Saturday, February 9, 2019


Commissioner Ricardo Longoria, Jr.
If you feel Brownsville's District 1(Southmost) has made sufficient progress the last 16 years, while represented by Ricardo Longoria, Jr., you have an easy ballot choice come May.  Simply ink in the circle next to the name of the incumbent.

The personable Longoria, currently on a medical leave from his BISD duties, has to be considered the prohibitive favorite to extend his run as city commissioner to the 20 year mark, yes, two decades.

Yet, for those dissatisfied with Southmost's progress, infrastructure, business development, etc., there are two serious options to Longoria and one whimsical blast from the past also in the race.

Nurith Galonsky
Voters who feel Southmost would fare better under different leadership might consider Nurith Galonsky, a Southmost resident with a law degree and six years service on the Public Utilities Board as well as a brief stint at the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, where she courageously opposed the hasty hire of a new director at a ridiculous long-term salary.

Michael Rodriguez
Perhaps not as cerebral as Galonsky, but someone who has worked himself up from poverty to own two Brownsville businesses, is another Longoria challenger, the energetic Michael Rodriguez.

As a private citizen, Rodriguez has promoted events in Southmost and backed youth baseball.  Is he the spark needed by District 1?

William Garza
Also on the ballot will be perennial candidate William Garza, whose one-time stint as city commissioner ended 28 years ago and has been running for office ever since.  Garza, admittedly, does not live in the district, but has a relative who does.  He brazenly uses her address as his "home" in Southmost.  


  1. Michael and William should drop out of the race. This races will be a run off likely.

  2. Acacia Lake Drive isn’t Southmost. It’s just part of District 1, you dumb Seattle hick.

    1. Jim doesn't get around much, bro. Cut the old man some slack. He's over-70!

  3. In 6 years on PUB, why hasn’t Nurith given the ratepayers a rate break or a refund of the Tenaska rate increases?

  4. The border town of McAllen, Texas ― population 145,000 ― in Vicente Gonzalez’s district didn’t have a single homicide last year, the congressman pointed out in an interview Saturday on MSNBC.

    “The reality is McAllen is one of the safest cities in America,” Gonzalez said. “In fact, we’re the seventh safest city in America. We had zero murders the year of 2018.”

    He added: “I can assure you McAllen is safer than any city the president has ever lived in. It’s much safer than New York City, it’s much safer than Washington, D.C. I could walk around the middle of the night in the city of McAllen without a single threat. ... This campaign rhetoric that has continued for two years really needs to stop. People need to look at FBI stats and reality.”

  5. What possibly does Galonsky have in common with the poor people in La Southmost? Absolutely nothing.

  6. Why is Nurith using her mom’s last name on the ballot but not on her signs?

  7. Bobby said any candidate appearing on the Whiners would not get his support. Catalina Presas appeared on Sunday. Now he endorsed her. Any comment, Jimbo?

    1. Ignore Blimp Wightman. He's all-Asshole. It drives him crazy. LOL

    2. Blimp has the lowest readership of all the blogs, including the McAllen guy! Ask around.

    3. For a Gay guy, Bobby's blog is Sad. No wonder his readership has fallen.

  8. Michael Rodriguez is less cerebral than Galonsky. Just say it Jim, the guy is a dumbass.

  9. All three at large candidates are showing up on Sunday’s Whiners show. I guess Bobby’s voting a blank ballot…again.

  10. Made sufficient progress under Longoria, are you serious? He has done nothing for the area except line his own pockets and hold onto the pockets of big interests. He sold out a long time ago but Karma is a b_____. Sometimes she shows herself in the form of health issues.

    1. Vote him out! No more child support money for you Lonjoria!!
