Monday, February 18, 2019



Front row, L-R:  Orlando Rodriguez retired BPD, Marci Sanchez, BPD, Ruben Ann Perez, BPD.  Back row, L-R: William Kingsbury retired BPD, Marian Kingsbury, BPD, Caty Presas, formerly BPD  David Dale, BPD  
When Orlando Rodriguez retired as Brownsville Police Chief in August 2018, he left Commander David Dale as acting chief, obviously his successor of preference.

Interim City Manager Michael Lopez chose not to follow the Rodriguez recommendation, instead selecting James Paschall as interim Police Chief.

Paschall, a long-time BPD veteran, who is not a candidate for the job full-time, has generally received favorable marks for his temporary tenure, now approaching six months, despite a letter circulated within the city and the BPD hinting at a "less than mediocre performance."

Former Commander David Dale has not fared as well, actually experiencing a demotion and reassignment.

Then, there was a taped phone call released by the Brownsville Herald between Officer Dale and Commissioner Jessica Tetreau purported to show "interference by the commissioner with police operations."  For many in the city that taped call seemed to be much ado about nothing.

Yet, with a permanent Brownsville Police Chief still not selected, there may be a political push to promote Dale's candidacy by replacing Commissioner Tetreau with Caty Presas as the pro-Dale faction of the BPD pictured above were prominent and in full display at Caty's Wednesday pachanga at Cobbleheads.

While a one vote change in the City Commission may not be enough to secure Dale's appointment, his chances would seem to be improved if the incumbent loses in District 2.

Tetreau and Dale, once friendly, have seemingly clashed in recent months over the deployment and scheduling of bicycle officers downtown.  


  1. Orlando, are you married to the whale or not? Sea World wants Shamu back! I heard your cohabitant told people at PD your dick doesn't work anymore!!!

    1. Worry about wrapping yours. Does your 22 year old girlfriend know you had a baby a couple of years ago with an officer, one you supervised? And you want to be chief? You're pathetic excuse for a man.

    2. Body shaming is so mean.

    3. Really bro you going to go there. We all know who started that rumor. So I guess Cmdr wants his swinger days to surface huh? His commissioner and her friend can't stop that from surfacing. Is a picture worth a thousand words?

    4. Which commander was a swinger? Oh shit the secrets are bubbling and the pressure is building.

    5. The same person who while on duty assaults another officer. The same guy who is under investigation from the da office, same guy who finally got Cmdr because they got a puppet to act as chief. Same old crap we hear day in day out.

  2. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Associating themselves with a thief ! Cata I want my money back ! Shame on you cops for supporting this thief !! She should take the money she stole from us and use it for cosmetic surgery , then again you can’t fix ugly !! She look like a man .

  3. Where is David Dale’s wife ? I guess she finally caught on . Poor Willy .

  4. Doesn’t the city have a No Politics policy ? Isn’t that a supervisor ? He’s allowing his officer to hold a candidate’s sign .

    1. Doesn't the city have a No committing CRIMINAL ACTS WHILE ON DUTY POLICY. Don't think anyone in that photo tried to buy votes by giving false info? Wait that's the other pic of the FAMOUS WONDER TWINS. Haha

    2. You hit it on the head with the wonder twins. Those two actually got a deal with a plastic surgeon in Matamoros for tits and ass.

    3. I doubt she will make an appearance on that erasamo show. Let's set the excuse she comes up with. I can't wait to see how she answers the questions thrown at her. Caty and pat should just sit back and let her make them look good

    4. Get to work Mariian. Your making an ass out of yourself.

  5. Catalina Presas is not going to stick her nose in business that doesn't concern her but she'll take the votes where she can get them. This group and everyone else that is tired of Jessica's lack of everything. There is a big push for Presas to replace and with the power of the people of district 2 it will happen.

    Dale is done, Officer Diana Martinez, Felix Sauceda and her BFF Jessica made sure of that. Who will be the next police chief? Hope its not that looney tune Dietrich.

    Catalina Presas Garcia for District 2!

    1. You tranny lover Dale ruined himself . He’s an evil hungry for power beast . He spent his time sitting in his office chatting with his red head secretary. Everyone at the PD knows about it. She had all the power to run the show under his command and Chief Rodriguez allowed it . This is why they lost respect from all his troops . She has no rank and had no business conducting supervisor duties. Officers were being called in for ridiculous so called violations found by the red head uniformed secretary on the cameras she viewed for him from her own desktop. Never has this happened in the history of the department,before he held this position . Everyone including Chief Rodriguez sat back and watched Dale and the Red head leave for long lunches everyday and stay after work for their routine couple work outs at the PD gym.

      Terminating Sgt Nino And Sgt Massey was another mishap of Dale and Chief Rodriguez. Costing both officers a lot of grief and hardships. Obviously Dale has a bad temper and acts with vengeance . Chief Rodriguez supported his decision only costing the city thousands . Both officers were brought back . This is who wants to be chief now ? He wants support from his troops? He recorded numerous officers without their consent . What was his motives ? Their is internal affairs for this . Officers MUST be notified they are under investigation. He clearly had bad intentions and Chief Rodriguez goes on LIVE social media admitting he gave him permission to do so . Ethical ? The list goes on ..get your facts before you make your assumptions as how he was demoted .

      Dietrich happens to be a very positive supervisor . Sauceda is a very experienced and fair Supervisor . Both have great qualities for
      chiefs . They don’t screw with their troops and take the time to look for solutions and help their troops not try to set them up, belittle them , or throw the boom at them . Go by the PD and ask the officers about these two then ask about Dale. Get the REAL FACTS.

    2. Real facts... your kidding me 9:22am
      Sauceda looks for solutions how? By tipping off agencies that are about to be raided! Or let's talk about his investigation at the DA's office, let's not forget about the hot checks he wrote. Everyone has skeletons but if Dale is that person you claim is so vengeful then why didn't he do anything when those 2 officers committed a criminal act and try to blackmail him? He had every opportunity to do it? You talk like this guy doesn't care about officers. So yes I took your advice I asked around at ps and officer safety is what dale stands for. Any officer who commits a crime should be treated like any other individual. You have officers guilty and nothing is being done what example are you showing? The city manager needs to get off his 100 days act and investigate these matters. He needs to clean up the mess that some officers are guilty of. Those officers are shaming the department. Are boys in blue need our support and cuz of the sell outside in the department make the public think less of the work they are doing. Get all facts before posting instead of just trying to put down someone just because you disagree with their views.

    3. City Manager! He's a joke. He could have stopped this long ago. Just goes to show it's not what you know it's WHO YOU KNOW

    4. I wonder if the city manager knows about this? Felix Sauceda wants to be chief and writes hot checks, tips off criminals and get what in return? Who is he blackmailing?

    5. I don't think Mr.Bernal reads this blog.

    6. Sounds like the red head is jumping to defend her man . Step down already . There is NOTHING left.

    7. He doesn't need to blackmail anyone the chief is his puppet. Chief to worried about crap in his past to come out.

    8. Not everyone is a red head

  6. Wow. For people who demonize undocumented immigrants so much, the Trumps and Republicans sure do seem to employ them a lot. It's like all those high-profile Republicans who are publicly "pro-life" and then pay for abortions in secret. We'll just add this to the growing list of giant hypocrisies.

    1. Wow! This was just so related to the story!

  7. Asst city manager Lopez did not follow Chief Rodriguez recommendation because he had any idea of what he was doing he followed the recommendation of a certain female commissioner who wanted Commander James Paschall after Dale filed a complaint against her for interfering in police business.. Paschalls wife and this city commissioner are in the same inner circle.. plus I believe Dale knows he doesn’t have a shot as police chief with rumors swirling around that this female commissioner wants one of her friends to be appointed police chief. You had chief Rodriguez as a guest on ur show and u heard Mr. Castro say how letters were given to him and wanted them out and Mr Castro would get full support of the BPOA union should give u a red flag about this commissioner. Mr Castro didn’t mention the name of the officer that approached him but if u ask him he would give you the name and you would see how she is.. Don’t understand how you can write This article after you got all the facts and you only write about facts. Now we know where you stand with this commissioner. PS the hiring of the police chief will happened way before the elections in May so I don’t think Dale supporting cati has anything to do with wanting to be police chief.

  8. Brownsville cops should shut the fuck up! Get to work, morons.

    1. They don't have to they get paid to do absolutely nothing. They also get paid time and a half to do even less.

    2. Where do I sign up? Life must be good.

  9. Replies
    1. Are you off your meds again Bill?

  10. Marian let Dale fight his own battles , plus he has his wife .

  11. Diana, Jessica it's me Felix,help me my ship is sinking.

  12. These cops are so unprofessional wearing ridiculous red handkerchiefs. Other groups get shot and arrested or detained by REAL police in other places for doing this exact thing . Silly clowns the circus left you all behind .

  13. I'm not the one that was found asleep on the floor in my office. Is it because you were on your meds Bill? Have to admit your episodes are less frequent. If you can stay awake buddy you'll be fine. If you take the proper meds you won’t be playing with your pecker in public anymore. You're definitely chief material.

    1. Since we are being so honest here which Cmdr got some girl pregnant using city property on city time. I mean come on you couldn't afford a hotel room instead you take her downtown. Yes daddy your chief material

  14. take humpty dumpty into retirement with you. What a hateful lady!



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