Monday, February 18, 2019


"Let's Go Fishing!"
Perhaps we didn't observe molten lava's initial thrust out of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 and have never watched a future gulf hurricane develop just off the West African coast, but we may have witnessed the embryo of a conspiracy theory take shape during last Sunday's Whine and Cheez podcast live streamed from Angelita's Casa de Cafe.

Brownsville Herald photo
Following my innocent comment that I regularly receive a mail-in ballot from Remi Garza for city and other elections, Roman Perez, the uncanny dumpster diver for contaminated political waste, asked:

"You don't actually live in the City of Brownsville, do you Jim?"

In his normal podcast followup story, world class conspiracy theorist, Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, who can contort the most innocent common colloquialism into an anti-gay slur, coquettishly teased his Brownsville Voice readership with this innuendo:  

"Oh yea, on Sunday Roman Perez seemed to hint two bloggers do not live in Brownsville.  I know I do.  I have Montoya's and McHale's current addresses and they live in Brownsville.  Who knows who Roman was referring to but it merits investigation, but not by me."

So, Bobby, whose impending brain surgery does not prevent him from catching every nuance of the Whine and Cheez podcast, even differentiating between Nurith Galonsky's cringe and my smirk, while supposedly hearing a non-existent racial slur at the end of the podcast, now can't even remember that Roman directly asked me if I lived in Brownsville?  

Can someone please impeach this witness?

Before this Roman-Bobby theory develops any further, let me simply confirm that I live in District 2 within the City of Brownsville and that Remi Garza and company routinely send me the appropriate ballots.  

Geeze, boys!

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