Friday, January 25, 2019


Trey Mendez

After a heartfelt, but straightforward introduction by TSC Board Chairman Adela Garza, mayoral candidate Trey Mendez told what seemed to be the largest crowd ever at Cobbleheads Bar and Grill Thursday night about his drive to "make Brownsville what it should be, the crown jewel of the Rio Grande Valley."

The contrasts between Mendez and his likely two opponents, the already declared former city manager, Charlie Cabler, and, most likely, the incumbent, Tony Martinez, are readily apparent.

The easily approachable Mendez has not only executed a successful business plan downtown, as well as several remodels of historic buildings, but has carefully nurtured our community college back to financial, enrollment and academic health.

Trey, Comparing his Stature with
Blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
If you view the large settlement a jury awarded to former TSC President Lily Tercero as a blot on Trey's record, consider that it's under appeal and many who've followed this process carefully agree with the termination.

Trey's declared opponent, Charlie Cabler, a City of Brownsville employee/administrator for 39 years, is, by all accounts, a good ol'boy, benefiting from and enabling the city's longheld compadrismo tradition.  Many feel Cabler had an opportunity to lift the city and failed.

Incumbent Martinez, described by one city commissioner as an "evil genius," has worked the system to his own advantage for 8 years, never feeling as if he owes taxpayers an explanation for any of his backdoor moves.  His original theme, "Believe in Brownsville," now has a hollow ring.


  1. I want to say I like the pic you used of me because it proves what happens to me on one Makers Mark and coke. I cannot hold my liquor. But if you know when to stop it makes for a fun time. Several people got a good laugh over my slurred speech.

    Bobby WC

    1. Bobby, wow! How can a human be so ugly!

  2. Bobby has eyes of a serpent guuuuyyyyyy!!!
    He wants that tripod of Trey’s guuuyyyyyyy
    Huuurrrryyyyyyyy!!!! He wants a slice of pizza and red wine and look at the stars thinking of tripooooodddddd!!!

  3. Bobby needs to denaunce Nurith Galonsky or be a part of the Casa De El Nylon heist from the tax payers of Brownsville. He is all of a sudden endorsing her and her past actions. She sits on PUB and does nothing onbTenaska heist as well. Bobby Wightman is a fraud. He claims to be for the people and endorses Nurith and her families actions against tax payers. Shame on you Bobby!

    1. You don't have an "aunce" of brains! But Bobby is ugly AF!!!!!

  4. Fact: The BV broke the Casa del Nylon. I stand by my reporting although Rick Longoria is calling me a liar to protect Charlie Cabler.

    I demanded the BPUB lower its rates. I supported Phil Cowen having BISD hire counsel to go after BPUB. My actions speak to holding those guilty accountable. So what the hell are you talking about?

    People need to consider all variables before they vote. YOur argument is simply if I publish any truth about Nurith which you do not like I am running cover for her. No. I is he good the bad and the ugly. We have to make choices. People need to be held accountable. The only one running cover for the Casa del Nylon deal are Mike Hernandez's cabal of fellow con artists. I have published how the city can sue and get the money back. Mike's political whore Jessica Tetreua claims to have the 4 votes to do as she wants. They can vote to sue. But Mike is protecting Cabler and a suit means Cabler falls and comes in 3rd in the mayor's race. Thse are facts and you hate them

    Bobby WC

    1. You are so full of shit blimp. The commenter is correct....don’t get your panties in a bunch, dude. You have stated on your,”un-bought blog, that you favor Nurith, Trey, and Cowen...and that will make life so wonderful for Trey and all will be great in the universe. You can’t have it both ways blimp...first you endorse her and then you side-step and say you broke the casa de nylon story and tenaska story as well. You blame the lovely Jessica for not suing to get money back from the Galonskys casa de nylon sale. So you think that your choice, Nurith, will be elected and then sue her family? Are you that medicated? You are nuts dude!? People see through your delusions.

    2. The moment you had to refer to Ms. Tetreua as a whore you lost the entire argument. You degrade men and women with your putrid mouth and then you like Rosanne Bar and blame your pills! Galonsy, Cowan, and Mendez, will be asked publicy if they will reject you endorsement knowing you call women whores, pigs and bitches.

  5. If we were to believe Bobby about him not being able to stand, much less write because of his tremors, well, it just seems odd that he makes it to all these political functions and drinks Makers Mark with coke. Just what a guy that is heavily medicated needs to stable himself and get the shakes out....alcohol.

  6. One troll i have been to one event other than the Cascos event before things got so bad. SO you lie.

    Yes I think the trio of Trey, Cowen Galonsky would be good. But I 100% the lawsuit against the BPUB and if she ends up looking bad so be it - no sacred cows. The fact is Jessica said she has control. They can vote to file the lawsuit. She does not because it will expose Cabler, which is why Rick Longoria is telling people lies about me. My source on Galonsky Casa del Nylon called crying telling me that if she told anyone Galonsky was in the room with Cabler Martinez would have her arrested. I stand by that report. If the lawsuit I know Jessica can file with her majority were to be filed, Nurith's support or non support of Tenaska and keeping the money and higher rates will come. Let the truth be known and let the axe fall where it may. On Casa del Nylon it is slam dunk, except Rick will lie to protect Cabler. I support both lawsuits now and do not care who ends up looking bad. Why are you so against the two lawsuits and the truth coming out.

    As to my health it is progessive. The meds are very short term. After Trey Pachanga I did not take my meds to help me sleep. Every who saw me knows on one drink I was slurring my speech I am not a drinking.

    Now troll tell everyone what I am coving up by demanding Jessica use her majority to file both lawsuits.

    Bobby WC

    1. You still don’t get it blimp. You say that because Mike Hernandez supports someone, he automatically is pRt of their wrongs... so are you blimpo! You are supporting Nurith Galonsky, so you support and are OK with the millions they got for the worthless Casa De Nylon building.....don’t you get it? You can not have it both support Nurith so you support her non action as a PUB board member and not return the millions collected from ratepayers on Tenaska. You blaming Jessica is plain want Jessica to sue the Galonskies to get the money back?! The same Galonsky you support for commissioner you bumbling idiot!? Are you going to demand Nurith sue herself if she becomes commissioner? Do you think Cowen and Trey will do the same? You are stupider than people think. You are a fraud and a looney bird!

  7. If Tetrue have 4 votes they can dissolve BPUB. It is part of the City. Why don't they do that and start over? McAllen's utility doesn't have all the problems of raping the citizens and voting each other 100K raises every year like the good ol' BPUB.



                         From the editor: Check out the prices at this general store in Cantril, Iowa: 2lb. sausage $3.99, ham .99lb., etc. ...