Friday, April 12, 2019


Jessica Puente Bradshaw,
Jonathan Bradshaw
With campaign finance reports showing that Nurith Galonsky, Trey Mendez and John Cowen have thrown tens of thousands of dollars at Rodrigo Moreno's Pink Ape Media, Jessica Puente Bradshaw's effort, in comparison, seems to be more on the penny-pinching, grass roots level.  With respect to John, Trey and Nurith, it may be a case of "more money than sense" as no Brownsville political consultant can actually earn that kind of money.

On the other hand, according to her April 4, 2019 report, Jessica Puente Bradshaw has taken in a mere $2,370 in contributions, with notable expenditures of $9.63 to Little Caesar's, $6.36 to Cafe Amiga, $5.39 to Burger King and $6.40 to H.E.B., among others.

Unlike her City Commissioner At Large "A" opponents, Carlos Guerrero and Ismael Hinojosa, Bradshaw has made every forum, distinguishing herself with detailed observations.(As a visual prop, she brought a copy of the city budget to one forum and a P.U.B. budget to another.)

The other contender for At Large "A," John Cowen, who sent $46,000 to Pink Ape, has occupied a seat at every forum, but seems almost invisible, sometimes inaudible, giving us the look of a future John Villarreal or Joel Munguia on the commission.

When uncle Ralph Cowen approached me at Luby's the other day, I told him exactly what I've told John more than once.

Uncle Ralph Cowen, John Cowen
"He needs to be more assertive, to be able to command a room, to show us what he could do on the commission," I told Ralph, who politely excused himself to join his wife.

Speaking of political consultants, is Tony Martinez still "dancing with the ones who brung him?"  In previous campaigns, Martinez has relied on James Aldrete's Message, Audience, Presentation, Inc., a firm that does not totally respect the intellect of Hispanic voters.  Notice this from the company's website:

"The biggest challenge in communicating with Hispanics is not one of language only, but one of tone and approach. 

We have to recognize that those we most need to turnout are more apolitical and at an economic level that can often make politics and voting seem like a luxury. . . . . Spanish in Texas is for the most part an oral tradition, among a community that has low-educational(sic) achievement levels. 

While Spanish print has made a comeback, it is important to keep it at a grade level that ensures the widest comprehension. . . . .empowerment and educational component: No one likes to be embarrassed, and considering the low level of information most Hispanics have on political processes, basic information on how to participate is critical in overcoming issues of insecurity, fear and doubt."


  1. Where did she printed her signs? Who put them up? T-Posts? Who is paying the people that are going door to door putting her yard signs? ... The answer: She is hiding the money.

    Lol Pinche Barton, do some research cabron!

  2. To sum up the story, no one is giving to Jessica because she is a tea party loon. If she needs money so bad she could resort to getting a job or even pan handling.

    1. Ask her how much she received from OP1033, and where is the money? Why she lied about “poor me, the Republicans and Tes Patty don’t want to help me” Pffft
      Now we know why the R/Tea Party wouldn’t help her!!!

  3. Laundering of campaign money is a crime. You connot pay a media consultant money to pay another media source for advertising. Montoya;s attack on your simple factual reporting leaving it to the reader to decides makes me wonder. Is Pink Ape paying the blogs for the candidates as cover so it does not have to be reported. If this is happening it is a crime. Just food for thought. No one believes McHale is defending the Galonskies unless money changed hands. Thaks for the coverage Jim. I have no idea why Montoya had to go on the attack for nothing more than truthful disclosure of what is in the campaign forms. His attack makes people think is he trying to defend Pink Ape from wrongdoing. I am not saying there is wrondoing but that is the question that immediate came to mind when I read his sad post. He put Pink Ape in a bad place.

    Bobby WC

  4. Laundering of campaign money is a crime. You connot pay a media consultant money to pay another media source for advertising. Montoya;s attack on your simple factual reporting leaving it to the reader to decides makes me wonder. Is Pink Ape paying the blogs for the candidates as cover so it does not have to be reported. If this is happening it is a crime. Just food for thought. No one believes McHale is defending the Galonskies unless money changed hands. Thaks for the coverage Jim. I have no idea why Montoya had to go on the attack for nothing more than truthful disclosure of what is in the campaign forms. His attack makes people think is he trying to defend Pink Ape from wrongdoing. I am not saying there is wrondoing but that is the question that immediate came to mind when I read his sad post. He put Pink Ape in a bad place.

    Bobby WC

  5. Your buddy Juan Montoya says you're jealous. Smh

  6. Ms Bradshaw was given monies by the OP 1033 organization, what I don’t understand is why is she hiding it?

  7. Welll boo hoo hoo! Cry me a river! She lists “investor” as her occupation. A Trump sychophant who rants and raves against background checks for assault style rifles and immigration - even though she was born in Matamoros.

  8. Jessica was given money from Gavito OP 1013 how can she say she has not money. Maybe she used it for her light bill or car payment. But that’s ilegal use your own money lady. If you can’t afford it get out of the way. Your only bothering and making a fool out of yourself. This is not for you I’m truly sorry. Wish you the best in your future but this is not going to be it. Sorry

  9. All this negativity. Did Roman finally get ditched by Jessica and ran to Pat?

  10. Trey Mendez
    Carlos Guerrero
    Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa

    All the way. They have this won already you all just don’t know it yet.
