Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sergio Cavazos Addresses the BISD Board During Public Comment

This young man gave an impromptu, extemporaneous speech to the BISD School Board at the board meeting 11/15/11.  My wife, Nena, videotaped all of public comment, so we have the video here.  Sergio, along with his father, have given permission to show the video. 


  1. Such eloquence and maturity from one so young. Some of the BISD board members should take a lesson or two from his example on how to conduct oneself when speaking at a public forum. He was the highlight of the meeting. His parents must be so proud of him. Thank you for saying what needed to be said. I hope more students come forward to express their opinions on how the mayhem at BISD is affecting their education. It is all about the children because they are our future.

  2. His last two points on planning and student overcrowding are very valid. It is impossible to teach a class with kids on the floor or sitting on desks. 12 weeks in and many classes are just crammed with kids.

  3. Very valid statements, hope this kid teaches Catalina Board president, a thing or two...I doubt...

  4. Thank you for all your kind words!They are appreciated!
    -Sergio Cavazos



At the Roy De los Santos event last evening, blogger Jerry McHale told me once again that my writing had improved.  That's so funny! I...