Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Strangeness From the City Commission

Rose Gowen
Playing Games with Audit?

When Rose Gowen called recently for an audit of the sports park,  Mean Mister Brownsville wondered out loud if the audit was going to be all inclusive going back to the beginning of development to see where errors were made or was going to be limited in scope.

Remember recently at BISD Cata Presas Garcia called for an audit that was gerrymandered to touch only the areas she wanted touched, implicating the people she wanted implicated.

Now, it seems, Rose Gowen wants to follow the "Cata" model in auditing the sports park.  Here is a comment received:   

"The Sports Park is at its present location because Dr. Joe Zavaletta demanded that it go there and in so doing passed up a piece of property with infrastructure. The present Sports Park had NO infrasturacture and just to get it ready to develop cost about $15 million in BPUB bills! Now, I'm told that Commissioner Zavaletta Gowen wants to audit only the past few million $ and bypass what initial costs her uncle incurred! It's true that Charlie Atkinson was a rabid proponent of the facility and it's also true that the former BCIC director Delina Barrera usually rubber stamped those items. Gowen succeeded in getting Delina fired. I will disagree with you in that the Commission does Cabler's agenda; it's the mayor's agenda that gets first nod."

Tony Wants Them Out?

Tony Martinez
Is it true that Mayor Martinez wants to move the City Manager, City Attorney, BCIC out of their second floor offices at the City Commission.  Are offices being measured for a change in use?

Is everything being shifted over to the house next to the Cueto Building?


  1. Boy am I ever sorry I voted for her. I can't remember who her opponent was but damn. Probably just as bad. If some HONEST people ran for this position would they get as much money for their campaign from Tony Martinez too??!! Ay k Brownsville

  2. Cata and Gowen are both idiots.

  3. Wow! Brownsville is comparing Gowen to Cata? Triste!

  4. 2913 is around the corner. Two city commission seats are up for grabs, District 3 and At-Large B. If you know anyone interested in running, now is the time to start planning.

  5. That is one plain-looking woman. Only in Browntown and Columbus, New Mexico do you find these weathered women, all seemingly ready for supporting roles in western movies. Is that a Ropa Usada dress? Pobrecita. You'd think that in a wild & wooly bordertown like Brownsville that its women would be trendsetters, not pliable mavens made to dance by the local Machos. Surely there are a few Sears & Roebuck order catalogues in town, no? Or, tell me, has the fashion wing of the Matamoros mercado been closed by the Zetas? Somebody point this woman out of the 1970s.

    Eras Mojarra

    1. pathetic Eras Mojarra: you obviously have nothing to offer then just crude comments that befit someone of no class or character. Why don't you run and then make a positive contribution ...oh, I forgot, it's much easier to make jerky comments



Paid-for-political writer Juan Montoya of El Rrun, Rrun , starts his umpteenth article promoting Adela Garza puppets Edward Camarillo and ...