Monday, February 11, 2019


Angelita Leal(between Erasmo and me), Owner of Angelita's Casa de Cafe(The photo above is simply a screen shot, not a working video.  Grandson Jack knows how to remove the "play" arrow from the screen shot.  I do not.)

Angelita and Martin Leal, both with long careers as BISD teachers, are co-owners of Angelita's Casa de Cafe at 2200 Boca Chica Blvd., directly across from Chase Bank.

While Martin has recently retired, Angelita continues to work with special needs kids, recently being named 2018 BISD Teacher of the Year.

The coffee house is a welcoming place, with eclectic art on the walls, poetry readings and live music evenings and a private selection of coffee from all over the world.

Anyone opening the front door should be prepared for Martin's boisterous "Welcome Home!" greeting.  Those of college age drop in for board games while a few teachers chit chat with the Leals.

The business has recently come under vicious attack by loose-lipped, mixed up blogger, Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, who, a few days ago, sent a rambling, incoherent email to Martin Leal, threatening his business, attempting to undermine the weekly Whine and Cheez podcast moderated by Erasmo Castro.

Angelita Leal made a personal appeal to Wightman on this past Sunday's podcast, saying:  

"Our place is open to everyone.  Bobby, once again, come get to know me for me, not for what you hear about me.  

Let's have a cup of coffee together!"

The blogger's response was swift and typically Wightman, misogynistic, full of vitriol.  Here is part of the bobster's attack on Mrs. Leal:

You are many things but a lady is not.. A real lady would have denounced the anti-gay slur and distanced herself from it while stating she wants her establishment to remain a forum of free discourse subject to her being allowed to denounce defamation, anti-gay slurs and such. This would have cleared it up and made her look good. But instead she continued with the anti-slur by attacking my manhood. Sister I only meet with ladies and you are no lady. You are nasty angry homophobe who demeans people who call you out. I would if asked meet with Cati one on one at any time. I think she has grown and can be a major asset to the COB.

I would never even consider giving the time of day to a homophobe. Angelina is a bad woman, fine with anti-gay slurs which kills children and then demeaning men who call her homophobia out. She has made her views known, so why would I meet with her and give her credibility. I tried to be nice and she made it clear she is an angry woman who is homophobic and willing to demean any man who does not agree with her hate."

More hateful diatribe regurgitated from the mouth of Wightman:

"If you patronize Angelita's Casa de Cafe, you are turning a blind eye to business establishment allowing for their establishment to spread hate which hurts children just for for free advertising.

The owners are disgusting vile people. They were warned. I will meet your attorney in court any day and when we are done, you will be out of business.

If you are running for public office and refuse to denounce the WHINERS Castro and Barton, and openly denounce former Chief Rodriguez, you will not like the coverage on the BV. The episode is downloaded so Castro can edited it or delete it. Absolutely no sacred cows. If you are so desperate for votes who cannot stand up for abused children you are unfit for office. See which gets you more votes, running cover for those who abuse children with their language or standing up for the abused children.

It is not enough to denounce these people - appear on the show of WHINERS and you will receive nothing but negative coverage from the BV focusing on this issue along with the statistics and videos of parents crying their eyes out because of the damage this hate speech did to their children. Too late for excuses or apologies. All are rejected. I am not trying to silence anyone speech. I am trying to encourage people to speak so we can see their true colors and hold them accountable. Please speak all you want. Why do you need to act now and not after the BV comes after you is:"

Bobby adds a graphic below this hate speech, saying "CHILDREN MATTER."

It's unfortunate anyone in our community, especially our sweet friend, Angelita Leal, is subject to the hate speech from the maniacal Bobby Wightman-Cervantes.  The owners of Angelita's Casa de Cafe have enough on their plate, making a go of a retail business in our community, without being blasted by illogical, unfounded, likely libelous  acrimony from the city's seemingly demon-inspired blogger.


  1. Bobby endorsed Caty. Should she refuse the endorsement?

    1. IGNORE HIS ABUSED ASSHOLE! You only energize his ugly flesh by writing about him. Bobby is ugly as all pork!

    2. Why pick on pork, dude?

  2. THUMP! ....oops....the crazed blimp just fell down again,,lol! The poor gay blogger is at it again Jim...on a day he isn’t on his period, he tells us all on his blog of hate, that we should go out and enjoy all Brownsville has to enjoy be Christ to one another. But on days that his menstrual cramps get the better of him, he threatens to mandamus the Pope! The round mound of ass pound is crazy Jim...Wonder what doctors will find when they open up his noggin in his upcoming brain surgery....the word Abby comes to mind...Abby-normal....LOL! Up your kister, blimp!

  3. No Justice in Brownsville or Cameron County!

    Today, KVEO reported that the Mission Police arrested and charged Michael Anthony Davis on Monday with 3rd degree felony Animal Cruelty after he shot and killed his neighbor’s dog on Saturday. It has been more than two weeks that KVEO also reported that a Brownsville man had shot his neighbor’s small Dachshund dog in the San Pedro area. The dog also died. However, there has been no report of any arrest or charges being filed against the Brownsville man to this day. Why is there no justice in Brownsville or Cameron County?

  4. I love McDonalds coffee.
