Thursday, April 4, 2019


Father Gregory Boyle
All three candidates at last night's forum gave us a brief glimpse of their human side.

"I'm sorry I'm late," confessed Tony Martinez to last night's audience, made up largely of realtors.

"As mayor, I felt I had to go over to your campus, Trey, and at least say 'hello' to Father Gregory Boyle, a Jesuit priest, giving a lecture series at the college."

"It may have worked out well, though," continued the mayor as the good Father gave me a blessing on my campaign," Tony chuckled.

It was a good political move, actually, showing how the mayor is balancing his many responsibilities, but also maintaining his strong Catholicism.  Perhaps, that will go over well is this overwhelmingly Catholic community.

Charlie Cabler also displayed political instinct when he casually mentioned that all of the mayoral candidates were males.

"It's good for us a woman is not in the race or we'd all be in trouble," Cabler quipped.

Candidate Trey Mendez displayed similiar political skill, recognizing his mother in the audience:

"I don't normally get nervous for events like this, but, I just looked out in the audience and noticed my mother.  Whenever I brought home a "99" on my report card, she always asked why I didn't get "100," so, I'm sure she'll have some criticism for me after the event.  Why did you say this or why did you not say that?" Mendez remarked.


  1. Tony did not "confess" he was late. EVERBODY KNEW IT, you idiot! Learn some vocabulary already.

  2. You have ignored the Mueller report, Jim, but if it really fully exonerated Trump they would be passing it out like candy. Republicans are conjobs who think Americans are Fools. They will find out the hard way we are not.

  3. In terms that Chump followers can understand... well duh 🙄. Of course Barr has spun his summary & covered up as much as possible. The Republicans have used this play before - whoever releases the preview first gets to control the content for as long as possible, then deny access under some spurious grounds or other until the media has worked the story to death, so any evidence that later emerges is far less credible. Hell. It’s the entire Chump propaganda process in a nutshell! Drive the story the way you want, release plenty of conflicting information & people end up believing whoever it is they want to believe, not the actual truth.

    The mere fact that Barr couldn’t leave out the phrase “Trump has not been exonerated” (yet Chump & all his foghorn mouthpieces keep leaving that detail out of their propaganda), is evidence enough that there is major dirt that implicates Chump in serious crimes. Mind you, anyone who has a brain & saw Chump announce there would be forthcoming dirt on Hilary, the day the infamous Russian lawyer meeting was set up with his son, and then saw him ask Russia to hack Hilary’s emails (not any other country mind you, but Russia... the very country that DID hack them), then watched Chump & everyone in his orbit lie about deals, meetings, phone calls, emails & secret back channels with Russia, KNOW that Chump is guilty AF of more than one crime. Mueller may not have uncovered enough evidence to topple a POTUS, but it’s out there, and the Barr/Republican cover up must not be allowed to continue!



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