Sunday, June 10, 2012

Abel Limas Names Other Corrupt Judges~Brownsville Herald, 6/10/12

Arturo Cisneros Nelson

David Sanchez

Leonel Alejandro

Elia Cornejo-Lopez


  1. how is cornjeo-lopez crooked?? wouldn't limas just throw dirt on her cuz she beat him a couple years ago? whats your opinion mr. Barton??

    thank you for your reporting!

    1. As far as being corrupt, crooked, we'll see what turns up. She has a reputation for not being the most skilled in the court. I've also heard some serious complaints from her former staff.


    2. AnonymousJune 10, 2012 12:37 AM

      She talked down to her staff members, no reason why one left after and another before the elections. (Care to elaborate more Jim?)Her ugly look is no joke, it matches her bitchy attitude.

      Is there anyway we can renounce our elected official like Wisconsin tried with their governor? This is in regards to Limas accusations of Nelson playing "dumb". Or what do you think Jim? will THe feds just let Nelson scrap with only an ethics violation

    3. Lopez has a history of abusing her staff, which is problematic for her if she's not totally on the up and up. Even the Herald ran an article after the election, saying that she had several positions to fill because several on her staff had quit. I'm not sure she's connected to Limas in any way, but I've heard she may be in serious trouble.

    4. She did run against Limas and threw him out of office, for that I can see why he would want to smear her in revenge. On the other hand, she was in several pictures with Erin Hernandez Garcia!! damning in itself and being in cahoots with the Hernandez/Limas/Conrado Cantu crowd lends weight to limas' allegations. she needs to prove she is not, Step 1 put up a sign for Begum!

  2. Nothing but a wholehog cleansing will save Brownsville. There was a time when locals - the dominant Mexican community - blamed the White Man for his rotten state of existence. No more. Mexicans have been in power for - what? - 30 years, and what has come of it - nothing. So when your judges go corrupt, then one can frankly say, "Hey, look, they are all Mexican!" And that would be right. Brownsville has maintained its huge Mexican advantage to the detriment of progress. Mexicans for some reason can't get the trains moving. They get comfortable and that's all there's gonna be, Juan. No, this is no surprise. What the city needs is a more diverse population (Asians, Blacks, etc, etc.) The corruption is embarrassing, but try and embarrass a Mexican. You can't. They just smile and laugh that Frito Bandito laughter. There is nothing to show for those 30 years of power, other than sheriffs going to prison, judges admitting bribery and elections opting for wanton fraud. All that may be okay for Southmost and Las Prietas, but not for the country club.


    1. They are not only all Hispanic but all Democrat!! With Sylvia Garza Perez now leading the Democrats in the county, and Gilbert leading them statewide, nothing will change. Republicans have been gainining momentum in South Texas because they consistently offer a clean alternative to the Demo corruption. Cameron Republican party stands to benefit as long as they keep the focus on promoting clean and decent candidates, rather than pushing moderates away with some right wing extremist agenda.

    2. Another racist rant hiding behind political observations.

  3. Limas is talking more chit than a parrot eating chile.
    Of he additional names that came out like Nelson Limas admitted it was "things you hear in the courthouse".
    Isn't that hearsay? Look I think if they "loaned" him money then it's cheesy otherwise it's just BS

  4. cameron county needs a good laxative to clease all these corrupted elected officials outta office that have been tehre for the last 30 years

  5. No surprise in hearing corruption of other district judges named by Limas. Just ask the bailiffs! They talk plenty.

    Cornejo has abused her power plenty of times including with BISD and schools her children have attended.

  6. "Mexicans have been in power for - what?"

    You make so much darned sense!


  7. (She has a reputation for not being the most skilled in the court.)

    You give her too much credit. Her real reputation is of an complete illiterate.

  8. Unfortunately being stupid is not a restriction from voting. We have stupid voters and they elect stupid what "laxative" gets rid of the "stupid gene". As Dr. Tony Zavaleta....the noted sage of Brownsville has said...."corruption is a part of the Mexican culture and we should accept that fact."

  9. "Mexicans have been in power for - what?"

    And all of a sudden we stop being americans, not even mexican-americans, were are now Mexicans. With the stroke of a pen we suddenly become citizens of another country deemed unworthy of living in our own country of birth because of our ethnicity?

    Really? All along I thought I was an American.

    1. Then act like one - pay your bills, punish the corrupt, take care of your family.

    2. I am and have for the past thirty-five years. What have you done for our community, other than posting racist comments?

  10. Its a shame how they get away with so much and it takes so long to bring jutice to all they people they have hurt in the process. And what aoubt all those Ad Lietem Attorneys milking it at court for no work and letting children down by not listening to them and not talking to all the important people. It is a big scam and the whole judical system needs to have check in balances and from people not down here!!!
