Thursday, April 11, 2019


Rodrigo Moreno DBA Pink Ape Media(Jerry McHale on the left, at the bar)

While most Brownsville kids will never play a minute in the NBA, perhaps there's another profession that could help them make ends meet.

What about your son, daughter or grandchild becoming a political consultant like Matamoros-born Rodrigo Moreno, doing business as Pink Ape Media?

As documented in the Campaign Finance Report of first-time candidate for office, Nurith Galonsky, Moreno has pulled down a cool $28,403.65 for "advising and coordinating campaign needs" in less than two months.

Nurith's campaign, largely self-funded via loans, encountered its first "consulting service" charge February 1, 2019, shelling out $1,110.00.  Oh, while we're at it, let's list all of Rodrigo's consulting charges thus far.

February 1, 2019                   $1,110.00
February 7, 2019                   $7,994.38
February 13, 2019                 $1,240.00
February 20, 2019                 $2,020.00
February 28, 2019                 $1,650,00
March 5, 2019                           $167.77
March 5, 2019                       $4,330.00
March 5, 2019                       $5,600.00
March 7, 2019                           $680.00
March 13, 2019                     $1,550.00
March 20, 2019                     $2,561.50

Consulting Fees to Date       $28,403.65

The well-educated Galonsky, with multiple degrees, reportedly has a degree in business where such matters as return on investment are routinely taught.  

The question we must ask is how Galonsky, spending like crazy to be elected commmissioner in the poorest district of the poorest community of the United States, can possibly hope to recoup her huge financial investment with a position that pays nothing. 

Noticeably absent from the Galonsky report was any remuneration to blogger Jerry McHale for dozens of Nurith Galonsky articles on the McHale Report.  Evidently, Jerry's work was done pro bono.


  1. The evidence of laundering campaign money is overwheming in this town. Just because Nurith is not reporting it does not mean someone else did not pay Jerry for the ads. It is standard. Why else would he go from trashing the Galonskies to defending them. Mike Hernandez admitted to paying third parties to pay montoya so nothing is ever reported.

    1. If payment for Jerry's work surfaces, I will certainly report it, but, as of now, he's not listed among Nurith's expenditures.

    2. Jim I get your straight up and down reporting on the reports, and I respect what you are doing with these posts. It forced me to look and be sickened. But you also need to at at least ask probing questions. Does it make sense McHale goes from trashing the Galonskies to promoting them without money? If we are to believe Nurth she is self financing with none of daddies million? If we are to believe Jessica Art if financing her camapign. He is best friends with Carlos Marin hence Mike Hernandez. THe money is community property but by just listing Art if evidence of money laundering surfaces Jessica is in the clear. Finance reports are worthless without probing questions. It is more about what they don't say than what they say. But going through the reports is a great survice to the communtiy. And you got me looking. Thanks


  2. I supposed Roman Perez is on hold at the Texas Ethics Commission as we speak.

  3. You asked “how does Nurith Galonsky is going to recoup her money?” She is a Golonsky. And her family did sell the Casa De Nylon tor 2.3 million to the citizens of Brownsville. She is playing with house money... 28 thousand out of 2.3 million is but a crumb.

  4. JerrYs gettin payd thru a company called Pro Boner which is basically a one-member escort service for older women on a pension

  5. Over $28,000 and I have not seen one piece of campaign material from Galonsky. Great job pink ape. All I know about her is she is trying to use her mothers Hispanic last name because the Galonsky name is stained from her pub corruption and her dirty dealings with Casa nylon and Tony Martinez. Maybe she is banging McHale for payment? I have seen them in public together many times. Cute couple.

  6. Question for America -
    How far are you going to allow these sick and defective individuals (Trump and his sidekick, Miller) to go in weakening your Nation? How far, and for how much longer??

  7. She will get her money back by screwing our city. As her dad has done along side Mayor MARTINEZ. We don’t need these people running our city. Please people don’t voy for the special interest group that has sucked us dry. And continue to laugh at us cause we continue to elect them. No more

  8. Trey Mendez
    Carlos Guerrero
    Ricardo Longoria

  9. Charlie Cabler for mayor.

  10. Pat "el cheque caliente" Ahumada

  11. The people in that area are not that stupid. They don’t know nor want any one with a name like, GALONSKY, to be their “voice”. Money NOT well spent. Unless they paid toward the elections department, as per usual. Sorry Ben and company. You have no pull in this area. District 1.
