Wednesday, June 5, 2019


From the editor:  After touching base this morning with several players in "mailboxgate," I dodged the intermittent showers to attend the Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting held in the Blue Room at City Plaza.(story forthcoming)

"Duardo" by graphic artist Diego Lee Rot
In the interim, laggard blogger Duardo Paz Martinez, a "journalist" with no gainful employment in over two decades, attempted to usurp my mailboxgate story with a Facebook interview with sweet Nurith Galonsky, a lady who will talk to anyone.

The would-be "journalist," his butt firmly on McAllen soil, inboxed a couple questions, got polite answers and called his "story" a wrap. LMFAO

The fake news specialist then flooded my blogger comment section with self-congratulatory messages worthy of the insecure narcissist:

"He kicked your ass again!"

"You suck.  Why do you blog?  To get the free food and drink?"

"You couldn't nail the Holy Trinity?"

Moving past the insecure rants of McHale Light from McAllen, let's get back to the actual story:

Roman Perez
Carefully presented as a text from City Commissioner At Large "A" candidate Jessica Puente Bradshaw, sent to her by Roman Perez, we shared the initial pictures of mailboxes to which flyers for Nurith Galonsky, Trey Mendez and John Cowen had been simply taped to the mailbox in violation of federal regulations.

Within two or three minutes of posting my article I got a call from Jessica Puente Bradshaw who'd just been on the phone with Roman Perez.

"He's really angry," Bradshaw stated.(I had outed Roman as the source of her mailbox photos, which is exactly what she'd told me.)

"You can handle Roman," I responded, finding out she hadn't even read my article.  

"Read what I wrote and if you find any inacurracy, call me back," I told Jessica.

She never called back.

In my view, I had two missions; determine if the flyers were attached to mailboxes per instructions from the triune of candidates, Mendez, Galonsky and Cowen and find out who took the photos of their flyer taped to mailboxes.

Galonsky was the first to answer back.

(to be continued)


He’s just reacting to my story trying to beat me to the punchline
So your best guess is staged by one of the triune’s opponents?

Yes I reported that

Chat Conversation End


  1. Does Roman live at the well.of bad ideas? What a dumbfuck thinking this would do Jurasic Jessica any good, and about those Why Jessica? videos, everybody not in on the gag is asking themselves the same question.

  2. Does Roman live at the well.of bad ideas? What a dumbfuck thinking this would do Jurasic Jessica any good, and about those Why Jessica? videos, everybody not in on the gag is asking themselves the same question.

  3. I thought Roman didn’t read the blogs, LOL!

  4. Trump has already sketched out how an American emperor would behave. Earlier this year in an interview, Trump warned “the left” it could expect extralegal violence from his best-armed supporters if it steps out of line. “I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad,” he said.
    Soldiers, cops and bikers getting tough on “the left” in the name of their president. Chew on that image for a moment.

    1. And yet again, nobody gives a shit about your liberal resistance. You lost. You will lose again. You are going to lose so many times that you will define and own the title of loser.

  5. And the battle for the Iron Throne begins.



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