Saturday, August 14, 2021


 Several years ago, Jerry McHale told me he was looking forward to retirement so he could sit down at the court house and get the details on juicy divorces.

Jerry seems to have the story he was yearning for in the ongoing divorce between Dutch and Ludy Fisher.  

I don't know the Fishers, but I've seen Mr. Fisher, once or twice, expressing himself before the City Commission on a zoning or real estate issue.

Fisher struck me as a man who took considerable pride is his dress in a style we old folks call "dapper."

Anyway, here's Jerry's report:

Jerry McHale

In a nasty divorce that would certainly be deserving of a television show, Ludy Fisher is accusing Frederick "Dutch" Fisher, among multiple other outrages, of pointing a shotgun at her on one occasion and threatening to kill her and on another occasion of  killing her two cats.

"His scrotum literally hung to his knees," marveled Sanchez. "It was the most incredible sight that I have ever seen in my life."

The case is being heard in Judge David Sanchez's 444th State District Court. McAllen attorney Katie Klein is representing the wife and Ron Armstrong is representing the husband. In an incident involving the major actors, Armstrong threw a glass of wine in Sanchez's face at La Pampa that turned into a major fracas at the exclusive restaurant. Sanchez admitted after the confrontation that both he and Armstrong have been permanently prohibited from future service.

Ludy Fisher

Meanwhile, the divorce case has become the main topic of gossip at The Toddle Inn, Bertha's and other popular eateries featuring huevos rancheros for breakfast. With Ms. Fisher distraught over the reported murder of her cats and her unsuccessful requests from the authorities for a protective order because she fears for her life, we at The McHale Report have turned to the Baker Boys, the famed detective duo, to investigate Ms. Fisher's charges. They returned with the latest police report, the last of approximately ten filed by the wife, and her statements speak for themselves.

Ms. Fisher informed Brownsville Police Department Officer Edgar Rivera that a former client e-mailed her that she was at the Fishers' residence--Ms. Fisher hasn't resided there in almost a year--and noticed a foul smell pervading the house. She added that Mr. Fisher was hosting a party in which the majority of those in attendance were doing cocaine.

Mr. Fisher explained to this individual that the rancid smell was emanating from a freezer in which he was storing a dead cat. He further stated that his wife had entered the residence when he wasn't at home and had poisoned two of their three cats, the second which he buried in the backyard. He intended to have an autopsy performed on the frozen feline.

Mrs. Fisher countered that there is no truth to the accusation and that he is the murderer. She insists that she saved the third cat from a similar fate, which is now in her possession. To further substantiate her husband's sanguinary impulses, he approached her at an establishment on South Padre Island and spat, "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

In a separate matter included in the report, Officer Rivera records: "Ludy further stated that Deputy Constable Andrew Perez served Frederick with court documents approximately a month ago and that Andrew told Ludy that Frederick told the  deputy constable that he had bombs and guns and could kill the deputy constable. Frederick also told the deputy constable that his body guard had guns and bombs."

"We are dealing with an extremely volatile situation," said Billy, the more talkative of the private-eye twins. "Did Mr. Fisher kill the cats? Did Mr. Fisher threaten to kill his wife? Did Mr. Fisher threaten to kill the deputy constable. Is the BPD investigating? Why can't Ms. Fisher attain a protective order? We know that there are dead cats as Mr. Fisher has admitted. Will there soon be dead people? It is mind-boggling that the authorities aren't taking a more active role in attaining the facts in this he said/she said contretemps.

"Why haven't they collected the dead cats and performed autopsies?" continued an incredulous Baker. "Both spouses insist they were poisoned? Why hasn't Deputy Constable Edgar Rivera been interviewed to substantiate or refute accusations? Why hasn't the individual who originally reported the foul odor during Mr. Fisher's alleged cocaine party been summoned by the authorities. This entire affair seems to be spinning completely out-of-control and nobody appears to be doing anything."

The Baker Boys will continue investigating and The McHale Report will continue reporting.


  1. Jim, is this appropriate subject matter for a blog article?

    1. Good point and something I considered. The divorce of the high profile couple was already in the public domain, not just on Jerry's blog, but a police report having been filed which included some serious charges of domestic violence.

  2. At 5:59AM this morning, before he'd even put his Strawberry Pop-Tart in the toaster, the McAllen impotent placed a critical comment on this blog, then offered a story suggestion: "Why don't you write about the last days of Nena?" . . . . What a disgustingly sick, poorly-raised lowlife! This blogger wannabe has been stalking my blog for over ten years, even before the plump nurse in Kyle, Texas asked him to leave her nice two story house.

  3. To the individual asking about the appropriateness of this story for a blog? Bloggers can comment on any story they want. The bigger question is why isn't the Herald covering the story? Where are all the animal lovers? We have mutual accusations of the killing of two cats. Putting aside their differences, it is apparent one of them killed the cats. Then we have a husband pointing a gun at his wife and threatening to kill her. She has filed ten different complaints with the BPD requesting a protective order and the authorities have not responded. This should be a front-page dying daily article, but those days have long passed for the impotent Herald. But back to the bloggers' coverage. There are no limitations on bloggers' choices of stories. If it weren't for the bloggers, we wouldn't be drowning in arrogance. Our bodies would already be floating on the surface. Keep up the good work, Jim.

  4. It is not a question of newsworthiness. It is a question of not asking the right question which makes it front page news. The issue of the protective order is all DA Saenz. Why has Saenz not done his job? This is what takes a private couple's problems from private to front page news. I have tried to explore this issue, but after searching many ways I cannot find the case with the Cameron County district clerk. Why? I think the case merits discussion as to why again when it comes to domestic abuse Saenz is nowhere to be found. Or maybe there is no case. I cannot find any documents anywhere. I even called Ms. Fisher on an actual duplex a friend wanted to rent and then was going to see if she wanted to comment. She never called me back on the duplex which still shows for rent. Bobby WC

    1. Bobby quit being a troll. Anybody that posts their opinion on your blog is a troll but when you post here you're not a troll? Just go to the VA, doctors office, clinics, etc. and go check if your monthly disability check came in. I go to work everyday to support myself, my family and your lazy ass.

    2. Mr. Wightman's observations are always welcome here.

    3. Yes Jim, but why isn't he a troll with his opinion? Yet a different opinion than him he calls a troll.
