Saturday, February 16, 2019


Roman Perez(Brownsville Herald photo)
After a less than amicable departure from the Cameron County Republican Party, including some bitterness directed toward the county chair, Morgan Cisneros Graham, political operative Roman Perez is back in the hunt with a close association with two candidates for city office in the May election.

Initially, Perez contemplated his own candidacy for City Commission, District 1, an office he's sought unsuccessfully twice in the past, but that was predicated on the condition that 16 year incumbent, Ricardo Longoria, Jr., currently experiencing health problems, would NOT run for re-election.

As Perez stated at the time:  "I was never going to run against Rick.  I only considered running when I heard Rick was not going to run.  Once Rick changed his mind and decided to seek re-election, I was out of the race."

City Commissioner Longoria
In what might be considered a calculated political move, Roman Perez has now endorsed his former opponent, Mr. Longoria, in the District 1 race.  Perez, based on his previous two campaigns, has pockets of voters he feels he can deliver to Longoria in May.

As it stands, Longoria faces opposition from Nurith Galonsky, Michael Rodriguez and William Garza.

Should Longoria decide that twenty years as city commissioner is enough and not run in 2023, Perez may very well anticipate that Longoria will return the favor and support his run for the district position at that time.

Jessica Puente-Bradshaw
Another city candidate rumored to have a Roman Perez connection is Jessica Puente-Bradshaw, who lost to Filemon Vela in the 2012 District 34 congressional race.  

Puente-Bradshaw was a last-minute addition to the City Commissioner At Large "A" race, joining already-declared candidates Carlos Guerrero, John Cowen and Ismael Hinojosa.

A prominent local Republican feels this may be the wrong race for Puente-Bradshaw, stating:  "She's more conversant with national issues than local.  I hate that Roman is using her in this way."

Another last minute entry in city races is Ronald Mills, a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Mills is running for City Commissioner, District 2 against incumbent Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, Pat Ahumada and Caty Presas-Garzoria.

From the editor:  Candidates for City Commissioner At Large "A" and District 1 may want to make certain they have crossed all their "t's" and dotted their "i's" with respect to residency, campaign treasurer and campaign finances.  Roman Perez is notorious for scrupulously combing the minutiae of the Texas Election Code and campaign finance laws in search of possible violations by opponents.

Moments after posting the above story, I received the texts below from Mr. Perez:


  1. Speculation is free, Barton.

  2. Why do you give this fucker any attention? He's Wightman, II.

  3. He has delusions of relevancy. He is a nasty little piece of work. It he had a goldfish, it would hate him, too.

  4. Censoring comments. Disappointing. Didn’t expect that from you Jim.

  5. Political guru? Feminine-hipped asshole, is more like it. Why make these idiots out to be more than they really are, Jim?

  6. Trump gets to build a wall, which a Democratic president can demolish in two years.

    The next Democratic president gets action on climate change, healthcare reform, and gun control, all of which are legitimate national emergencies, not vanity projects.

    1. Isn't going to happen dumbass. There won't be another Democrat president.

    2. The GOP won't exist after Trump's impeachment.

    3. Dream on! The top brass in the Dems are all going to prison.

    4. Democrats have been crying impeachment for two years and will continue crying for two more years. If you want to get rid of Trump then do it at the ballot box instead of continually whining.

  7. Roman is a total disaster, an absolute zero and always has been. No one knows that better than Roman him/herself. And calling Roman a political GURU? Thanks for the hearty laugh! Roman will be a political guru the day after Hinojosa wins a lifetime award for outstanding character and integrity!

  8. Tetro has not been to a airport meeting in years. In another note, walls work, no mexicans in china are there?

    1. Thank you, Tad Hasse. Stay off Twitter during working hours, dude!

  9. Roman is a legend in his own mind. His obsession with Morgan comes down to the fact that she looks better in a dress than he does.
