service privileges, an ethical violation in its own right, but we've heard that Ernie was not simply one wrecker out of three getting calls. Some calls were allowed to go to an answering machine and then told, when it was too late, someone else got it. We're told dispatchers got a $25.00 handshake for handling calls in this way. We DO NOT NEED Barbosa on the school board making sweetheart deals for his bud Ernie. Oh, Butch did get the AOBE endorsement by promising that he would ONLY deal with that particular union in labor negotiations."

Donald Clupper
The alternative to Barbosa and Presas-Garcia is crusty, retired math teacher Donald Clupper.  Unlike Barbosa and Presas-Garcia, Clupper is both educated and an educator with a masters degree in business.  The former stock broker was a BISD teacher for 22 years, seems to understand district needs and favors the reinstatement of the 14.3 million dollar lawsuit.  He is not a perfect candidate, but may be the best option for Position 5.

Meanwhile, Cata pays for supportive blog articles to be churned out, undermining her opponents and those who have helped peal back the thin veneer covering her close association and dependence on the Dallas con artist.  For the sake of the kids and the sanity, stability and wellbeing of the teachers and administrators, please don't be fooled.


  1. Great article. You can rest assured the "Presas Press" (AKA El Runn Run) is working on a rebuttal and it will be published before the clock strikes 12. Thanks for exposing her for what she is - self-serving and evil.

  2. Way to go Mr Barton!

  3. The one personality trait to be found in Browntown is that of the copycat. They will imitate at will. This particular woman is merely watching political coverage on TV and bringing it home. Nothing novel in this vein has come down the pike since the border bandit Juan Cortina launched his stunning, mind-numbing attacks all those years ago. Local politicians of her age grew up under the hammer of the Anglo powers-that-be. So, yeah, it's laughable that is now pulling a Mitt Romney. Laughable as Hell, but sad, sad as in when will Mexican politicians steel their own brand. The corruption angle isn't even new, either. Someday, a bright kid will emerge and he/she will be known by the manner in which he carries his unique self. Until then, we shall endure the ragged and tired games of the hoi polloi...


    1. I can't believe how screwed up, Cameron county and Brownsville really are. Seriously, how can these crooks sleep or look in the mirror. When I see these people, it's like seen convicts, all they need is orange cover alls.

  4. Notice that team sports suck in Cameron County.....that includes politics. The officials in Cameron County are like Seagulls...."Me, Me, Me, Me" or "Mine, Mine, Mine" cooperative spirit. We see it every day, yet nothing is done to effect change. Is there no one in Cameron County with a pair?????? We need change to reduce corruption of our government.

    1. I've always said that, based on their performance history at the state level, all Rio Grande Valley high schools should drop football and perhaps make the sport a club sport; that is, have the kids play themselves and no one else. Football is not the game for Valley kids. The initial reaction would be horrible screaming, but the savings to school district budgets would be enough to hire more - and better - teachers and maybe even funnel monies to the arts, such as band and drama. Who knows, maybe a Writers Program that would inspire a few kids? Football gets the RGV very little return for its buck. The rest of the state only salivates when playoffs come around. Make it an intramural game, an arena on which they can actually win some sort of annual, however-local championship...


    2. Such is true /DP-M.
      Your little snippet is essentialy a metaphor of what is the RGV.

    3. Spoken like a true bookworm...

    4. Listen to this wise man. We'll still have college and pro football! I get tired of going to Sams Stadium to see missed tackles, short lineman and loss after loss after loss.

    5. Well then.....DON'T GO IDOOT!

    6. On the sports and politicians me & want, you forgot to mention the they also want, want, want, or take, take, take, but not worthy to work hard for it. That's engrained in the Mexican brain.

  5. The alternative, yes is Clupper. However, he does carry some baggage. Contrary to what he thinks, he was a weak teacher, argumentative among peers and generally disliked by students. He is unelectable. The real alternative is Barbosa or the devil incarnate. I am voting for Barbosa.

    1. Your comment is quite simply the purest form of crap that has ever entered my ears. Clupper is the only true alternative.

  6. Cata is bad news....she talks a good game, but her association with Carlos Q is simply too much! All the turmoil with moving people around is also too much. She does not have my vote. As far as Butch goes, thanks for reminding us of the good old 3 amigos days. The days when "Shit Happens...With the Brownsville City Commission" bumper stickers were commonly seen around Brownsville. We don't need that loser back again. Clupper is the only viable alternative...and he has a formal education! What a concept!

  7. ABC=Anybody But Cata!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Is Herminia "la hernia" Becerra Cata's mother......they bare a strong resemblance

  9. Cata La Rata will NOT be re-elected...Period!!!!

  10. Yes Herminia Becerra is Cata;s mother

  11. To Juan Montoya,
    I don't know how bad your addictions are, but I do know you have to write to fulfill your "needs"......sad! Because you have inocent chilhren who really need you, but Oh! Well....there is always medicaid, chips, welfare, my taxes at work!!
    You said Mary Rey is "Spiteful and senile"...."Senile" and all, Mary My HERO Rey, has brought you all down to your knees. And the my friend is priceless!!!!
    On another note, She's not even half way me, she's NOT ;) ;) ;)

    Edgar Ruiz

    1. I've not approved comments critical of Juan, but when someone signs, Juan can deal with it. Personally, I enjoy the give and take of criticism, but my detractors are usually semi-literate beings like Erasmo, Linda, Erin and Eddie. . . .not much real challenge there.


    2. Viva Mary Rey!!!! my fiend, my hero

  12. You know Jim, if people wonder why our society is so screwed up today versus how things were in our day, Cata is the perfect example. Here is a woman glamorizing her behavior that is insulting to her parents and siblings, day in and day out embarrassment to her husband, and more sadly, exposing her children to parental behavior that will corrupt their vision of what and how good parents are supposed to act! What a role model! Get yourself a real job Cata! How can you claim to help 49,000 children at BISD, when you can't even take care of your own! Not to mention our money!

  13. Caty could care less about her children! She is all mouth when it comes caring for any child no matter who they are. Just ask around and ssk her children's classmates and teachers.

  14. I feel such empathy for Brownsville citizens, especially the children of BISD. They are having to do with much less. Teachers are feeling the pressure of the new testing standards, while having to teach overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of supplies. The former school board was pitifull, but this one has taken it to the lowest standards. They are truly a bunch of uneducated and self serving individuals. Those that are running are not much better, but anything is better than Cata Presas. She is a vindictive individual who will stop at nothing to get revenge. People of Brownsville, don't allow a split vote to happen and Cata to win again. Get behind one individual. Although I do believe that Mr. Clupper is running because he believes he can make change, Mr. Barbosa is the better alternative. Please go out and vote, especially all of the educators. Remember how bad it was back in July-August of 2012 when all of these people were moved with no rhyme or reason. That was the work of not forget that!! Please vote!!!!

  15. November 5 6:54AM - well said! You hit the nail on the head. Vote for Butch Barbosa and get the evil woman out of our lives!
