Duardo AKA the "Putz," the "Imp" |
As relentless as death and taxes are the daily taunts from Duardo Paz-Martinez, the peculiar, insecure typer from McAllen.
Duardo, the blood-sucking sanguijuela of the blogosphere, latches onto public people as if seeking the nourishment of relevance, a salve for the sting of his insecurities and relationship failures.
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Tad Hasse |
It was Brownsville's resident techie Tad Hasse who coined the nickname "The Putz" to refer to internet pest Duardo after an entanglement in the late 90's, although Bobby Wightman-Cervantes preferred "The Imp."
It was actually Bobby, alarmed at the sexual innuendo Duardo was sending daily to my late wife, who wanted the two of us to drive to the home of Duardo's deceased mother to confront the pendejo, but I had no interest in that.
Most of Duardo's dozen or more failed blogs have been aimed at Brownsville, although he diverted to Harlingen for a year or two with The Paz Files, a blogging vehicle specializing in daily insults directed at longtime Harlingen bloggers Jerry Deal and Tony Chapa.
Through the years, Duardo's methodology has remained constant, albeit unsuccessful, proverbially sniping from the book depository to "take out" his opposition and create a niche for himself in the blogosphere.
After the demise of The Paz Files, Duardo resurfaced as "Sam Losoya, college student from Harlingen," a disguise that fooled no one.
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Rafael Collado |
Brownsville activist Rafael Collado characterized the man-child as well as anyone: "Duardo is a producer of grotesque political gossip, poorly justified as 'style.' Always antagonistic and consistently offensive. Unpleasant. Distasteful. Can't stand him."
Repeatedly, I've received warnings to "not respond to Duardo," even from his intermittent friend and mentor, Jerry McHale, currently estranged from Paz-Martinez following a reported tiff or pillow fight.
It was McHale who shed some insight into Duardo's character recounting the time he'd bought the two of them lunch at a Mexican eaterie, leaving a tip he saw Duardo himself pocket from the table, depriving the Hispanic wait staff of their just due.
My own tolerance of the blogging miscreant reached a breaking point in April 2015 when I sent Google examples of Duardo vitriol and he was banished that very day, only to resurface on blogspot like a dog returning to his own vomit.
Unfortunately, Duardo is the cancerous tumor that returns after a brief remission, the cockroach hiding under the sofa, the attention seeker for whom there is "no such thing as bad publicity" that we've just gifted with "15 minutes of fame."
While I understand you want to respond to this guy I'm tired of reading about him.