Monday, June 17, 2019


Eduardo Martinez
Like the pesky horsefly, he is seen buzzing around, but not respected.

As the city's legal blogger compassionately confided: "You notice I don't say much to him.  I'm told he's suicidal and I wouldn't want to push him over the edge."

The city's best read blogger added:  "Oh, THAT guy!  He was fired from the Brownsville Herald years ago for fabricating a story about Elvis impersonators!"

McHale just refers to him as "pinche DPM!"

A human paradox, that's Eddie; declaring himself a world-renowned journalist, but unable to get off his daybed to cover a story in Brownsville, a self-appointed grammar Nazi who confuses "to" and "too," a lazy "writer" content to piggyback off Brownsville's bloggers, penning about politicos he doesn't know, every adjective just a quarter turn off, claiming his nothing stories are "overheard in Brownsville," when they are instead cut and pasted from Facebook.  Overheard, my ass!
(Click "read more" below for the full story)

Nearly a decade ago now, Eduardo Martinez tried
Tony Chapa
 like hell to find acceptance in the Harlingen blogosphere with his daily column, The Paz Files. In an effort to gain traction, his articles spewed withering criticism of established Harlingen bloggers, Tony Chapa, editor of My Harlingen News, referring to him as Tony "The Turd" Chapa and Jerry Deal of My Leader News, whom he characterized as "excitable."
After the closing The Paz Files, a new blog, allegedly written by "UT-PA college student, Sam Losoya, from Harlingen," mysteriously surfaced, with similar attacks on the two Harlingen bloggers, an identical style and graphics. Eddie denies any connection with the fake blog, which has also closed.

There were several others with fake stories and unconvincing fake comments, allegedly from "an English teacher" or "a college student."  Who signs a comment like that?  Yeah, we know!  Fake!

Soon, Eddie's attacks were directed my way, along with little anonymous comments saying "Jerry hates you" and "Juan has no respect for you," juvenile attempts to sow animosity amongst the blogging fraternity.

In May 2015 I filed a harassment complaint with Google with respect to one of Martinez's many irrelevant blogs. At the time, he had a dozen articles attacking me, Nena and our son, known locally as Diego Lee Rot. Google, seeing the obvious, cancelled his blogging privileges within the hour, even removing the archives.
The next morning, and for a solid year after that, my blog comment feature was filled with 30-40 filthy, sexually-oriented, juvenile comments aimed at Nena.  Those subsided almost the instant he got back into blogging via WordPress.

Now it's digs against my fiancรฉe, dozens of spam comments about mutual male masturbation or something.  I just delete all his sick shit.

As I said a few years ago:

I don't pretend to understand this troll blogger's need for an audience in the city he claims to despise, Brownsville, or his obsessive drive for relevance here. Perhaps, it has something to do with the manner of his separation after a short stint with the Brownsville Herald years ago, rejection by a lover or other inadequacies.  Don't know.  Don't care.

I'm not Dr. Phil.


  1. Eduardo Martinez. You are simply jealous of those who have some happiness in their life because yours is a failure.
    My suggestion is that you go to an aesthetic clinic to repair your ugly face plus get some psychiatric care. You are not only a pig, but also a moron!!!

  2. Eduardo Paz Martinez is what people in Brownsville refer as a Puรฑetas

  3. According to The Washington Post, Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims as president, roughly 12 a day. The Trump presidency is notable for the number and velocity of his falsehoods and misleading statements. They have been made in speeches and tweets, on matters significant and trivia, about others and about himself—and he virtually never apologizes or issues corrections. He says what he wants, when he wants, regardless of the reality of things.

  4. In early May, the Trump administration released a regulatory change that would redefine the federal formula for determining poverty. This proposal, which is facing a public comment deadline this Friday, would grossly misrepresent our country’s collective well-being and pose severe consequences for low-income Texans. It threatens to make fewer New Yorkers eligible for food assistance, health and other forms of essential poverty assistance.

    1. Your comparisons are talking out of both sides of your mouth and are a logical absurdity.

  5. You do realize Jim that the orange baboon is just spewing bullshit again, don't you??? He's having one of his big redneck rallies in Florida to announce that he's running again and he's pulling out all his usual shit to get Trumpanzees all riled up again and those idiots fall for it everytime! Fucking morons!

    Let's get together again next week when NOTHING happens and he doesn't do what he's threatening to do, like usual....because he's a fucking idiot.

    1. Impeachment threats won’t matter to Trumpsters though. He admitted to molesting women. Nada from the GOP. He admitted to obstruction. Still nothing from the GOP. He admitted to conspiracy to defraud the election. GOP? Silence. Now he says is will to accept foreign government supplied information and STILL nothing from the GOP. Republicans are a clear and present danger to the country.

    2. Oh, just go scream in a closet, loser.

  6. Jim, do you know if Eduardo Martinez is this guy's real name? There's no listing for him in Hidalgo County that I can find. Was he born in Mexico? Is he a U.S. citizen?

    1. The one who was born in Mexico is Juan Montoya.

    2. Duardo has a passport. End of story.

    3. Juan Montoya is "the one" from Mexico? You're not making any sense boy. Several million are "from Mexico." Where did you go to school again son?

    4. "Duardo has a passport. End of story."

      How do you know that? I thought you said you weren't Duardo. Guess you're not really that clever, after all. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!

    5. Passport? From what country? Post it.

    6. LOL! A green card isn’t a US passport.

    7. Just a hint. The passport is blue, dumbass! ha ha ha ha ha ha

    8. EDUARDO MARTINEZ born in Iraq!!!

  7. No he got "PINK"passport...and he got no balls ass...ha ha ha ha

  8. not meaning anything by it, but that guy at the top looks like an old hag.


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                                                              Brownsville Mayor John Cowen, Presidente Municipal de Matamoros, Beto Granados...