Tuesday, November 21, 2023


In the case of former Republican Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and current governor, his daughter, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the rotten fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

It was the dad, so deeply into MAGA, that threatened that if Trump was somehow prevented from "winning or even running" in 2024, it would be "the last election decided by ballots rather than bullets."

Daughter Sarah, served as Press Secretary during Trump's single term and remains firmly MAGA.

Huckabee, girlfriends in Paris

Sarah's experienced some turbulence in her ride as governor, starting with a trip to Europe, including Paris, for a trade show.  Think Pat Ahumada, when he traveled on a pleasure trip to Tampico back in the day to "promote Brownsville."

Huckabee was certainly mixing pleasure with government business as she brought along a couple friends, Virginia Beckett and Hannah Stone, to likely do the tourist thing.

It appears that Huckabee slipped her two buds $20,000 in taxpayer monies to help them with hotel, flight and drink expenses, then covered it up with a bogus submission to government records that represented the expenditures as the purchase of a lectern from "Beckett LLC" for $19,029.

Little Rock blogger Matt Campbell exposed this mess when, via a Freedom of Information Act request, he uncovered a suspicious expense of $19,029, just under the $20,000 threshold requiring full disclosure.

Campbell eventually got a copy of the invoice on the top of which someone had scribbled "to be reimbursed" and the monies were indeed later paid by the Arkansas G.O.P.

Sanders now claims the tax monies were spent on an extraordinarily expensive lectern she's never been seen using and that doesn't seem to be worth anything close to $19,029.

On September 6, two days after Campbell filed suit to obtain additional records, Sarah Huckabee Sanders called a Special Sesssion to introduce new legislation giving the ultra-rich a tax cut and imposing restrictions on the Freedom of Information Act with respect to the governor, cabinet members and state officals.  That bill was DOA, opposed by several factions of state government.

Sanders is now taking heat on another front as she went through the nonsense of extending clemency, "pardoning" two turkeys, she denied a pardon to a mentally-disabled man who'd served 32 years in prison for a crime Arkansas Times reporter Radley Balko claims he didn't commit.

Charles Vaughn

Vaughn, along with three other men, were convicted of the 1988 murder of Myrtle Holmes.

Vaughn sat in jail for a year claiming innocence before his public defender convinced him to confess to avoid the death penalty, even though the facts of the crime showed he wasn't involved.

While sentencing Vaughn to life in prison, the judge remarked "I'm sure that some governor down the road will reduce the sentence or commute it to a term of years."

Years later, one of the four men, Reginald Early, confessed to the murder, saying he'd acted alone.  As a result, the other two suspects had their convictions overturned, but Vaughn--illiterate and without attorney, did not do the necessary paperwork to get his conviction overturned.

Governor Sanders gave no explanation for her action, but, is instead pushing for the State of Arkansas to add an additional 500 prison beds while also claiming that Arkansas' penalties for crime were "weak" and the state needed to lock up an additional 2,000 people.


  1. She seems like a real bitch.

  2. Wow the fact she refused to pardon Charles Vaughn shows what a cold hearted woman she is. But I bet she pretends to be very religious. What a hypocrite she it. Poor man. It is sad he got railroaded.
