Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Quintanilla's Problems Compounded~IRS Tax Lien for $244,659.99


by Jim Barton on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 4:38pm

     Some feel that only an alleged payoff for manipulating BISD to drop their suit against Healthsmart could save Quintanilla financially now.  While we can't be totally certain about that, it would not be wise for Escobedo and Presas-Garcia to pursue dropping the suit against Healthsmart at this point.  Facts are just now coming out.  Mary S. Rey indicates that there will be at least a Part 2 to her deposition, some of it involving the Quintanilla-Presas-Garcia relationship.
     BTW, I've not revealed my source in providing the documents about the tax lien and foreclosure.  That person or persons may reveal themselves at a later time.  I simply do not wish to claim credit for this research as I'm merely a conduit.


     We've displayed or linked documents that seem to indicate serious legal, tax and mortgage issues for Carlos Quintanilla.  Why is one man's finances or legal issues of any concern to us?  It is because this man is deeply entangled with the Brownsville Independent School District, a huge entity with an annual budget of over $500,000,000.  Carlos is not here out of benevolence, good will, doing research or charity.  He is here for one thing: M-O-N-E-Y.  He has a plan or scam, if you will, in place to profit from BISD.  Theoretically, how much would it be worth Ted Parker if BISD drops its $14,000,000 lawsuit against Healthsmart?  What if someone could manipulate the board, orchestrate hirings and firings to achieve a certain result?  All of this is theoretical, of course, but I'm simply trying to illustrate what COULD be in the works.  Of course, all of this has been said before by other commentators, but it seemed to be appropriate to mention it here.
       Even Quintanilla's home at 421 S. Dwight Ave, Dallas, TX, mentioned above, facing a huge tax lien is of some interest to Brownsville.  Do you remember during the Fly Frontera fiasco, former Mayor Pat Ahumada tried to distance Quintanilla from the airlines deal that was before the city commission?  "He's just the messenger!" Ahumada kept saying.  "He's not part of the company!"  Ahumada stated April 5th at the commission meeting, almost forcing Craig Grove to bring to commission's attention that the corporate headquarter's address on the Fly Frontera website was 421 S. Dwight Ave., Dallas, TX, Quintanilla's home.

Happy Thanksgiving!    Go Cowboys!


  1. Your right. Healthsmart is the gold mine for Cadillac Caty, Quintanilla, and Escobedo. Escobedo is fighting to drop the lawsuit. Garcia and her followers should be aware...

  2. And this Quintanilla guy was bashing Minerva Peña a few weeks ago, for not paying her taxes???? Talking about the pot calling the kettle black!!

  3. Jim, as always you are doing a great job!!!
    Thank you sooooo much!

  4. Gosh, Carlos Quintanilla's has so many problems and libilities. He should ask to go back to prison before he totally self destructs!

  5. These are such great articles Jim. Thank you!

  6. God bless for people like you, your wife, and Mary. Thank you, We could have never done it without you!




  8. What Mr. Quintanilla needs to do is GET A REAL JOB IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND STOP STEELING FROM THE TAX PAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Quintanilla, and Catalina Preasa-Garcia finally met their match.
    At this point, it does not matter how many persons A B C D he gets to lie under oath, the fact is they conspired to do multitude of .... things? Before and after election.
    This lady will not be intimidated. Period. So, carry on private!

  10. Need to look a little closer on that lien Quintanilla filed his tax returns for that year and the lien has since been resolved. Wow he makes alot of money and certainly that quarter of a million could not be from Healthsmart.

  11. Quintanilla pays his property taxes Minerva still owes and serves on a public board that receives those taxes that she does not pay.

  12. quintanilla is such a pussy. . . scared of little minerva. . . . .what a cowardly bitch of a greaseball he is

  13. The tax lien is March of 2011. You are saying he paid a $244,000 tax lien since March of this year, but they had to put his home into foreclosure. Do you really think people are that stupid? How about along with the lease Mary Rey signed he posts the release of lien he received from the IRS.

  14. No Quintanilla filed a tax return for that year. The Lien was a estimate placed by IRS and after Quintanilla filed his tax return NO TAXES WERE OWED. His accountant.

  15. Ms Rey is a poor soul who is desperate to save her two sons from spending the rest of their lives in jail for murder. One can question her motives. Now we know why Quintanilla did not give her $50,000. He did not have it.

  16. Why is CATA still picking on Minerva? I will tell you why, because Cata wants the attention off of her and onto Minerva. Cata you have NO JOB, NO MONEY, NO MORALS, NO BRAIN and are totally and completely a LOST CAUSE! How do we know that? Because we totally remember you from Porter High School. Ask any of your former classmates and they will say she was as horrible then as she is now. Que Triste que es de la Southmost. You put all of us who grew up on Southmost to total SHAME! YA BASTA MUJER!!!!

  17. If you notice the last day for refiling was 1 1/12/ 2019. Mr. Quintanilla refiled his taxes and no taxes were due. Need more explanation.

  18. Ms Rey you have no job no morals and two sons who are murderers. Why do you have so much hate against Cata or is it Minerva Pena you sound the same. look who is talking about attention. Minerva gets no attention at home so she is desperate at the Board meetings. Ya basta tu Minnie das assssko.

  19. Tea Party leader backs Barton; Republicans, less so

    It's pretty darn obvious what Democrats are doing today -- ripping into Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) for his "apology" to BP in a fashion that makes Oceania's campaign against Emmanuel Goldstein look amateurish

    Now we all know that Jim barton is a proud member of the Tea Party. Now we know why all the vicious attacks against Quintanilla, is he running against Barton?

  20. Jim is Joe Barton your primo. Pinche Gringos stick together.

  21. Post 8:20 p.m. and 11:02 p.m. is none other than Cata herself. WOW, welcome to this blog Catita.

  22. "No Quintanilla filed a tax return for that year. The Lien was a estimate placed by IRS and after Quintanilla filed his tax return NO TAXES WERE OWED. His accountant."

    Thanks for clearing that up Carlos. The tax lien, the foreclosure, the child support arrearage, the bounced checks, the property liens were all just big mistakes? I suppose the RICO fraud conviction was reversed too and you were exhonerated? Maybe we have just have you all wrong?

  23. Mr. Quintanilla seems addicted to lies and deception. He expects Brownsville to believe the law says the IRS can place a lien on your property based on an estimate. He actually believes Brownsville is that stupid.

    " Anonymous said...
    If you notice the last day for refiling was 1 1/12/ 2019. Mr. Quintanilla refiled his taxes and no taxes were due. Need more explanation."

    The last day for refiling which is noted on the lien is the last day the IRS can refile the lien. The IRS has 10 years from the day of filing of the return or the last day an extention was requested. It has nothing to do with the last day a person can refile their taxes.

    Mr. Quintanilla is in a complete state of panic as Brownsville learns the truth. He spent the night awake posting this garbage here and on his bogus no body reads blog (by his own admission BTW).

    Mr. Quintanilla claims 50,000 hits on his bogus blog since May. Mr. Quintanilla is so stupid he believes he is hot.

    Do the math. 50,000 divided by 200 days and you get an average of 250 hits a day. Hits means the number of times people looked at the web page. Unique hits are the number of separate people who looked at the page each day. If someone looked at his page 3 times a day that would mean each time the same person looked at his page it would record as a hit. If he has an average of 250 hits a day, this means he really only has about 150 people a day reading his nonsense. Then if you minus the people who read his bogus blog for pure entertainment, you are probably down to 5 people who take him seriously.

    There is a reason he was never buggered in prison. He is about as hot today as he was in prison.

  24. The case on the bounced checks was dismissed and BWC never posted that. Check the public record. You guys will never be satisfied. Still burning from the Zayascortez shellacking received.

  25. Quintanilla is doing fine in Chicago with family and friends.

  26. "Quintanilla is doing fine in Chicago with family and friends"

    Is that why Brownsville smells so much better today?

  27. Quintanilly is a pussy, he's scared shitless of Mary Rey and Minerva Peña.... ha ha ha ha....is that the reason why he is in Chicago???

    This woman Mary Rey is bringing them all to their knees......uy uy uy

  28. Jimmy you boasted in your blog that you received 5,000 hits and you were ejaculating. Carebrownsville boasts over 50,000 hits since may and you call it repetitive. What's up.

  29. So much hate against this guy Quintanilla can't get over the fact that he took away the compadrismo the sweetheart contract took Zayas away from sucking that BISD contract chi chi and with the election of new Trustees eliminated all the no good dinosaurs at BISD. Great job Quintanilla, they are scared shitless of you.

  30. Ms Rey should get on her knees and ask for forgiveness for her two murderer drug dealing sons.

  31. "Ms Rey is a poor soul" Post of 10:53 pm

    But this "poor soul" has put you all to shit on your pants, and then som!!!
    Now you all (Board majority)got the attention you were craving....Feds and all!!!

    Whay have NONE of you denied what this lady said???? WHY??? Because it is true ALL of it.

  32. Hello dear person who posted @ 11:02 pm Nov 22.
    It speaks volumes of you, each time you TRY to discredit this lady......Does that mean we have to BLAME Quintanilla's mother for him being a R.I.C.O. CONVICTED FELON??? But then again, if you are as stupid as he is, you will not understand what I'm telling you, but do not worry there is help out there, even for people like you. You may have to be commited for few years, but hey, hopefully you'll be treated.
    Once again, Thank you for posting about this great lady whom WE ALL THANK dearly for having the BALLS! to come forward, and bringing you all to your KNEES.

  33. Carlos,

    You're not exactly known for veracity. I doubt your own mother believes half of what comes out of your mouth.

    As for comparing page-views on blogs, that's juvenile. I was juvenile for mentioning it in my first month. You are juvenile for mentioning it now.

    The "hits" you should be concerned about will come from the judicial system, the I.R.S. and the mortgage company.


  34. "Ms Rey should get on her knees"

    I have known Ms Rey for a very long time, and I can tell you this about her: She is the most caring, honest, trustworthy person any one can ask to have as a friend. I am blessed to have her in my life!!
    I am also very aware of what was going on and how Mr Quintanilla defrauded this, and another faithful follower (an older lady too). He and Cata and Lucy promised the other lady that he will help her with the Mayoral Race, then suddenly Quintanilla had a "change" of heart and at the next meeting (Cata was not in that night) Quintanilla told to this older lady "We are going to help Camarillo....hu? We? said the lady, who's we?...Then Mrs Rey and Lucy told Quintanilla "If you are not helping Mrs M...we are not helping you" Lucy also stated that he owed to help Ms M.
    Why can you people see this Quintanilla guy and his cohorts for what they really are? I love my friend Mary Rey, and if her "friend" (at the time) Ms M. is really an HONEST person, se'll come forward and say the truth, after all, she's always talking about God and honesty and truth! So what is she waiting for?


    Who is this guy?
    Why is he here, if he lives in Dallas?
    How long has he been involved with the BISD current Majority, and WHY?
    How many more deals are they trying to accomplish?
    Can Catalina and Lucy explain to the public their entanglement with him????? We'll see!
    My point here IS: Mrs Rey is an honest citizen and that's why they: Carlos Quintanilla, Pat Lehman, Art Rendon, Catalina Presas-Garcia, Lucy Longoria, Christina Saavedra, and Enrique Escobedo used her.....used her CLEAN NAME, used her HONESTY, used her STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS, but most af all USED HER VULNERABILITY, to extract as much work from her and this other lady Ms M., and that is BULL CRAP. THEY ALL PREYED ON THIS LADY LIKE VOUCHERS!! They ALL knew she had a child in jail....ONE.....Still to this day, is ONLY ONE....Still to this day, is an allegation, NOT a conviction....This Quintanilla person ought to know the difference, HE 'S BEEN CONVICTED BEFORE. A L L E G A T I O N!!! Pobrecitos! They probably need to look it up...Oh! Well...


  35. Why is the NO ONE is anwering to the post of Nov 23, @ 11:05 AM



  36. What's the connection between Carlos Quintanilla and Ben Neece?

  37. Mary Rey was asked to come to Lehmann's scooter shop on Central Blvd to sign the document making her president of the defeatZayasCortezPowers political action committee or PAC. There at the shop were Lehmann, Quintanilla, Argelia Miller, Juan Montoya and Ben Neece. That's all I know.


  38. Ben was probably helping out his old friend Juan Montoya.

  39. So Argelia Miller, Juan Montoya and Ben Neece are as much to blame as Quintanilla then?

  40. Oh yea, now there is a vast conspiracy!

  41. Jimmy you boasted in your blog that you received 5,000 hits and you were ejaculating. Carebrownsville boasts over 50,000 hits since may and you call it repetitive. What's up.

    What's up is Cafe Brownsville not Care Brownsville has not posted anything on it's page since August 23rd.

    There is really no commentary on Cafe Brownsville, just posting of Videos.

    That's what's up.

    Keep it flowing Jim.

  42. Is there someone besides Bobby Cervantes and Jim Barton who can verify the testimony of Ms. Rey. She seems to be saying alot but noone is backing her statementss. Sounds questionable to me.

  43. I remember Bobby Cervantes posting about this guy Quintanilla and $12,000 worth of bounced checks. What he failed to mention is that the case was dismissed. The case was worthless and was dismissed after Quintanilla sued them. He forgot to post that link. There are two sides to a story and we are just getting the initial version but not getting the final version.

  44. Catalina, and Luci, were always aware of when Quintanilla was coming into town, as they always pick him up from the airport. Some times he would drive, but apparently without drivers licence, as at some point his licence was suspended. Also, Luci has a friend who owns a condominium at the Island where Quintanilla stayed some times. Proof to this is coming very, very soon!

  45. So Argelia Miller, Juan Montoya and Ben Neece are as much to blame as Quintanilla then?

    Why aren't we hearing more about the Argelia Miller and Ben Neece involvement in all this shit?

  46. Mr. Quintanilla it seems to me Mr. Wightman's characterization of you as a pathological liar was right on.

    You did not win the Voz lawsuit over the #12,000.00 in bounced checks. You went to mediation and paid a settlement. Unlike you, Mr. Wightman posts documents to prove what he is saying. You sir, post nothing but lies. Why not prove Mary Rey a liar by posting that lease you claim to have and prove Mr. Wightman a liar by posting the settlement document in the La Voz lawsuit.

  47. Jim get over the RICO crap the guy who prosecuted Quintanilla is the same guy defending the Healthsmart lawsuit. Small world.

    What have you done lately Jim. Quintanilla is like a energizer battery fighting against Hunger in dallas and making news on several fronts. Who gives a shit about what happened twenty years ago.

    As I read the pdf file you posted the foreclosure on Quintanilla's property was scheduled for the first week of November and that did not happen. Now we are in November and it is sceduled in December how does that happen so quickly. Something does not add up. People think they can just beat the shit out of Quintanilla and have no consequences. So far he keeps fighting and winning the battles.

  48. Jim readthe public record the case of the bounced checks was a dud. After Quintanilla counterclaimed they moved to dismissed the lawsuit. Mr. Quintanilla did not settle anything nor did he pay any money or restitution. Like many cases filed aagainst a very publuc person this one was as frivolous as Bobby Wightman Cervantes. Mr. Quintanilla would be very happy to post it but since you are doing such extensive reserach look it up yourself. CASE DISMISSED GET THAT JUNK OUTA HERE!!!!!!!!

  49. "Jim get over the RICO crap"

    Why Carlos? It's part of your legacy. As painful as it may be to bring it up, it reminds people how you operate. Is that what you tell G. Heileman Brewing Company, the target of your $700,000 kickback scheme, "Get over it!"?

    My personal belief, based on my life experience, is that pedophiles and con artists cannot be rehabilitated, do not reform. They simply look for another victim or mark.

    Your reckless disregard for the truth in something so basic as an address speaks volumes about your character. "He that is unfaithful in what is least is unfaithful also in much."

    To put it succinctly: I will get over your crap when your con is stopped and not before.


  50. Well said Mr. Barton......Just like my father would say, "How you do anything is how you do everything."

  51. "Fighting against hunger in Dallas"
    Why don't you pay ALL of the judgements against you first?
    "Who gives a shit about what happened twenty years ago"
    We do! Brownsville citizens/taxpayers DO GIVE SHIT! We do not want you, your boss, and this Board majority to continue stealing from us!

  52. Very well said Mr Barton. Thank you, thank you for the great deal of respect you use, even when responding to Dumb and Dumber.
    (Quintanilla and Cata)

  53. To the 9:22 AM post
    Not only Argelia Miller, Ben Neece, and Juan Montoya, but Pat Lehman, Art Rendon, Catalina Presas-Garcia, Lucy Longoria, Christina Saavedra, and Enrique Escobedo.

    So....Was this a conspiracy since the very beginning, or what???

    I really wish this lady Mary Rey, would had done this alot sooner, but I still thank her very much. I am sure ACE Ins. is very happy to hear all of this.....hopefully BISD will recuperate it's money too.

  54. Way to go Jim!!!

    Thank you Mar Rey...You go girl!! we are behind you 1000000%....Don't back down now...perros y perras que ladran, no muerden uy uy uy!

  55. Ben Neece is a crook.

  56. Why is it that NO ONE from Quintanilla's group ever answered to the Nov 23, @ 11:05 AM?????

    Their action or lack there of, is telling us that ALL of the deposition by Ms Mary Rey was absolutely correct, and then some.

    This Q guy and C. Presas, are such "poor souls" who "should be on their knees asking for forgiveness" from the taxpayers they have stolen from.

  57. You will hear more, but Argelia Miller is an honest lady who was promised the world by this convicted felon too. She thought she was helping bring change, just like Ms Rey thought.

    What these people did was to take two mature ladies for granted. My dear friends, never underestimate the power of a woman...specially this woman....

  58. Yes, Quintanilla and the current Board totally underestimated this lady!!

    My advice to them: Do not underestimate Jim Barton, or Jerry Mc Hale... Not healthy on either of these three cases. Trust me, Not healthy!!

  59. "Mrs Rey, you have no job no morals"

    Which one of you BISD Board Majority, and/or Carlos Quintanilla, have a job, or morals?? Oh! wait We forgot that you scam people for a living I guess in your world this is called a job hu? Wait is this Quintanilla, or is this one of Quintanilla's two beloved board members talking? Because that's no difference in what you guys do, a scam is a scam any way you put it, or you forgot Mrs.Rey knows ALL of what you guys talked about during the meetings with Carlos, Cata, Lucy, Mary, and Argelia Miller? (and sometimes us, the ones visiting her), but you are so pathetic an so stupid you didn't even know we were there in the next room hu? and Cata, who does not know how to speak in a normal human being's voice, would be yelling when things were not going her way, same thing with Quintanilla...And their fights who got out of control between Quintanilla and Cata or Q and Lucy, were annoying, but I guess birds of a feather flocks together

    FYI Not that it matters any more; at one point, this nice lady, Mary Rey, was so compassionate of Luci and Cata, she even thought you were being Quintanilla's victims too, but guess what? You two proved her wrong. You are not victims...you are co-conspirators. This will also be proved very soon.

    "El que con lobos se junta, a aullar se enseña" Y ustedes aprendieron luego luego!

    Translation: "He who rides with wolves learns how to growl" And you guys learned right away!

    Mary Rey is our pride and joy, she's one of the pilars of our very large family in Brownsville, Los Fresnos, and San Pedro, with more family in Houston, Austin, Round Rock, and Seabrook. Rest assured her deposition(s) are and will be circulating here too...

    From this point on, our mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend will go full force everything she has on you. I believe you guys already got a taste of what she can do ALONE, imagine what she WOULD DO with all of us on board!

    We do not expect this Quintanilla character, or these so call "professional" Board MemberS to have any shame on attacking women senior citizens, but we do however, pray THEY AT LEAST RESPECT THEIR OWN MOTHERS! which at this pont, WE SERIOUSLY DOUBTED IT.

    The family of Mary S Contreras Rey

  60. Wow! Wow! Wow !
    This is getting the point across very well and with respect, which is something these board majority, and this Q guy does not know.
    Congratulations tho the person who wrote this letter .
    God bless the Rey, Contreras, Bolivar, Davenport, and Soto families !

  61. Hey us too: the Gonzalez, of Los Fresnos, Martines, Sustaita,, and Ruiz from Matamoros and Brownsville..... Que paso tia , we love you lots!

  62. Thanks Jim, for the great job you are doing!

  63. Thanks Jim, for being so easy manipulated!

  64. Quintanilla met his match on a poor old lady, but with much more cojones in ONE DAY, then he can only dream of managing in his entire life!


    A REAL ACTIVIST, my FRIEND, but most of all.....MY HERO! God bless her, and her family!

  65. A la madre!...this is serious, very serious.
    God bless this lady Ms Mary Rey, and her family!



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...