From the editor: Two years ago, when Ana and I were in Iowa as she fulfilled a travel nursing assignment, I received an email from a woman who said she was the sister of local blogger Jerry McHale. The woman, Anne McHale Holden, detailed what she claimed were repeated sexual assaults by her older brother, Jerry, commencing when she was 15 years old.
This report struck a nerve as my own father was a sexual predator and I'm fully aware of the destruction that can wreak on a family.
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Anne McHale Holden |
My first response was to message Jerry to hear his side of the story. Jerry did not deny the assaults, but begged me not to print her claims, saying it would "ruin him."
I pondered the publishing of the email for a month or two before finally deciding it was in the interest of protecting possible victims to publish it. The problem was that I'd inadvertantly deleted the email or actually a series of emails.
Then, when former City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau published recently the fact that she'd received information claiming that a "local blogger" had been guilty of sexual assaults, I began to dig into the the internet to see if I could relocate the emails I'd received from Ms. Holden, finally locating them in the archives. (I met Mrs. Tetreau at the F.B.I. office this morning to share the information I had.)
I'm publishing the first of several emails below. We leave it to the reader to determine the level of veracity.
"Let the reader use discernment." Saint Matthew, Chapter 24, Verse 15
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Jerry McHale |
Hi Jim,
My name is Anne McHale Holden. I have very much distanced myself from this person but Jerry McHale is my brother.
You and your wife I’ll assume on your blog have written about this person. He’s a heinous, diabolical, evil and sick person.
His blog about Mayra Flores when she was on Fox News my husband and I received a phone call. We were asked if this was my brother and if so we needed to turn on Fox News. Were we surprised to what he wrote about this woman and how foul and sick it was? No!
This evil and despicable person started molesting me at the age of 15. He came into a room I shared with 4 sisters and awoke to “fingers fondling my vagina, penetrating my vagina to fondling my breasts and soon I felt a warm liquid on my stomach. He made the premeditated act of using me as his sexual playground to act out his sexual fantasy, sexual arousal and sexual gratification.” I was frozen in fear and unable to move. It’s unimaginable for me to fully articulate what I felt. It didn’t end. I was a sophomore in high school and continued for months and months many nights a week. I went to my parents after it continued to happen. I told them he was coming into our (girls room I shared with 4 sisters) and “doing terrible things to me and could you get him to stop.” My mother as if it was just an hour ago said to me “it’s you’re problem, not our.” My father “my boys are perfect and do no wrong.” My parents made a conscious decision with sound mind to remain silent and allow their son to come into the girls room emboldened by their silence that gave him permission to use me as his “sexual playground” as they slept peacefully while I laid in bed multiple times a week. I knew now I had no value or worth and that my parents have now made me the “sacrificial lamb” and “dirty little secret” to protect an image they were at all costs even knowing and condoning their young daughter being so violently and heinously being violently sexually assaulted that this family was “The All American Irish Catholic Family” that would be a perfect Norman Rockwell painting as the quintessential family that every American family would dream of being and wanting to emulate. Nothing could be further from the truth. Evil of the worse kind was played out behind the closed doors and the brothers and sisters went along with this charade to protect this now bona fide sexual predator as to not ruin of how this family was perceived.
This is a snippet of not just the sexual abuse but of the physical, psychological and mental abuse I was forced to endure from not just my parents but other 6 brothers and sisters.
I am 69 years old. My dignity and self worth were stolen and I was given a life sentence of self loathing and my dignity that I was not seen as having any worth or value.
The abuse carried over to my son. In retaliation for starting to speak out my younger brother took his anger and hatred towards me on my once so beautiful and sweet son.
Irreparable damage has been done that will never heal.
In making this short in October of 2020 when my mother told me “being molested and raped was no big deal, get over it, it happened years ago, her sons have been good to she and my father and to the rest of the family. Also you know Christopher (my son) deserved everything he got from Bill (brother) because he really wasn’t a very good boy.” Justifying the aberrant and evilness of behavior that was nothing short of criminal that would be considered felonies but they were protected.
The next morning I called a lawyer. I had a case. I had to see a Forensic Psychiatrist to see if he would validate my story with a Certificate of Merit. It was a 2.5 hour interview. This psychiatrist only desks with women who as children were victims of sexual violence. I had to be very specific in timing of the assault, details and graphics. It was physically, emotionally and psychologically painful and exhausting. I went to bed for two days. At the end of the session the Dr. Put his head on the table and covered with his hands. He finally brought his head up and said “Anne you’ve had a sad life and you have a sad life. In all my years I have never heard a story like yours. Your family is evil. Your parents should have been arrested on Gross Negligent Child Abuse and Aiding and Abetting a Criminal. Your brother should have been arrested on Felony Sexual Assault, served time and made to register as a sex offender the rest of his life.
My case closed April of this year. I was awarded in a NDA a unprecedented amount of money under a bill here in California as I filed in the window period of time.
Money doesn’t give you back anything you lost. Doesn’t make it better. I only get satisfaction that the person I went after I rendered him financially destitute, he had to borrow money and I made his life miserable. But never could it be to what it did to me and the suffering I was forced to endure.
My younger sister who beat me and left me for dead in summer of 2005 because I spoke out about the abuse my son had to endure recently sent me an e mail. Threatening me with retaliation if I continued to speak out. My mother told me I’d be sorry for speaking out. My other sister called me a few years ago and told me the family would never speak to me again. I didn’t know what boundaries are and that I’ve made our mother a “victim.” My younger brother of a few years told me “ you don’t meet the criteria and standard to call yourself a McHale and not to acknowledge myself as one. His wife went to my mother and told her that my granddaughter the daughter of my son same thing her husband told me told my mother the family felt that way about this 4 year old. They would no longer consider her a part of the family and wouldn’t be invited to any more family gatherings. My mom told me I bring shame and disgrace to the family and no one wanted me around. Nothing is off limits to protect a image.
This person has lived in Brownsville for most of his adult life. He’s been writing about people who hold office in Brownsville with no filter and the filth he writes to discredit their value, worth and decency has been accepted and tolerated. One of his ex wives since the Mayra Flores that people in Brownsville are afraid of him. If they say something in disagreement he will write about them. This person is a despicable person with absolutely no morals or ethics. He’s a predator. A violent predator. How much carnage has he left to the dude of the road in Brownsville? Why is he given a lease to say and write? He’s a nobody. He’s the creeps of creeps. He’s a low life sexual predator that is incapable of possessing any decency of a respectable human being. He’s evil. He’s a sick despicable human being who gets pleasure by dehumanizing women especially. Has Brownsville not had enough. Are the people and community leaders so afraid and weak to run this despicable human being out of town? He has no place in a civilized society. He’s a misfit. He’s sick like the rest of his family who found his behavior acceptable and tolerable. The real perpetrators are my parents. They could have stopped him from his sexual predation on their daughter. Gotten him help but they chose not to because then the dirty little secret would have been out and poof their image might be ruined. The fundamental foundation of society is family and the night I was first molested the McHale foundation of family was shattered forever. My parents are first and foremost responsible for making not only their other children but now the next generations be a party to the felonious crimes committed and to do at whatever the cost to cover them up.
I’m not sure what yo will do with this information. My goal was to inform you as I have others in your community of the type of person this sick, evil and heinous being is and why he’s been allowed to print what he considers great journalism but it’s nothing but x rated evil and hate filled rhetoric to discredit who he can find as his next victim.
I have a declaration I wrote and sent out to many people. If you want one let me know is and I’ll send you one. It explains in some detail of his family and the sickness of narcissism, grandiosity and delusional runs rampant in the McHale family. They are all about as evil, cold hearted as any group of people could ever be.
I hope this person is run out of town. He’s an embarrassment and disgrace to his beautiful and sweet boys who still live in Brownsville. They have wonderful mothers.
Anne McHale Holden is a hero.
ReplyDeleteWhy were you at the FBI?