Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Former Ortiz Aide Saenz-Blanchard Holds Congress Fundraiser at Ricardo's


by Jim Barton on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 11:47pm

     Denise Saenz-Blanchard declares that "South Texas has lost their voice in Washington".  Truthfully, she should include the 28 years her boss, Solomon Ortiz, languished in Congress.   Ortiz had the reputation of using his office for personal gain and setting the bar in the House of Representatives for junkets to exotic locations, usually the Far East.   Ms. Saenz-Blanchard worked 20 years for Ortiz in several positions, becoming his Chief of Staff in 2008.  Eventually the district tired of Ortiz' nonservice and traded him for a less than charismatic Republican from Corpus Christi.  In a personal conversation Saenz-Blanchard seemed aware of her challenge to distance herself somewhat from Ortiz.

    Local dreamscape artist Karl Julius Lieck designed the campaign sign with subtle symbolism and emphasis on the first name DENISE, which he said was intentionally reminiscent of another female candidate recognized by one name, HILLARY.   Denise is winsome, personable and convincing.  In Nena's video below Denise introduces her campaign staff.  She mentions local real estate broker Larry Jokl as one who constantly urged her to run.  Jokl seemed to be orchestrating the event, paternally by the candidates side.  He described his role in the campaign to me as "the janitor" while handing me his business card and requesting that I send any photos or commentary to him.



  1. She mentions Solomon Ortiz 5 times, I thought she wanted to distance herself from him?

  2. "She mentions Solomon Ortiz 5 times, I thought she wanted to distance herself from him?"

    That may have been wishful thinking on my part. When I mentioned the Ortiz abuses, she seemed to be nodding her head. . . . . .but. .


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Oh God another democRATA.
    This woman stood by SOLOMAMON ortiz when he lined his pockets at the expense of the tax payers AND SAID NOTHING!!!!!!
    I guess working in the private sector is not as easy making a living as being a MAMON POLITICIAN.
    denise had to have known all of SOLOMAMON shenanigans, how he started as a poor illiterate and ending up a RICH-1%ER illiterate.
    There's a book recently published by Peter Schweizer THROW THEM OUT which was also feathered in 60 Minutes and Steve Kroft of 60 Min., confronted Nazi Pelisse and John CRY BABY Bainer how they ENRICH themselves on INSIDER TRADING. WHICH by the way IS LEGAL FOR OUR POLITICAL CLASS ELITE can engage in.
    Denise definitely gives off that stench of CORRUPTION!!!!!!!

  5. And guess who was there in her "group"? Catalina Presas-Garcia, the most notorious woman for bringing BISD to the mess it is in by giving away BISD assets to a man in Dallas. Also, Julian Peña, her campaign treasurer, is a member of the BISD Bond Oversight Committee, I know I am there too....Hummmm

  6. Well, she does have the Washington insider thing going on. I want a candidate a little less connected in that direction, however.

  7. Oh my goodness she is associated with Catalina Presas-Garcia. She just lost my family's vote.

    Anyone who lets Catalina Presas-Garcia around them is just like her. So sad, because I thought Denise was an honest person. Guess we were all wrong. Guess the saying has some truth to it: "Tell me who you associate with and I will tell you who you really are in the inside." Shame on you Denise! You are hanging around people like Catalina Presas-Garcia just so you can get votes. You know what it tells me about you? It tell me that you do not care about the people. You just care about getting yourself elected and serving yourself; just like Catalina Presas-Garcia does day in and day out. It is really sad Denise, becausse I was actually going to vote for you and ask my family to vote for you also. Oh Well........................ Que Triste!

  8. "Oh my goodness she is associated with Catalina Presas-Garcia. She just lost my family's vote."

    Presas-Garcia was at Ricardo's. She and Denise had a friendly conversation for what it's worth. Denise also acknowledged Ernie Hernandez, Jr. and John Wood. She said Wood "should have been county judge".


  9. Ernie and Erin in the Crowd is enough to poison the air and this lady's candidacy.

  10. So now we have Juliett V Garcia of UTB, trying to give the college assets to her masters in Austin, and Catalina Presas-Garcia giving the BISD assets to her master in Dallas??????? What is wrong with these Garcias???????

  11. Denise, I thought you were an honest person, but being associated with Catalina Presas-Garcia is the worse damage you can do to your campaign....Just saying

  12. Denise, you just lost mine and my family's vote...

  13. "Ernie and Erin in the Crowd is enough to poison the air and this lady's candidacy."

    A pile of warm dog shit on every table would be better for her campaign than having those two walking pieces of shit around.

    This woman stood by SOLOMAMON ortiz when he lined his pockets at the expense of the tax payers AND SAID NOTHING!!!!!!
    I guess working in the private sector is not as easy making a living as being a MAMON POLITICIAN.

    Hello old friend, well said

  14. To Dec 22, @ 4:17PM

    I agree with this post 100%....Very well said.

  15. I will vote for ABDB....Anyone, but Denise Blanchard....Hell yeah, ABDB

  16. "A pile of warm dog shit"

    You are right...just don't forget to also mention Presas-Garcia here!

  17. I'm tired of this shit! Why is it all these wanna-be politicians think they can come to south Texas and give us a plate of fajita's and we're suppose to run to the voting machines? We aren't really that easy are we? After electing Cata Presas to the board, I may have to answer my own question with the affirmative. How sad! You can kiss it good bye Ms. Saenz I went to school with your sister Linda, she was a true hispanic!

  18. anon of December 22, 2011 2:06 PM said,
    "...Juliett V Garcia of UTB, trying to give the college assets to her masters in Austin, and Catalina Presas-Garcia giving the BISD assets to her master in Dallas??????? What is wrong with these Garcias???????
    They are democRATAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL

  19. Denise reminds us to blame Larry Jokl for Solomon Ortiz.

  20. Is the Rosie that Denise refers to Rosie Melendez?

  21. Poor, Denise! Only a few days into her campaign bid and she's already doomed. Who are her political advisors? Didn't anybody warn her about associating with the likes of Cata Presas.

  22. Federal Court of Appeals in Antonio Juarez case opens door to lawsuits against Presas-Garcia, Longoria, Escobedo, and Saavedra

  23. OMG! What was Denise Blanchard thinking???

    Campaign kick off....
    Introduces Presas-Garcia and Larry Jokl???
    I thought you wanted to win the election???

  24. Bobby, can you please elaborate?

  25. Larry Jokl is a little man

  26. The important thing to remember is that we are dealing with uninformed voters who are easily led, i.e. the real pendejos. The people running are not necessarily crooks, just unethical.

  27. To:

    "Oh Well........................ Que Triste!"

    You're a moron, if you think its better not voting for DB because Presas showed to her function, rather than because she was associated Solomon.

    You other idiots (or should I say Bobby) that are bad mouthing Presas are blind and should keep your comments to yourself. You have revealed your total ignorance of the situation.

    Bobby: was Juarez' ruling a victory for the taxpayers of BISD or not.... IDIOT!?

  28. This lady is a babe, an extremely ambitious workaholic who made her way up to the top of the Solomon food chain. Problem is that Solomon is as crooked as can be. One of the worst congressmen in history, who chose to make millions selling his soul to the port of brownsville and the far east.

    Can she separate herself from Solomon? Maybe. Whats funny to me is that I've never seen her go by "saenz" until she was running. Now she's trying to milk the hispanic last name to her advantage. Lets see what happens.

  29. Had supper with a former Ortiz aide tonight. Person didn't say much about Denise, just said they wouldn't vote for her! That says a bunch from an insider of 16 plus years working for the man!

  30. anon said of December 24, 2011 7:43 PM
    "Whats funny to me is that I've never seen her go by "saenz" until she was running. Now she's trying to milk the hispanic last name to her advantage..."

    Well of course she gonna do that she's a democRATA MAMONA!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Denise Blanchard had my vote untill I saw the video associating her to Catalina Presas-Garcia...

  32. Why is Denise Blanchard suddenly using her hispanic maiden name??? Wow! the things politicians do.

  33. To Dec 24, @ 11:33AM "You are a moron"

    Being associated to Solomon Ortiz is just as bad as being associated to Catalina Presas-Garcia. What's the difference? They both steal from taxpayers...

  34. At minute 3:43 she says "people are calling me from Houston, from Dallas????
    Then @ min 3:56 she says that Melissa is back, and that she knows Melissa would help. Can you tell us who she was referring to?

  35. Never seen so many ignorant people with ignorant comments.

  36. To the Dec 25, @11:06PM post:

    But you love to read those comments hu?

  37. Jim,
    Can you please answer the question from the post of Dec 25, @ 6:48PM

  38. Jim, you have not answered the above questions my man...

  39. "Jim, you have not answered the above questions my man..."

    Oh, was that directed at me? Perhaps, someone more familiar with the campaign can answer your questions.


  40. "Never seen so many ignorant people with ignorant comments."

    That says alot about you. Maybe you need to get out in public more often instead of swallowing whatever comes out of politician's and politician wannabes mouth.

  41. "Never seen so many ignorant people with ignorant comments."


  42. I know Denise from the past and I know she is not running to help the area. She wants to continue milking the system and learned how to do it from the best. Found the amounts of her bonuses she got with the past system @ the internet and I believe she misses that. But do not underestimate her. She knows how to say what you want to hear. She will not get my vote.

    1. What does Jokl hope to get out of this?

  43. She is so



              Where the work is done A group of us met and followed Tax Assessor/Collector Eddie Garcia and his wife single file, forming a ...