Friday, June 29, 2012

Mean Mister Brownsvillle~Elaboration, Some Topics Revisited

It's disappointing to think back to conversations where I didn't communicate effectively.  Sometimes,  I simply didn't characterize a situation correctly and left someone with a wrong impression.  Other times, I didn't give enough detail.
Blog articles are flawed in the same way.  But, even if the story has come and gone, it's still possible to go back and elaborate.

Pete Gonzalez, City Commission, Linebarger Revisited

There were several articles on MMB detailing the interaction between Chief Financial Officer Pete Gonzalez and the City Commission and the eventual awarding of that contract for delinquent tax collection to the Linebarger firm.  Remember that at the first meeting this came up, several commissioners were surprised that they would not actually hear the presentations of the three competing law firms, but only get to say "yea" or "nay" on a financial committee's recommendation.  Commissioners Gowen, Zamora and Vasquez all questioned this.  

In response Pete Gonzalez suggested a workshop so that commissioners could "understand the process."   Am I the only one who found that phrasing utterly condescending.  The commissioners were not questioning because they didn't understand the process, but because they didn't trust it and that process had circumvented them.  They were simply being asked to say "yes" to what had already been decided upon behind closed doors.  From day one of the Tony Martinez administration, the commissioner's role has been weakened   Appointments to the important boards and now, lucrative contracts have been reduced to approving recommendations made by a committee.

The commissioner's new role reminds me of a ride our son used to enjoy when he was 3 or 4.  It involved riding in a metal car that traveled along a track around curves and bends and even through a small tunnel.  Each car had a steering wheel which was not attached to anything.  It just turned.  We used to watch our son carefully negotiate the turns with intense concentration, thinking he was "driving" when, in actuality, the car was being guided by a metal track.  Our city commissioners still turn the wheel, but they are not really driving.

Editor's note:  I'm not trying to paint Pete Gonzalez as evil or even devious.  I've met Mr. Gonzalez,  finding him congenial and helpful.  He readily gave me the names of those on the financial committee who actually heard the presentations of the law firms competing for the delinquent tax collection contract.

Rose Gowen's Sports Park Audit Revisited

While the goal may be transparent government, sometimes we get transparent motives and people.  It's no secret that Commissioner Gowen has opposed funneling all of the BCIC's 4B funds into the Sports Park at the neglect of the Museum of Fine Arts, the Gladys Porter Zoo and other entities.  She and Charlie used to tussle about such funding in the previous commission.  Perhaps, it was some recent equipment or expenditures at the sports park that triggered the move for an audit, but in the view of many, the audit is long overdue.

The kicker is the audit could include the construction and equipment once the land was purchased and infrastructure in place.  It could include the construction and equipment and infrastructure once the land was decided upon and purchased.  Or, it could include all of the above, taking us all the way back to the decision to purchase this particular parcel of  so-called "raw" land without infrastructure.  If the latter option is chosen, the audit takes us all the way back to purchasing the original land from Ms. Gowen's own uncle.  Some have suggested that history as a reason Gowen has sort of taken control of the audit, perhaps to limit its scope.

So, the scope of this particular audit will be very revealing.  Do we really want to know ALL the reasons this park ended up costing the taxpayers $36,000,000 or just some of them?

The Election of Sylvia Garza-Perez As Democratic Chairperson Revisited

The election of Sylvia Garza-Perez as Cameron County Democratic Chairperson shocked many, especially those hoping for an improved reputation and more ethical operation of the local party.

It wasn't just Sylvia's weak stance on the use of politqueras or her aggressive, grating personality.  Sometimes, a little assertiveness can be effective as long as it's coupled with ethics.  But the biggest fear of those wanting party reform and change was Sylvia's connection with the corrupt elements of the party, especially including Ernie Hernandez.

So, now I'm told that Sylvia is doing further damage to the party by openly supporting certain Democratic candidates, while opposing others.  Isn't her role to facilitate the election of Democrats against Republicans, not to promote one Democratic candidate over another.  Sylvia ignores that ethical protocol, whild supporting Denise Blanchard against Filemon Vela, and pushing for Erin H. Garcia to defeat Yolanda Begum.

Again, Sylvia, your lack of ethics is showing.


  1. Sylvia being elected as CC Demo Chair is a joke. She is a complete nutcase (with all due respect to the mentally ill) and she lacks the maturity and skills for the responsibilty of the elected position. It is amazing that someone like her can win an election of this magnitued. She is more likely to win a pie eating contest as opposed to Dem Chair, but goes to show you how ridiculous the political process is in Cameron County. SAD !!!

  2. Sylvia Garza Perez Barron de la Colonia Las Papayas, or however many names she has laid claim to, will be the single most Republican Vote Producing factor in Cameron County. The Democractic Party will lose even more credibility once the voters get wind of her ignorance.

  3. There are 11 counties in the new 34th Congressional District and all Democratic Party Chairman of those counties are endorsing Denise-Saenz Blanchard for Congress, I Wonder Why? Most of us know Denise because she's from Here; like her or not, why don't you look into why people don't TRUST nor LIKE Fil in Corpus. Denise is getting endorsements from his home turf every day. I challenge all of you to meet Denise and Fil one on one and you decide who has the peoples best interest. YOUR GILBERT HINOJOSA IS SUPPORTING FIL VELA. (BIRDS OF A FEATHER)

  4. My God!! Denise has her own best interest, she is a fake and most people can see it!! that is why she spends hours calling people asking for money for her campaign, and she is not getting any, besides being associated with Ernie Hernandez and Sylvia Perez Garza, (birds of a feather) and Filemon on the other hand not only got the most votes but the most money from his supporters.

  5. Imagine Ernie Hernandez's arm all the way to Washington after helping Denis get elected? Even Gilbert has the good sense of not supporting someone with ties to Ernie.

  6. Why are you surprise she's hard core DUMBOCRATA!!!!

  7. I for one am glad Gibert HINOJOTO and Sylvia Garza Perez got the nod to run the DUUMMYCRATS in Texas to finally END THEIR REVELANCE!!!!!

  8. Whether the above is true or not... leaning towards not, like the rest of the info streaming from Denise's internet surrogates - would have been nice if she had gotten more endorsements from actual VOTERS on May 29th, you know the ones that count in a democracy.

  9. That's funny and highly unethical, as the soon-to-be Cameron Co. Dem. Chair she should be completely impartial in this race and stop picking favorites, the Secretary of State should keep a closer look on this bias individual.

    Amber Salinas

  10. Ms. Salinas: The appropriate offices have been notified.

  11. Denise and her few remaining fringe supporters live in a Democrat bubble where Obama is good and everyone else is evil. They just don't have a clue! The biggest problem and concern of theirs is whether someone ever supported a Republican in the past. Oh gosh. In the real world, people's lives do not revolve around pointless gossipy shit like that! In the real world, priorities include (for example) whether people in this District have jobs or not, can they put food on the table, and what can be done about it. Yes, that means our elected leaders must be able to work effectively WITH Republicans since Republicans are the MAJORITY in both Texas House and U.S. Congress. Being able to work productively with people who are different from you is also known as "maturity".

    The sad truth is, if Denise were willing to step out of her fanatic Democrat bubble and face reality, she would realize the regular folks in and around Corpus chose Blake Farenthold over her campaign two years ago. They chose Rose Vela as well. The clueless Corpus Democrats didn't see that one coming. Just like Denise's famous deer in the headlights look of shock when losing in 2010. If she would step out of the Cameron County Democrat bubble, she might be hit by another revelation: Ernie Hernandez, Sylvia Garza Perez and Oso Duvall are not highly admired, true blue democrat leaders but considered the town crap by many. Their vulgar, childish and self serving ways cited by Democrats as a reason for voting for respectable individuals such as Cascos and Farenthold in the past, and Begum in this upcoming runoff.

    News flash. The people in Corpus and Brownsville do not live and breathe the hateful rantings of the Democrat fringe. Neither do voters in the other counties. Many Democrats no longer attend meetings and the majority of precinct chair positions are vacant. Seriously, because who wants to be around high shrieking voices screaming the perils of Republicans, Republicans in disguise and suspected Republicans, you would think they were reinventing McCarthyism. There's a key element missing: self-respect, along with a much needed dose of reality.

  12. From a vela supporter: Obama is damn good. I'm behind him and Filemon.
