Saturday, February 9, 2019


Jerry McHale
Jerry McHale, AKA The Blogfather, noted blogger, educator, coach and musician, has agreed to grace Erasmo Castro's Whine and Cheez podcast this Sunday at 1:30 PM.  

The podcast, livestreamed weekly from Angelita's Casa de Cafe at 2200 Boca Chica Blvd., also reached out to bloggers Juan Montoya, Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, as well as Matamoros attorney and radio talk show host, Jerry Danarche, to appear on the show.

Jerry Danarche
Danarche, who's weekly radio show on FM 99.9 boasts over 100,000 listeners in Brownsville, Rancho Viejo and northern Mexico, initially stated that he was "honored" to be invited, but was unable to work the podcast into his busy schedule.

Erasmo Castro, Jim Barton,
Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, the only Brownsville blogger paid exactly what he's worth, also agreed to join the podcast, but then relented.  Rather than misrepresent the mercurial public figure, we will allow the blogger's own words to characterize his moral dilemma:

"I am US government certified in English, Spanish and Russian. I certainly know the difference between pieces of shit and pieces of shits. I made it clear I fear loss of my cognitive function. It is real and happening. And Barton the inhumane thing he is, uses it to discredit me. But no, Barton with no facts to support his childish meltdown calls it all hypochondria. I have been up since 3 a.m. screaming in horrible pain from the neuropathy. No amount of medicine would help. If finally gave up on more medication helping and started to try and walk around which at times helps.

The pain is now at tolerable levels. I had to take another low dosage of Cialis which is the medication of choice for neuropathy caused by diabetes."

We certainly hope blogger Bobby feels better soon.

The podcast was unable to contact Juan Montoya of El Rrun Rrun.

For an online connection to the livestreamed podcast simply connect to the Erasmo Castro or Jim Barton Facebook page.  Questions or comments can be entered below the video and will be monitored during the show.

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